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  • in reply to: Covenant Of Wealth Discussion Board 1 #32367

    Reply to CW Group Discussion
    You did well with all the attempts you made to answer this question. I owe you an immeasurable commendation.
    However, I have some reservations which may not necessarily narrow down your inputs or position in this circumstances. In response to the question, I had expected you will open it up with an introduction of things like the meaning of giving is all among others. it should be emphasized here, that this answer(s) can be read or used by anybody and should therefore be to stand the text of time, any time anywhere.
    I may want to agree with you that Prophet Elijah met the renowned Widow of Zarephath and she gave with a willing heart, because Prophet Elijah asked of her. But I stand to be corrected; and hence it must be noted that it was a divine arrangement by God. Elijah was directed by God to go to her. It was purely divinely orchestrated and therefore could not be cited as a proper case study in this respect. It was not her will but God’s Will.
    Recall that in 1 Kings 17:1, Elijah gave the prophetic words which denied the land rain and God asked him to the brook of Cherith, to hide for safety and the ravens brought bread for him while he drank from the brook. When the brook dried up due to no rain in the land, God sent him to this widow of Zarephath as in 1 Kings 17:3-10). In any case, they were widows in the immediate environments of the Jordan, and that Elijah was directed to this particular widow is also credence that she was a faithful widow indeed, who possesses requisite qualities.

    in reply to: Prayer Basics Discussion Board 1 #27777

    My Response
    I want to appreciate you for the efforts you made in respect of this assignment. However, I have my reservations as highlighted forthwith.
    There is no biblical reference to back up your definition of praise; as I do not fine the said definition in alignment with validated ones and those variously put forward by almost all. Again, in your number one, you seem to be laying emphasis on faith than on praise; because you went forward to define faith suggests this assertion.
    In the same vein, it appears you are still in the mood of the step of the earlier assignment of four advantages of New Testament and Old Testament saint prayer stuff. It is clear, we are no longer, in that regime.
    Fundamentally, the question is about why praise God, why you are to yet see or receive the answers to your prayer or requests. Going by your dispositions, it seems to me that you were only interested in the importance of praise and not why profess Him before the thing you are asking for reaches your hands. I stand to be corrected.
    This takes us to the concluding part. Because of the above observed flaws the conclusion was shaky and unavailable.

    in reply to: Christian Character Discussion Board 2 #23882

    REPLY to Christian Character Group Discussion 2 Assignment
    Your opening sentences and introduction were very clear, good and commendable. The definition was apt and aligned correctly as expected. Meanwhile, it is very easy to approach the centrality of mind renewal from various angles; taking into account our primary knowledge, conditional requirement and purpose of God, in the life of a typical believer: focusing on character relevance and imperative development, in order to live and run a successful Christian race.
    Having said that, it is equally necessary to point out few areas of concern. Your simplicity and style of treating five areas without in-depth touch, is worthy of mention. Further highlighting and detailed presentation could have helped to trigger more questions and learning. We think, this is the whole essence of the exercise. The entire exercise lacked title and subhead in order to guide reading and for easy comprehension. This puts everyone in jeopardy as where we are heading to and it ought not to be that way. Even if, we are writing out of point, there should be a definite direction and focus.
    This work is good and deserve commendation; as the efforts alone is worth it. However, as students we are prone to errors and mistakes and even misapplication, which are unintended and should be understood in that context.
    To be an effective and efficient believer, your character must be above board and must be better on a daily basis; otherwise you would not know when you enter the trap and snare of the devil. That is not our portion, one would say; only if we keep our eyes on the ball, without relenting through regular and continual renewal of mind to engender dynamic character development.

    in reply to: Christian Character Discussion Board 2 #23878

    Christian Character Group Discussion 2 Assignment
    Christian Character is the Christ-like character; which is the character of Christ of the believer. This means believing and acting like Christ in all circumstances of life. That is, the life of Christ in the believer. Character is the ability to stay with the boss regardless of the trying moment. Consistency in marriage, business, relationship, and even ability to forgive as commanded by the Master.
    Therefore, the development of Christian character is the wholesome responsibility of each individual believer. However, parental training, guidance and influences as the first ‘God’ are also paramount especially at the moulding stage; moreso it is a Biblical requirement (Eph 6: 4; Prov 22:6). This epitomizes the importance of character in the race of the kingdom and the centrality of the renewal of mind for that purpose. Hence, the importance of character development cannot be overemphasized and can be viewed variously and just summarized below:
    1. Character by grace
    In renewing your mind, you have a soul which lives in your body and a spirit. You have to develop your inclinations, dispositions etc to be like God. Every now and then, your thought life should be replica of Christ with His words as guiding tool and such will guarantee your spiritual standing, make you good ardent and then faithfully response and react to every situation as Christ would. Inability to renew one’s mind, you can neither develop nor maintain Christian character (Col 3:16; Heb 12:1-2; 1 Tim 2: 1-2; 2 Cor 3:18). Full life and godliness result from a renewed mind in Christ. This also represents the supply and provision of God, which grows as one develops and growth is a sign of life. We must ensure our character today is better than that of yesterday.
    2. Diligence
    By consistent living as enabled by God who always get things done with and for us. So, self-effort is not the fundamental. Once, we have and work with God, we build these life sustaining character traits (2 Pet 1:1-5). This is divine power to divine nature. The seed is already in us for development; we need to continue to add and have it spring up- as the new creation attributes. Imparting and empowering are the essence and being conscious of the grace is diligence. God has called us to develop our character as provided by God, not by our works.
    3. Balance grace and diligence
    Strive to develop a bit of grace and a bit of diligence in order to maintain and achieve a renewed character or active mind for Christ. In 1 Pet 2: 12-13 and Phil 2:12-13, we are admonished to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We are to do our part as God has done His own. We should work out our faith and should not give up-because God is at work and we are work-in- progress. This remains the process to keep our character in check and make us win souls to the kingdom.
    4. Mind Transformation
    For growth, sustainable godliness and scripturality, we need to keep our character on top-check; to avoid exhibiting inconsistence in behavior with our Father God. Jesus never demonstrated such in His life. This process or mind boosting/renewal or metamorphorsis of our mind is our guarantee that the character of God, the divine nature, resident in us will be successfully developed.
    References to relevant portions of the Bible, most already highlighted will be of immense help.
    5. Leadership
    If you do not renew your mind, you can never have good character and therefore not be given leadership position (1 Tim 3;10; James 1:21-22). This is because renewal of mind is central to having good character which will qualify one for vineyard assignment.
    Because of the significance of the mind renewal to the character development and the immense benefits to the kingdom, Christian character has a pivotal role to play. Therefore, it’s development attracts much attention.
    In the discussion of reputation, charisma, agape love, among others the position of character is indispensable. It is opined that character is the bedrock of every successful believer and should be given a prime place; taking into cognizance, the relevance of the centrality of systematic mind renewal efforts and importance for the attainment of the feat. Believers with sterling character must work in wisdom, among other befitting qualities and even when unfairly attacked, will trust God’s vindication while still displaying good character. It should be noted that attacks should not change who you are for ultimately, a person’s character will be seen after the fire of persecuation.

    in reply to: Christian Character Discussion Board 1 #23544

    Reply to Christian Character Group Discussion 1
    While we admire your ingenuity in your varied approach to response to this group discussion; we do also appreciate your line of thought and insight. However, in our mind and considered opinion, it seems your method did not necessarily do justice to the question in question.
    Your approach to the topic in question was generic and failed to specifically address the issues in contest: the quote and how it relates to the Bible verse Ephesians 2: 8-9 or otherwise. Again, your position was not defined as demanded by the content of the question. In the same vein, remember, this course run through series and each has its foundation and this was equally absent in your work. No wonder the proper words/semantics were also missing. These are fundamental flaws which tend to impede, on your well intended presentations.
    You ought to have explained the quote ‘Good works that stem of a relationship with Christ Jesus are witnesses for Jesus’; subscribe to it or otherwise and then relate it to the Ephesian 2: 8-9; as may be explained too. You are at liberty to establish or suggest any connection between the two or otherwise.
    To that extent, we suggest that much ought to be done by your good self to align your position to the intent and purpose of the question in view.
    We feel this remain the crux of the matter; even as we humbly salute you for your endowed efforts.

    in reply to: Christian Character Discussion Board 1 #23542

    Christian Character Group Discussion 1
    “Good works that stem of a relationship with Christ Jesus are witnesses for Jesus”. This posits that there is an existing relationship with Christ portending that there is a believe in the heart, counted as righteousness and confession with the mouth, of Jesus life, dead and resurrection, equated to salvation. This is the case of a believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we stand with the above quote.
    It does emphasize the Christian evidence of good character as to become a good witness for Christ in the utmost desire and quest to win souls to the kingdom. As a believer who lives and acts like Christ, your life will be become an example to others and therefore encourage them to seek and desire to walk with Jesus Christ. So, a Christian good works become instrumental to witness for Jesus Christ.
    Referring to the scriptures, Matt 5: 13-16; Christians are referred to as the salt of the earth, and we all know the importance of salt and the consequent of not having it in our meals. It also says, we are the light of the world; a light without which the world will not have illumination. Our light should so shine before men, that they may see our good works and then glorify our father in heaven. In Phil 2: 14-16, the Christian despite all the world carries, still shines as the light of the world. Good behaviors and godly dispositions of the Christian attract men to the vineyard of the Lord and this is equivalent or equal to Christian character and are meant to be witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the potent manner to win souls (Matt 10:7-8), in the attainment of The Great Commission agenda.
    The Christian character is the character of the Father-God and every believer who rightly align properly with God, will exhibit these characters and become a channel for effective evangelism and missions, even without a word but by mostly conducts. Therefore believers, we mean true believers will showcase godly characters, because the DNA in God has been downloaded unto them by impartation. With these embedded characters of God on the believer, witnessing for Jesus Christ, for souls conversion becomes an easy pack.
    Regarding Eph 2:8-9; as referenced, it is a case of an unbeliever, being prompted to come over through faith without necessarily requiring or doing any work of any sort; as the grace of God is all that is required, available and not of any good works. So, the quote above run parallel to the intent and purpose of the verse of the Bible in this particular instance. Here, no relationship yet with Christ Jesus.

    The quote above is valid, upheld and represents Christ character personified in the life of a Christian, through which such becomes a good witness in the realization of The Great Commission objectives and goals. Whereas, the second part is the first stage of getting an unbeliever to come over to the fold; who may graduate into the believers’ family and be imparted with the God DNA, to function too as a good witness for the Master’s assignment.

    in reply to: Evangelism and Follow Up Discussion Board 2 #23485

    Reply to Evangelism and Follow Up Board Discussion 2
    This was a great feat, which calls for a celebration because a soul has been saved and won to the kingdom. Truly, your efforts are commendable, for your ability to spot your colleague who just relocated to your station is very strategic. Your wisdom in this regard was properly deployed and it did yield th desired results. Kudos. His relocation or environment change offered a unique opportunity, which paid off to the glory of God.
    However, there are still areas of concern, may be not in a particular order. Motherly love and the preaching of Christ may not sink well and that was why it seemed the mother’s did not yield the desired result. But the truth remains she sew the seed. While referring to God, capital letter should start it but you used small h, instead of H. it was a proper representation.
    Indicating the name of the prospect here also mean, you are not confidential enough in matters of such magnitude.
    Also, because you were loaded with scriptures, more than necessary were deployed and this has the chance to confuse and disinterest the person. Hence, it is advisable to narrow to few with John 3;16, 17,18, inclusive. Time factor should equally be considered.
    In the concluding part, you did say or you were rejoicing for bringing Matthew to Christ. No. You did no such. God brought him and glory to Him alone. Meanwhile, you are wise.

    in reply to: Servanthood Discussion 1 #23389

    MY REPLY 1: Servanthood
    Going by your submissions, while I do admit and agree with most of them regarding service outgrowth, I find it difficult to subscribe and reconcile with the leadership disposition: knowing it has to do with influencing a person or group to achieve a goal. That takes me to the question of: how does a cleaner or messenger- through your leadership concept, influence the CEO for that purpose. The reverse is the case; thereby being one way traffic and negating the servanthood idea. To that extent, defining leadership, with entirely organizational background and mindset, might not give us the expected meaning of servanthood.
    Jesus made us to know that He has come to minister(serve) and not to be ministered(served) unto. So, the bone of contention here is service and not leadership; as both have different meanings and connotations. Otherwise, the congregation in the Church and the rank and file staff in organizations will not have any place in serving and becoming servants. This will be contrary to the purpose of God for us; having been an example for us to follow.
    Therefore, serving to become servant and not leadership as oga is most important, desirable and needful.
    In the same vein, saying a person can only outgrow service if he/she was serving with false humbiity equally gives me concern. Because, service under pretence is no service and therefore, does not qualify and align with the perspective under discussion.
    A person who abides by all the principles and dictates of servanthood is a servant and will never outgrow his/her service in either side of life.

    in reply to: Evangelism and Follow Up Discussion Board 2 #23380

    Evangelism and Follow Up Assignment Group Discussion 2
    In the month of August 2023, after a series of evangelism activities, my Pastor gave me a lead to a prospect/target and after due preparations and with the Pastor’s support I made my way on that fateful Saturday, to the shop.
    Beautifully, the person I was searching was the same person I enquired from. After introducing myself; which included the church I came from; went further to ask about the family and the business. As the responses were coming, the real essence of my coming was brought onboard; which was the gospel message and she was excited. Actually, I began by using a brief of my life history as it pertains to the gospel. I gave practical experiences of my personal life. Several verses of the Bible were read to buttress or as the bedrock of the discussion. Fundamentally, she welcomed and accepted the Gospel message wholeheartedly and assured of her readiness to come to worship God in our Church; by enquiring on her own our days of activities. This was eventually volunteered to her.
    After the brief and direct encounter, she opened up some of her life challenges, which included top family issues/desires, business issues as among others. Thereafter, we prayed together and those of her prayer needs were equally placed before God; apart from formerly leading her to Christ. Also, regarding her we offered professional advice, in addition to the said prayers. As this was ongoing, the husband worked in and listened attentively to most of the chats and prior leaving I had a brief warm exchanges with him, in which he was invited to Church. We left there with our hearts filled with joy and hands full of requests and demand for spiritual demands. It was a reassuring and rewarding encounter.
    As earlier highlighted, the prospect as a result made a decision to believe and follow the Lord, and we were happy for that attainment. Uptil date, she is being followed up successfully.
    However, with the Ekklesia experience in this few weeks, one observes that the difference is very clear and the reasons why most prospects are not won to the Lord, is vividly known. This goes to explain that evangelism to large extent is being practiced without the right skill, experience and knowledge. Hence, the low outcome. There should be clear area of demarcation between analogue and digital on the matters of evangelism and follow up. The undisputable position of the word or command of God should be respected without compromise.
    The Ekklesia School and others efforts should be streamlined, to dynamically and systematically upgrade/update the tenets of evangelism and follow up procedures and guidelines, in the now; in order to achieve the goal of the Master. Going by what is available in the archive of Ekklesia, what is not done outside is only termed evangelism and follow up and never in the right sense of it. Much education and awareness are required if every Christian can win one soul in a month and may be twelve in a year.

    in reply to: New Creation Nuggets Group Discussion 1 #23184

    The case and the issue of the fall of man as briefly anchored in Genesis 2: 7, happened in the beautiful Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve were choicely resident by God to take charge. Adam and Eve were the first parents on the earth and were housed and cared for by God in a beautiful environment, with first class facilities and provisions but had to fall short due to disobedience of the instruction of God by eating the forbidden fruit and thereby led to their dethronement from the garden(Gen 2:16-17). Biblically as referenced in Romans 6:2; Ezekiel 18:4, any soul which sins shall die. From this incidence, sin had its way into the world, in what is said to be sin corruption of life and the introduction into the world by the Adamic nature and influence. Hence, man died spiritually, with physical death in succession and eternal death in waiting. So, the old creation was the old Adamic life in the garden. Also, this led to the lost of the benefits and blessings available in a sinless situation.
    This is the genesis of the fall of man; otherwise described as the fall of man into sin, orchestrated by our Papa and Mama of old. Because every action has a consequence, this one was not an exception and God in His infinite mercy thought of a way out of the situation, to redeem us. Basically, the effects of the fall of Adam (man); from a privileged position to an unprepared one, as we can envisage is not a pleasant one. The burden of the recovery of man became an issue of concern.
    There are various effects/pitfalls of the fall of man; considering the enormity of the pronouncement of the Creator. However, for this purpose three will be detailed out:
    1. Dead
    In Romans 6; 23;Ezekiel 18: 4; among other Biblical references, it is emphatically made clear that the soul which sins shall die and starts with spiritual death before ending with the physical dead. So, that is the state to which the life corrupted sin of Adam represent. Death which is the separation from the source of life came into being with all the associated consequences came to be, by the action of one man. This is how the fate of mankind was handed over to the devil. When, we hear that the devil is in charge of the earth, here comes the genesis.
    2. Power Of Knowledge
    Being dead, is dead in everything. In Genesis 2:19-20; and supported by other scriptures’, as God created every other creatures in the waters, air, and the land; man gave them names and whatever names he gave them are what there are answering and bearing till now. Imagine the number of these creatures and the capacity and ability of man to give them names. Can such be replicated now? Man lost that power of knowledge, due to disobedience and fallout with his creator. The damage is enormous.
    3. Lost of Status
    In Genesis 3: 24, the Bible says the Lord drove out man from the garden, originally well prepared for his comfort and from the tree of life. When the spirit which controls the physical was separated from the body by death due to sin, what should one expect? Fundamentally, every provision has been withdrawn and this was epitomized in Genesis 3:13-19, where God released what one may term as the full punishment of the disobedience to both Adam and Eve, in different proportions. Equally, note that with the dethronement from the garden of Eden, beauty, reputation, favour among other benefits/blessings were lost.

    Because, God created man in His own image and likeness; He was still poised to find a way of reconciliation and re-establishing of the relationship with man. This effort led to the substitution agenda embarked upon by God with Jesus Christ’s, birth, dead and resurrection experiences (John 3:16). This is the new creation stuff bottled by grace of the new covenant. With this, full restoration of the divine plan takes effect.

    in reply to: Evangelism and Follow Up Group Discussion 1 #23083

    Evangelism ought have various approaches and methods, including sharing of flyers and rather should be consistently and regularly pursued and maintained. Do not forget that it is an intentional thing which requires preparations and others. There may be plans for hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and possibly annual evangelical programmes. We should not forget that evangelism should be dynamic; taking into cognizance the developmental trend, the people concerned; so as to effectively appeal to the understandings, needs and circumstances of the prospects and thereby bring them onboard. For us, every tool of evangelism, no matter how archaic there seem should be put in use, based on the environment. They are prospects, you may not reach, but a flyer or tracts can reach him/her. Testimonies abound where a number of people have given their lives such means. So we suggest, we should not limit ourselves, as the Master can use any means to bring any onboard.
    Bullying or forcing persons to accept Christ does not represent evangelism, in any form. This brings us to the position that the referenced social media example was just a phrank and does not hold water, especially in this case. The reason being that no desirous soul winning Christian, who has set out for the task for display such attitude.
    Generally, we do appreciate your arguments as feasible.

    in reply to: Evangelism and Follow Up Group Discussion 1 #22833

    Evangelism ought have various approaches and methods, including sharing of flyers and rather should be consistently and regularly pursued and maintained. Do not forget that it is an intentional thing which requires preparations and others. There may be plans for hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and possibly annual evangelical programmes. We should not forget that evangelism should be dynamic; taking into cognizance the developmental trend, the people concerned; so as to effectively appeal to the understandings, needs and circumstances of the prospects and thereby bring them onboard. For us, every tool of evangelism, no matter how archaic there seem should be put in use, based on the environment. They are prospects, you may not reach, but a flyer or tracts can reach him/her. Testimonies abound where a number of people have given their lives such means. So we suggest, we should not limit ourselves, as the Master can use any means to bring any onboard.
    Bullying or forcing persons to accept Christ does not represent evangelism, in any form. This brings us to the position that the referenced social media example was just a phrank and does not hold water, especially in this case. The reason being that no desirous soul winning Christian, who has set out for the task for display such attitude.
    Generally, we do appreciate your arguments as feasible.

    in reply to: Evangelism and Follow Up Group Discussion 1 #22828

    Truly, one way to determine what a thing is, is to know what it is not. In the same vein, one way to know what a thing is not, is to know what it is.
    Evangelism has been explained, defined and treated in various fora as the spreading of the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ for the sake of bringing unbelievers to repentance. We do know that this task is the duty and the nature of the Church.
    This Jesus Christ came and showed all Christians to emulate. In many versions of the Bible Jesus emphasized and re-emphasized evangelism as the core of His mission (Matt 9:10-13; Matt 15:24; Matt 4: 23) and has mandated or rather commanded all Christians (Matt 28:18-20), to the task of evangelism as a mandatory command.
    Evangelism is a love gift or love letter from the Lord. Every Christian is expected to show genuine commitment in bringing this to the doorsteps of every unbeliever, as exemplified by the Lord Jesus Christ; going from place to place with His disciples seeking for the lost souls. The essence of the church is evangelism; hence should be measured not by sitting capacity but by soul winning capacity.
    Evangelism as formally defined is concerted, self-conscious effort to confront the unbeliever with the truth about and claims of Christ with a view to leading that unbeliever into repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This definition shows readiness based on preparations and other attributes, which will positively enhance the success of the exercise.
    However, evangelism seems not to achieve it purposes because of various reasons which are not limited to: condemnation messages, segregation or class designation, unplanned, unintentional, unwillingness by the church/Christians to obey the command, ambiguous messages instead of the love message etc.
    Generally, as earlier mentioned for effective or true evangelism to take place, certain procedure ought to apply:
    1. Intentional
    Evangelism is the Goodnews of the Gospel and for you to be the carrier as commanded by the Master, it must come from the heart willingly. Prayerful preparations and other necessary tools will be deployed prior to the time. Because, you know you are on a mission with command, your commitment should not be in doubt and of course, the Master will crown your efforts with success.
    2. Message Content
    Because you are aware that everyone including yourself have sinned and come short of the glory of God, yours will just be to present the love of God message to the prospect, without any room for condemnation. The message should be simple and straight to the point. Statements; like, your own sins is much not arise; knowing that grace abounds. Evangelism requires love and due care for one another. It is an encouragement boat to the promised land; which brings the unbeliever to the point of asking which way forward.
    3. All Christians Responsibility
    In most Churches and places, evangelism is only left for the evangelists, evangelism team and few willing members of the church. In the line with the Master’s command, evangelism is compulsory for all Christians. Hence, it is necessary for every Christian to make up his/her mind to embrace it with all amount of seriousness. It has to be a deliberate action for all of us in the Kingdom, because it is the kingdom business and the Master has so commanded that if we love Him, we should we should obey (John 14:15).
    Evangelism is another name for the Great Commission by the Master (Matt 28:18-20) and can be efficiently carried out and achieved by deploying the five elements of command, timing, message, location and target; with the instrumentality of genuine holding of the tenets of the gospel. Fundamentally, evangelism is the essence and nature of the Church and every Christian. Therefore, we are obliged to comply, if truly we belong to the Vineyard of the Lord.

    in reply to: Servanthood Discussion 1 #22765

    MY REPLY 2
    Rebekah actually identified an opportunity to serve and stepped into it to fulfill her divine purpose in life. It was not the case of seeing an opportunity because you see something without knowing or understanding where it will take you to.
    The essence of this discussion was for the comparsim of the similarity and differences which occurred with Rebekah with Abraham’s servants and Joseph and Portiphar house in Eygpt. I want to state that justice was not done, except for stating the relevant biblical portions. However, I commend the effort.
    Be that as it may , it is good to acknowledge that highlighting them opened up issues correctly. While Rebekah identified an opportunity and stepped into it, Joseph was circumstantially found himself in the house of Portiphar as a slave. Forced labour if you ask me. However, that did not deter him to forget his dreams, even when Portiphar wife came knocking, to distract him from his divine path. For me, Joseph was a very focused personality and knew what he wanted. In the case of Rebekah, I am doubtful whether she passed through any challenging circumstances to text her commitment to her servanthood potentials. that she was a gift by a stranger and was so excited with it a put a question mark on her person. This Joseph may not do; because he had a goal. Do not forget; he was a dreamer and therefore a vision carrier. Rebekah was not a dreamer and anything can go.
    Both are woman and man of destiny; as each pallied through the path designed divinely. Both are in rendering functions, work, occupation in the true sense of serving others and to a great essence served credibly well. No wonder, they are personalities of repute in their own rights, till date. Thy are references for us as believers in particular and humanity in general.
    Their credible credentials of servanthood stand to be emulated.

    in reply to: Servanthood Discussion 1 #22761


    Service has variously been defined as occupation of person, work as per formal duties, system of assignment, ways or mode of serving or rendering activities; act or condition, depending on the position based on the prevailing circumstances.
    Clearly speaking, it is all about one serving the other or others in the process leading to being called a servant. Servanthood is the bottomline of the exercise. The word service or servant was modelled by our Lord Jesus Christ and it is expected to be our hallmark. Several biblical references attest to this, Isaiah 52:13-53:12. In the same vein, we are admonished to lead by serving others (Matt 20:25-28), as to serve also means becoming a slave and at the same time the greatest among your peers. Jesus exemplifies this, by coming not to be served but to serve humanity. Serving others brings one to be the first among equals. Jesus emphatically told His disciples that, anyone who desires to be first, he shall be last and servant of all. So, by this serving, ‘way up is down’(Mark 9:33-35). Therefore, in any contrary circumstances, service is out of it. Also in Mark 10:43-45, Jesus re-emphasised this position, signaling the importance service. Recall, the washing of feet of the disciples by Jesus in John 13:12-17. Meanwhile, that example was then applicable. This was an illustration and does not in any manner represent any doctrinal practice.
    There are great rewards of service and servanthood (the act of serving), if the four principles of service: unrelated to the state to your birth; it is a choice you make; it is not determined by the action you perform and service is never outgrown steps are scrupulously adhered to, as explicitly put forward and supported by Apostle Paul in Philippians 2:2-11 and Hebrews 4:1-16.
    As highlighted above, service is the duty of everyone, at each point in time and therefore, does not exclude any one. That is everyone is meant to serve, as long as such live on either side of the world. The one at the top of the organization as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), is ought to be the biggest servant; for the Church the General Overseer (GO); while for the home, the Father. Service can never be outgrown by any servant. In fact, it is synonymous with life; because faithfulness in service should be exhibited through all stages and phases of life.
    Let us look at this example, using the church: where we have the GO, AGO, Superintendent, Pastors, Assistant Pastors, Church workers and the congregation. Each of these persons and groups are in position in various degrees and are expected to deliver service accordingly. However, the GO in this case, if he must be great is expected to show great deal of servanthood spirit and never to relent in ensuring that there is increase in service delivery from one level to the other. It also means that as you ascend the hierarchical organogram, your degree of serving should be multiplied geometrically. The faithfulness in one level of service should be re-echoed in the next level of service (Luke 16:10-13). It is very necessary we are faithful in whatever is assigned to us because it is divine and should not be taken for granted. In order to establish and sustain servanthood, accountability and transparency are critical elements.
    In summary the way of God is a path of servanthood-by offering us the best of Himelf (Matt 23:11-12; Mark 10:43-45). There is no end to serving and therefore cannot be outgrown and cannot be retired from or be tired of. Where you think, there is nothing to offer; check well to identify, anticipate or create the opportunity to serve. Serving is synonymous with useful life and must be through all stages, steps and phases of life; provided faithfully conducted.
    Greatest is determined by the degree of servanthood. Hence, servanthood is not tied to your low economic standing or societal ranking but a choice made if one must be great and important in the society and in cognizance with the will of the Master as elucidated in the scriptures above. It should be noted that it takes greatest to become a servant and it takes servanthood to become a great man. Therefore, it is a privilege to serve and become servant, as it guarantees one chance to be a great and happy man with rest (Heb 4:16; Matt 11:28).

    Nnachi K. I.

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