I am most fortunate to have been a student of Ekklesia: School of Local Church. To say my life can never be the same is an understatement. Ekklesia gave me a complete paradigm shift in my values and priorities as a Christian. In Ekklesia, I realised that the most important thing in life is fulfilling the purpose of God for my life and maximizing my covenant benefits here on earth.
Unlike my imagination about a Bible school, I was surprised and excited about our academic work. Every day was full of new revelations and life changing teachings. My instructors were anointed and dynamic. I was most privileged to learn under Pastor Charles and Pastor Nkechi, my fathers and mentors in the Lord. One of the things Ekklesia taught me is complete and unreserved integrity in all I do. I also learnt that the call to ministry is a noble call and I was taught how to magnify my office as a minister, and rightly divide the Word of truth through in-depth study of God’s Word. I also learnt that in order to achieve excellence, I must have a zero tolerance for mediocrity.
Our instructors were disciplined, and discipline was the rule of thumb for every student. Our academic/spiritual work was very demanding, but if you ever felt weary and overwhelmed by the work load, a second look at our relentless and tireless instructors who have heavier work schedules will cause your seeming work load to pale into insignificance. Our instructors were simply amazing and stood as our role models for service to God.
Pastor Tayo SpenceAssistant Pastor
The Carpenter’s Church
Port Harcourt
Clergy Student
Class of 2012/2013

I am a self-motivated, enthusiastic Christian woman. I am an entrepreneur and operated an SME for years before co-founding Haddocks Marine Services Ltd., with my husband Chima Nwuzi. We have two lovely daughters: Chikanka and Chimdindu.
Ekklesia Business course opened my eyes to the exact way Christians should conduct their businesses. Business ethics was the peak for me. I learnt that possessing ethical value is an outward sign of an unshakable faith in God.
The personal testimony of our instructor Engr. Emeka Ene is a great faith booster. Now I’m confident of God’s favour on every effort I make. Ekklesia School is just awesome. For instance, Christian Character and Servanthood teaches on love and humility, while Little Beginnings encourages you to keep at what you’re doing no matter the challenges that seem to suggest you aren’t making progress. Today, I’m well furnished with necessary tools to stand out and be successful in my endeavours.
Pastor Helen NwuziBusiness Student
Class of 2014/2015

Having a communications background and work experience in the non- profits and real estate, the Ekklesia certificate in business was a wise choice.
One thing that sets Ekklesia apart from other schools is its emphasis on values, and its ability to bridge the gap between the sacred and secular divide. We were taught the traditional foundation needed for starting up and managing a company well and the importance of blending in creativity and innovation in order to remain relevant in the future, and all these were rooted in godly principles. The culture at Ekklesia is one that highly regards excellence both personally and professionally. The teamwork at Ekklesia gave me the opportunity to form great relationships with instructors and course mates who still provide valuable support.
Precious AwajinomBusiness Student
Class of 2014/2015

I work full time, I’m a wife and mother, so getting into Ekklesia was a sacrifice, however it was worth it all.
I started Ekklesia with a lot of anticipation and I was not disappointed. The course content was rich beyond what I expected; they were fully researched. I had to prepare for each class, knowing that my teachers were also coming well prepared, having put in time and effort to bring a rich content. I remember being asked by my husband if I had assessment every school day, because I endeavored to come to class prepared to meet the prepared teacher. One of the things that was reinforced for me in Ekklesia is that as a professional in whatever field, you are first and foremost a Christian, and your profession should and would be enhanced by living out Christian principles such as exemplary character, charisma, service, faithfulness etc. You have to lead yourself successfully before leading others.
Felicia SamuelLeadership Student
Class of 2014/2015

The steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord and indeed they are. My coming to Ekklesia transformed my life and gave me direction for my God given purpose.
I came into Ekklesia at a point in my life where I had so many questions because I wasn’t at peace with the teachings I used to receive then.
The knowledge of God’s Word I had received formerly was challenged and I would leave each class dazed at the depth of God’s Word taught. Some of our classes had great times of prophecy by Pastor Nkechi Ene and Pastor Sola Akinwale. On two occasions those prophecies were directed to me and really positioned me in my decisions.
Our Music instructor, Mrs. Namsey Okung, was amazing, learning under her was fun and interesting, and I was always looking forward to the next class.
I finished my Ekklesia year equipped with great knowledge of my music ministry and I thank God for leading me to Ekklesia.
Augustine Gideon UbongMusic Student
Class of 2014/2015

I applied to Ekklesia: School of Local Church after the deadline, but God brought it together and made it possible for me. Learning in class was different from regular academic exercise. Our instructors were not just limited to a lesson-plan but were open to the move of God. They were passionate about what they taught. They are men and women of practical faith who inspired us by their lifestyle.
I attended each class with great expectation. Our Evangelism class taught me to recognize and take advantage of opportunities to share my faith in simple but effective ways. Christian Character was the bomb! I understood whose image I was. I desired more to live a life of integrity. I learnt to pray right with fewer struggles and guaranteed answers. Grace and Faith course was the icing on the cake! I applied the lessons I learnt in my secular life. I took baby steps at improving one aspect of my life after another and gradually became a better person.
Ekklesia wasn’t just a teaching school but a training school where I learnt to apply God’s Word. Ekklesia is a family oriented school where you feel you are part of something bigger than yourself. God has used my time in Ekklesia to prepare me for amazing and greater times ahead.
Uloma ChinkeLeadership Student
Class of 2015/2016

At Ekklesia, the learning list is endless and the process entirely as it cuts across the spirit, soul and the body. What is even more thrilling is the opportunity to learn at the ‘feet’ of men and women of God who have proven their ministries in integrity, simplicity and sincerity over the years with visible excellence, and of whose grace and giftings, I am a living testimony.
Ekklesia was very intensive, demanding and required a lot of self-drive and self-motivation, but was certainly very fulfilling in every way. Probably, the most humbling of the experiences is the joy of knowing that this is what Jesus would have me do, and the peace that comes from knowing that I am where He would rather I be, serving Him. Beyond all else that there is abundant grace to do everything He has called me to do and so much more.
Josephine Enekole AitafoBusiness Student
Class of 2015/2016

I am married and blessed with three wonderful kids. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Geology and a postgraduate diploma in Petroleum Engineering. I have also developed a career in oilfield formation evaluation (Coring Services) as a field engineer, consultant, and entrepreneur.
My time at Ekklesia has been a period of enrichment, impartation, and transformation. I now have the desire of manifesting the virtues of character, confidence, commitment, courage and charisma in every area of my life.
The Dynamics of Business course which was my major was a novel experience, as we were not only exposed to the core aspects of business, but also gained some practical tips from our instructor, Engr. Emeka Ene, an experienced and iconic figure in the oil industry.
I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the faculty of the school for their simplicity, excellence and commitment throughout the school year.
Stephenson OgbobulaBusiness Student
Class of 2017/2018

I am a wife and a microbiologist.
My experience in Ekklesia has been a life changing one, which taught me a lot of things. Being conscious of my leadership potentials and needs, I realized the necessity to sharpen and broaden my leadership skills, and Ekklesia was and is the best place for that.
I found out about Ekklesia from my brother who is a member in TCC, and after I enrolled in the school, I have had no regrets. My character as a Christian has been strengthened. I am more aware of how to be a leader. Generally, the expectations I had for Ekklesia were exceeded. I am already putting my acquired knowledge to work in every aspect of my life.
I want to thank all my instructors for their impartation, their time and walking this journey with me; I can never take it for granted. I am sincerely grateful.
Precious ChrisLeadership Student
Class of 2017/2018

I am a medical doctor by training, working as a health management specialist having previously worked as a clinician. In my formal training as a medical doctor, business and management weren’t learnt formally. A desire for personal development and the testimonies shared by alumni made the decision to enrol in Ekklesia easy.
Ekklesia has more than fulfilled the desires I had in mind when I enrolled. It demystified the concepts of entrepreneurship; taught that being a Christian and ethical businessman in Nigeria was achievable; reinforced the power of character and so much more. The course content is rich, and the instructors have a real desire to impart knowledge.
My classmates were a unique group of people who made this journey all the more memorable as their individual uniqueness shone through making classes lively, group projects interesting and fostering bonds that will surely outlive our school year.
Pastor Derrick Isaac-IselobhorBusiness Student
Class of 2018/2019

I have an engineering background and currently work as an environment, health and safety specialist. I am blessed with four beautiful children and a lovely wife who recently went home to be with the Lord
My time at Ekklesia was a very special one. The Di s tinc tive Leade r ship cour s e revolutionized my approach to leadership. It showed me how to lead according to God’s standards and that leadership can be learned and perfected.
Amongst other things, servant-leadership gave me a clear insight that the key to true service is humility. I have applied the principles learnt in my family, local church and at work and I achieved great results. The instructors were dedicated, and I looked forward to every class because I was always impacted positively.
I thank God for this great opportunity to get the tools to be excellent in everything I do, and I do not take it lightly.
Dormene MaebaLeadership Student
Class of 2018/2019

I am an electrical/electronics engineering graduate with almost twenty year s experience in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. I am also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pink Flamingo Farms
I first met the Lord as a teenager in the university and my life has since been forever transformed. My love and passion for God and a desire to know Him more drives my life and direction and also infuenced my decision to attend Ekklesia.
From my very first day in class, I felt the transforming impact of this decision. It was amazing to behold how deep spiritual truths are taught with world class academic standards. Within the vast and rich curriculum, I learnt the precepts of Christian character, and that I can achieve high flying entrepreneurial success in the Nigerian business environment while still remaining an uncompromised and ethical believer.
I am married to Pastor Chuks Okafor and we are proud parents.
Nneka Lilian OkaforBusiness Student
Class of 2019/2020