Forum Replies Created
You have explained the characteristics and principles of leadership regarding authority and accountability well. You said that accountability and authority work hand in hand, which I buy into. But I feel you did not hit the nail on the head. This is very much unlike you. It’s like you didn’t have time to attend to this question.
The question is “In what ways can a leader be accountable while having authority, which you touched on in a way. However, what was required of us was a real-life situation, to balance accountability and authority.
The lecturer gave us a series of examples. He used the church organogram and family group unit to explain this. Let me use the church office setting as an example. The man at the apex is Pastor Nkecki Ene (Mrs.). She cannot do all the work alone hence there is a delegation, which is to the person of Pastor Sola, who in turn delegates part of his tasks to others (the assistant Pastors/supervisors), and on-and-on to the least staff in the Ministry. The subordinates are responsible to their immediate leader.
Whatever task Pastor Sola has delegated to his subordinate(s), he is solely accountable. Whether it was properly done or not, delayed (did not meet the deadline), he cannot go and tell Pastor Kech that he is sorry that Sister Felicia for instance did not deliver as expected. He will maintain his authority, yet be accountable for the authority delegated to him.
Accountability rests on the one with the delegated authority and is mostly channeled to the one at the apex.saysay
For me, the promise in this context differs from the promise Hebrews 11:39 is talking about. The emphasis is on “the Promise”. The promise is the coming Christ the messiah. I agree that we all received a promise. This is a different ball game from the heroes of Faith in Hebrews 11. The Promise is something better, a “better Promise”. They received primes I agree absolutely but we received better promise in Christ Jesus. We are receiving a complete work of Jesus Christ. They could not be made complete until the coming of Jesus Christ.
Their faith made ours easier than that of the Old Testament saints. If the Old Testament saints could have such great faith according to the writer, how many more of us, in the new covenant?saysay
ParticipantNAME: Sarah Ajakaiye
COURSE: Distinctive Leadership II> An Exceptional Leader is Accountable
Authority has been defined as a delegated power, or right to function in an organization or structure. For authority to be vested, there is a cell, segment, unit, and department which are mostly structured hierarchically, to achieve some set goals. Authority cannot be a one-off thing because nobody can exercise authority over himself or herself.
A leader in authority has the right to allocate or delegate a part of his job to someone deemed fit or trusted. The person or subordinate is responsible and accountable to the one in authority or who allocated the job to him. It is expected, that the job description is well communicated, and it is the responsibility of the subordinate to deliver accordingly and at the specified time. However, the result or expected result or outcome rests on the shoulder of the one in authority, whether successful or not. He is to account for the job given to him.
Accountability means being answerable to the one above you, your subordinate, your peers, your clients, potential clients, others within and without the organization, and your family. Most of all to your conscience.
Every year, The Carpenter’s church camps The Carpenter’s Teen Church (TCTC), a home from. For some reason, we resorted to day camp. The activities are structured so that everybody has a role to play, with the assistant Pastors, and the main supervisors (in the camp), equally headed by the associate Pastor and the presiding Pastor. The leaders were to take instructions from the assistant Pastor while the teen workers were from the leaders.
I was attached to the pastor in charge of food, and “bole”, [roasted plantain, potatoes. Yam, fish, chicken, and beef (suya)], are part of the meals. We were to source materials required by the vendor. I was to purchase the materials (as a first-timer in this field). I made all the inquiries and booked for the plantain. Unfortunately, the plantain supplier’s mum passed, and the time frame for a new negotiation was not there (the supplier was to buy from the farmers and cover for them). I had to flag it with my supervisor for a plan B price increase, the sizes were not the same as the ones we bargained for initially. To add salt to injury, I did not buy the right charcoal (I never knew charcoal had species. We delivered quite well but did not meet with the quality and timing.
The bottom line is that in all of these, my supervisor did not point an accusing finger at me especially when I bought the wrong coal, she did not push me to go and explain myself when the camp boss came to find the reason for the delay. She proposed an alternative buying, after making inquiries. And was encouraging me during the stretch moment. When the camp boss came to the scene to find out why the serving paused at some point, she quickly stepped in and explained the cause. I see the characteristics of an exceptional leader displayed in all of these.
The Carpenter’s Church runs its financial year from July to June. During my first two years in office, my supervisor prepared the budget and forwarded it to me after approval. She told me to keep track of the expenses and study the budget and that I would start preparing for the home when her table was full. When I prepared the first one, I did not meet the specifications (I was supposed to write statements in the remark section), she corrected as much as she could, and when the deadline was reached, she submitted it anyway. Since the budget was not explanatory to her superior, she was invited to defend it. I who prepared the budget was never in the picture. She took whatever consequences vented on her without pointing an accusing finger at me. How did I know about this? I gave my colleague who is my subordinate something to do, and when it did not go well, I asked my colleague to go and explain herself to my supervisor. When my supervisor saw my actions, she was furious and gave me a good measure, pressed down, and shook together scolding. She sat me down and told me about my budget blunder and what she received in my place. I apologized to my colleague as well as my supervisor. I didn’t have in-depth knowledge like I do now that accountability is never transferrable.
As gleaned from the note, authority is delegated, responsibility is created, and accountability is imposed. That means, you who were delegated authority, must be accountable, and you who were delegated a task, must take responsibility, even if accountability solely rests on the shoulder of the one with the delegated authority.saysay
ParticipantNAME: Sarah Ajakaiye
My reply to Ruth.
I agree with you that firm trust in the Lord receives victory, the heroes of the faith like Abraham, Isaac, Noah, Rahab, and so on, saw how God framed the world by faith, they had no choice but to imitate God. It gives God pleasure when you display His Word in what you do. You went further to say that Faith is an attitude. Yes, that is why Mark 11:23 says, … Whoever says… Says is a continuous act. Addiction, attitude. Hebrews 11:6 also says, “But without faith, it is impossible to please Him.”
You said, “Their faith always produces results in death or life through Christ.” I feel you would have thrown more light here for clarity. You also said that they did not miss out on the promise AT ALL because they believed, their time of reception of the promise would be complete. Their faith and ours came together to make a whole.” See verse 13 of the same Hebrews 11:13 (TPT). It says, “These heroes all died still clinging to their faith, not even receiving all that had been promised and gladly embraced it from afar. They all lived their lives on earth as those who belong to another realm” If you read further to verse sixteen, the Bible recorded that they could not turn back……their hearts were fixed on the heavenly realm.
Hebrews 11;39 in the clause of the discussion. These heroes of faith were well commended but they never partake in what was promised because they died before the promise, the messiah, and our advocate Hebrews 8:6 showed up.saysay
ParticipantNAME: Sarah Ajakaiye.
My reply to Soton.
I love your explanations on the subject matter, of “faith”. They were just on point I must say. Faith is powerful and produces results and ALWAYS receives victory, only when the principles are applied accurately because the Word says it is the only way to please God. (Mark 11:23)
The heroes of Hebrews 11, the woman with the issue of blood who suffered greatly from physicians, and the centurion, all pleased God with their faith. I want to add that they could carry out great faith because God set the pace. Hebrews 11:3,” By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that the things which are seen were not made of visible things.” All by faith 1, Pastor Kech explained how God tested and proved it. The heroes of faith followed the footsteps of God and obtained a good testimony.
You brought out the contradictions in Hebrews 11:39. Your reasons were true that they could not make it to the point when the “Messiah,” the promise, they had heard of. Verse 13 explains their stand “that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth” but God chose to provide us with something better in verse 40.
However, the better promise was well expatiated in Hebrews 8 verse 6, “Now He has obtained a more excellent Ministry, in-as-much as He is also a mediator for a better covenant which was established on better promises.”saysay
ParticipantNAME: Sarah Ajakaiye
COURSE: Grace and Faith
LECTURER: Pastor Nkechi Ene (Mrs.)ASSIGNMENT II: Grace and Faith> Fear: pillar number 10 states that faith is powerful and produces results. We understand from this that faith ALWAYS receives the victory. How do you reconcile this with Hebrews 11: 39?
Hebrews 11:39 says “And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise.
Our daily living, and decisions, are determined by our faith in God because faith is powerful and produces results. As a believer, I don’t think you want to miss out on it or do it differently. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen. Pastor Nkechi Ene (Mrs.) in her message on All by Faith, a believer who wants to be victorious should walk by faith.
Now faith is the substance hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen (NKJV). The TPT says “Now faith brings our hope into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. Faith in Greek is PISTIS (4102), which means persuasion, a conviction based upon hearing. Pastor Kech explained it as a support, an assurance, a setting, and a quality of being dependable, she said, faith is failure-proof because it has been tested and tried. Hebrews 11:3 says, by faith, the world was framed by the Word of God. Abel, Enock, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, etc. tested and tried the same faith and the Bible says, they obtained a good testimony. That goes to say they were victorious. But Hebrews 11:39 says, “And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise.
A promise is a declaration or an assurance, a pledge, vow, guarantee, agreement, commitment, or covenant. One of the meanings of promise is covenant. The heroes of faith did not receive promises because they were not in covenant, they were not redeemed, and they were not saved or restored. Their faith was based on the faithfulness of God. They received the promise of the coming of the Messiah. Isaiah 42:1&4. The Lord promised them one who will bring forth justice and establish justice on the earth. Isaiah 61:1&2. Hebrews 11:13-15 recorded that they all died not receiving the promise, the testimony of the completed work of the Messiah. They were heroes of true faith and were commended for their faith yet they lived in hope without receiving the fullness of what was promised them. Verse 40 of Hebrews 11 says, “God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.” The idea of perfect is “complete.” They could not be made complete until the work of Jesus.
The better promise is Christ in us the hope of glory. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ purchased the better promises for us the New Testament saints; the believers, and the born-again saints. His sacrifice justified us to access faith by His grace. Romans 3:24, “being justified freely by His grace through the Redemption that is in Christ.” We have access by faith to what Jesus has purchased for us by Grace. We just lay hold of what belongs to us made available by the Grace of God. The difference between us and the heroes of old is that we access this faith by the Word. Romans 10:17,” So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” Because without faith it is impossible to please God. According to Pastor Kech on Faith Basics, “What God says about you is true but it’s your faith that brings it to pass.” The Old Testament walks their faith but we were given, we must develop it through the Word.
For our faith to obtain a good testimony, and receive the victory or promise that Jesus has already purchased for us we only need to:
1. Read and Meditate on God’s Word. John 1:18, James 1:21.
2. Believe the Word. Mark 11:22-24, Romans 10:8-10
3. Confess or speak the Word Hebrews 4:12. Faith is ignoring, concentrating, and what we hope into existence.
4. We don’t just speak we act on it. The Bible says faith without corresponding action is dead.
I want to say it the way Pastor Kech used it in Faith Basics: “Our Victory is Our Mouth.”REFERENCE NOTE:
1. Bible Faith Study Course. By Kenneth E. Hagin
2. Vine’s Contemporary Dictionary
3. All By Faith – Message by Pastor Nkechi Ene (Mrs.)
4. Faith Basics – Message by Pastor Nkechi Ene (Mrs.)saysay
I must say that you have done well in your response to the importance of praise you expect answers. The one that excites me the most is that praise is the language of faith. And the Bible says “faith without works is dead” works is present tense which implies Now. Because faith is now automatically praise is now. Hence, I feel you said praise is a life style. I agree with you.
Andrew Wommack said in his book, “Effect of Praise”, that praise is a way of enjoying life. Anything you do as a life style is meant to be enjoyable so, praise is enjoyment. It’s enjoyment because you are enjoying it, and God is enjoying it. Psalm 149:4-6.
1. It causes your circumstances to change.
2. You don’t only walk in faith you see that it ends in thanksgiving.
3. As you operate in praise and thanksgiving, it will cause your faith to abound or overflow.
4. Your faith appropriates and take possession of what Jesus has already done.
Colossians 2:6-7.
5. It runs off the devil and make the devil to lose.
6. Praise redirect you focus.
7. Praise ministers to God.
8. Praise builds our relationship with God.
9. You become an evangelist because you want to let people know about the goodness of God Psalm 107:8
10. Praise helps you to disregard difficult times rather it enables you walk over it.
I conclude by saying, praise is a hard form of faith as you wait for the manifestation. If you engage Psalm 34:1 “ I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will continually be in my mouth”, you will not only receive the waited answer, you will live a victorious life and a praise life style.saysay
ParticipantMy name is Sarah (say say). My reply to Ruth.
You have done great. I can feel you. Already in the mood for praise. Indeed, God’s greatness and the efficacy of His power were made manifest in the praise of Paul and Silas. Funny enough, the loudness of the praise, the earthquake, and all the natural disasters did not affect or wake the jailer until victory was sure. Verse 27 of Acts 16 you quoted, it says, “And the keeper of the prison, awaking from sleep and seeing the prison doors open…..”(NKJV), NIV says “The jailer woke up”. That means in some situations, the enemy will be asleep while God is doing His “thing”. Hallelujah! I am getting excited here. You equally said when we praise You are aware, God is aware and the enemy is aware. Unfortunately, in this matter, the devil was put out of the equation.
In verse 25 of the same scripture, let us know that when the manifestation of God wants to take place God can engage you at any time. Paul and Silas who were in chains and pain don’t have reasons whatsoever to praise God. That go to teach us that no matter how dark, and messy the situation may seem, Praise can unravel it.
I was in a praise mood as I was reading through you write up. Hearing from God is key as far as praise is concerned. Like the Testimony Pastor Nkechi shared about her daughter Cloe when she was taking this topic. She heard in her spirit, just start praising me. Baby came back to life. End of doctor’s report.saysay
ParticipantNAME: Sarah Ajakaiye
Praise is the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something. Expression of respect and gratitude as an act of worship (Oxford Dictionary).
Praise is lifting God. It is a joyful recounting of what God has done for us. Praise and thanksgiving go hand-in-hand. It is offering appreciation for who He is. Praise is the acknowledgment of God’s wonderful, righteous deed (Psalm 18”3).
I used to have a younger sister with Down syndrome. At that time, whenever my mother bought her something from the market, she would jump from her seat and scream Mummy! Mummy!! Thank! Thank you!!, and be mothering words which we don’t hear clearly. Sometimes she bursts into songs, and my mum will be excited and sometimes start crying. When we ask her why she is crying, she will say it’s the way she expresses the joy of receiving the gift. On other days, when she returns from the market with nothing, she will still chant the mummy thing! In expectation. That trill my mum and that makes her keep buying things for her to our envy. If praise is this important to humans how much more God?
Praise is the demonstration of an unwavering belief in God’s goodness and power, even amidst trials and tribulations. You shift your focus from the challenges you are facing to the goodness of God, finding comfort, hope, and renewed strength in His promises.
Your praise aligns your heart with God’s and find solace as you wait. Through praise, you can experience the transformative power of faith and witness how God works wonders when it looks like there’s no hope. You stir God through praise because God will always do what He has promised. 2 Chronicles 20:15-22.
God takes pleasure in our praise. Pastor Charles said in one of His messages, that you put God in a state of “scenty”. God inhabits the praise of His people Psalm 22:3.
Andrew Wommack in his book “Effect of Praise” says living a life of praise is not only the most enjoyable way to live, but it’s also one of the most powerful ways to challenge your life. Praise isn’t like the caboose {slang} that just follows what happens but it’s more like the engine of a train that makes things happen. Your faith is incomplete without praise. Colossians 2:6-7. You don’t only walk in faith, see that it ends in thanksgiving. When you operate in praise and thanksgiving, it removes your attention from the problems and causes your faith to overflow.
When you praise you create an atmosphere for what He has said. God told Abraham, that He would be the father of many nations according to what God had said. (Romans 4: 17-20). Abraham believed in God against all odds. Abraham rendered sacrifices unto God while he waited. He stood on the integrity of god’s word. Praise is the last test of your miracle. However, praise is a hard form of faith as you wait for the manifestation. Psalm 34:1.
Your faith appropriates and takes possession of what Jesus has already done. Your praise will cause your faith to thrive if you know that praise is born out of a relationship. As a result, you want to know more about God and His goodness.
Praise redirects your attention towards God and it’s going to build your faith to receive the expected answer.
In conclusion, praise is an integral part of prayer. The Bible made us to understand that you can pray amidst James 4:3 but you cannot praise amidst. When you praise God, it will cause you to focus on God more and what God has to say concerning that expectation(s), the Word is so good. During praise is when you put your gaze on God’s Word, the Word is the factor that can make you wait or go through things.saysay
Great job you have done to “blind loyalty” and the Law of Buy-In. I have discrepancies with some of the statements or points.
Firstly, you said, “Even if people don’t fully align with a vision if they have already bought into the leader, they will in most cases still follow the leader.” Followers who buy-In already know what they want in a leader. Buy-in is not an emotional business. I understand “emotional,” as not letting someone be upset if don’t agree with the person’s view.
Buy-in means total agreement and active support from the followers. It’s more about agreeing to a plan (the person and the vision). The law of Buy-In is not an either here or there. You cannot separate the leader from the cause he promotes, according to John Maxwell. He said LEADER + VISION = RESULT. Where this does not apply, the followers react one way or the other and not emotionally dance around it or with it. You cannot separate stew from rice if must eat rice with stew. We are talking about a better leader and not a turncoat leader.
Secondly, you pointed out that, “The Lord Jesus is the only person who is worth following blindly because He is infallible.” I want to ask, are Christians following blindly? I know Christians are believers, they are not meant to be ignorant. For me, following blindly means that there are hidden agendas, enlightened or not knowing something. Jesus is infallible, I agree but does not want people to be blind or ignorant. Romans 1:13; 11:25, 1 Corinthians 10 :1, 2 Corinthians 1:8, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13. These scriptures explains it all. The Lord encourages us to search the Bible to know Him and not follow Him because He is infallible.
The blind leader leaves their followers in the dark. I am not saying that leaders cannot make mistakes but if it’s repeated mistakes, then there is a problem with the leader and that does not tally with the Law of buy-in.saysay
ParticipantDL – 206 – L > ASSIGNMENT 2.
“Blind Loyalty” is when one is loyal to a person or a cause despite the damage the person or cause does to himself or herself or others. It is being loyal to a person or cause even when they misbehave or do something dishonest. Those who engage in blind loyalty believe allegiance is more important than the objective. This contradicts the Law of Buy-in. Let me begin with this illustration or story so to speak of our Man of God, Pastor Nkechi Ene (Mrs.)
Years back, Pastor Nkechi Ene (Mrs.) now, a young lady at that time, visited the then Royal Evangel Church with a friend. They were searching for a good church to settle in and met a young man teaching with so much enthusiasm, according to her description, he was preaching as if there were five hundred people seated in the church, this drew her attention. She also saw some other good traits or qualities in him, for example, simplicity, loyalty, love for God, intelligence, etc. She invited her husband (fiancé then), who saw the same traits. They immediately saw the great teacher and leadership in him, they settled there. They made there their place of worship to date. It is after some time they decided to ask for the vision of the church. Pastor Charles already had his dreams put in place and was looking for people. The people he has today (are the entire TCC members).
It started with Pastor Kech as she fondly called. She was looking for the truth of God’s word, and she found it in Pastor Charles and most members of TCC too. Many don’t know Pastor Charles but have heard of his credibility, they have listened to his messages and have been transformed. And then identify with his Ministry. He Is no more but his credibility {person} and vision linger on. This is what the Law of Buy-In is all about. Habakkuk 2:2-3 explains it.
The Law of Buy-In works this way according to John C. Maxwell. “The Leader finds the dream and then the people. The People find the Leader and then the dream”.
People generally look out for the leader’s personality before they look at the vision. There’s an adage in place that says “You eat the face first before you eat the food”. Pastor Sola also gave an example of someone coming to serve him water with an attitude. He said he would rather swallow his saliva instead of drinking that water. That person is not necessarily a leader, my point is attitude and credibility are the key things in the life of a leader. The same goes with the law of Buy-In, you don’t put the cart first. That means people don’t at first follow worthy causes. They follow worthy leaders who promote worthwhile causes. People buy into the leader first, then the leader’s vision. However, when the reverse is the case, then it tends to “blind loyalty”. Where people follow the causes (the vision) before looking into the credibility of the leader. People, however, follow their leaders blindly for their reasons or gain, like what we see in politics and in most churches today.
Once people have bought into someone, they are willing to give his vision a chance. People want to go along with people they get along with. John Maxwell said, in one of his examples, that he had to work hard to build his credibility with people. He built relationships with leaders, answered questions, and shared hopes and dreams for the work they were doing. He said that brought growth to the organization and gave the people the confidence and ability they found in Him. I love to end with John Maxwell’s conclusion.
“As a leader, you don’t earn any points for failing in a noble cause. You don’t get credit for being “right”. Your success is measured by your ability to actually take the people where they need to go. But you can do that only if the people first buy into you as a leader. That’s the reality of the Law of Buy-In”.saysay
Being born again is one thing renewal of the mind is another. Indeed, renewal of the mind is the key and guarantees a successful Christian life. From what I gleaned from your write up, renewal of the mind is like physical mirror, it shows you your exact looks. So, it’s manifested in our day-to-day life. The Christ is not only seen in us but affects everyone that comes close or identifies with us.
Renewal of the mind is actually central:
• It projects us as light to the world
• It helps to lay aside those things that will not glorify God Matthew 5:16
• Consistent renewal of the mind opens us to correction, self-discipline.
• It helps you respond to situations like the example you gave in Luke 22:50.
• Renewal of the mind guides speech as you respond to people in wisdom Ephesians 4:29.
I agree with you totally, that renewal of the mind enables you to be kingdom minded. A situation where you don’t speak yet people are getting saved as a result of your developed character.
Let me share a life story to buttress this point. I went to the town market to purchase fish, I could not get the particular fish I wanted, for me not to go home empty-handed, I decided to buy something else. As I was prizing one of items, two young men stood by me and were arguing among themselves, saying, “she is a Christian, can’t you see, she is a Christian?” I turned to see what was going on, I discovered they had taken position around my bag. one was in front of me and the other was by my bag. I asked the seller to bend down. So, I asked who they were, the young girl said they were rubbers. I greeted them, then they repeated, madam you be Christian., give us anything we will go.” I handed the N200 change the seller gave to me, and they walked away.
What am I saying here? Your renewed mind, your developed character can radiate and express the glory of the Lord in you. Isaiah 60:1, Romans 8:18saysay
Christian Character as we have been taught is the quality that sets you apart; the quality that distinguishes you. It is the quality that projects God or shows the character of God in you. The character of God is the benchmark. God himself imparted His character in us at the new birth. We cannot do much with it except we make conscious effort to develop this character that God has imparted in us. This character must be developed if not it will be like the farmer, who after putting all efforts into clearing the bush, stumped and planted, walks away without tending. In this case, God has completed His part and left it for us to tend (develop). We have to put in effort to develop the Christian Character that God has imparted. Renewal of the mind is the principal thing.
Renewal of the mind means, replacing the old pattern with the new. That is the old way of thinking or doing things by the Word of God and as patterned in the Bible. Romans 12:2. The renewal of the mind is what motivates you to pattern your character, to conform with God’s character. As we know, our character can repel or attract.
There are several ways. For this writing, we are staying with five:
a. Aligning with God and His Word is the first eye-opener. You study the Word and meditate on it. Joshua 1:8. There you begin to discover what God says about you because if you don’t know who you are and what God has said concerning you, you won’t know what to do as far as character development is concerned.
b. As you stay or have intercourse with the Word, you will begin to receive instructions on how to go about certain things as a Christian. Your approach to things, the way you relate with people, authority, etc. If you were that Christian who releases words anyhow, all of those would stop.
c. God has a purpose for us that we are designed to impact the world with that is unique to us alone. Renewal of the mind enables us to discover the purpose and focus on it.
d. Renewal of the mind can help us cultivate healthy habits that can affect us and the people around us as well.
e. Our thoughts have a major role to play in our character development. Our thought is a very good influencer either positively or negatively. Renewal of the mind can help us stay positive.
In summary, renewal of the mind is the key to Christian Character development. It can only be achieved by God’s grace.saysay
I commend your good work, in as much I am not here to counter points, ideas, or opinions, I just want to express or explain what I gleaned from your write-up. I am open to correction. You necessarily didn’t use the term as spelled out in the assignment given but I feel the mango tree and the mango fruits explain it, “Good works that stem out of a relationship with Christ Jesus are witnesses for Jesus.”
The tree here is likened to God the Father and the believer(s) are the fruits. The scripture says, “No man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.” No three can bring forth fruits unless there is an abiding. John 15:5.
The good fruits, (as I can view how goodly the mango would look), which is likened to the witnessing, have received impartation from the tree through photosynthesis, have developed (produced), through abiding thereby doing good works (reaching the consumer). All of these processes happened because there was a planting. Ephesians 2:8-9.
In summary, good work becomes a lifestyle because it is Jesus’ way of life too. As He is so are we in this world. We were first saved by grace (imparted by God whose only character is to do good), and as we choose to abide, stay in sync, and dance with the Word (develop our character). We will keep doing good work until the end.saysay
“Good works that stem out of a relationship with Christ Jesus are witnesses for Jesus.” Bearing in mind that we are not saved by good works (Ephesians 2: 8–9), give validity to this statement or state otherwise.Before we go into the subject matter, let’s try to get the meaning of “good works,” and “stem.”
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF GOOD WORKS? Good works are those actions we display or portray that are good. It also means exhibiting good behavior.
MEANING OF STEM (OXFORD DICTIONARY): Stem is the main long, thin part of a plant above the ground from which the flower leaves grow. John 15:5 (NKJV), “I am the vine, and you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in Him, bears much fruits; for without me you can do nothing.”
We can now say that good works are good and done for God’s glory. They are good because they honor God and are directed towards loving people. But where are these good works emanating from? It is from God our Father. His character is to do good. As partakers, we exhibit God’s character because we are like our father-God. We have the nature of God.
HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Through impartation. God imparted us with His character. This impartation occurred at the new birth (when we were born again). God poured His entire self or entire being into us. As such He deposited His qualities (the act of doing Good) in us. 1 Corinthians 6:17 (NKJV). “But he who is joined to the Lord is one with Him.
This impartation is not enough. For example, when a child is born, he or she will have the features of either of the parents or both parents, but that is not enough to make the child behave like his or her parents, he or she must observe, and practice, that is go through the necessary processes before he or she can produce some or all of the attributes of the parent(s). As Christians bearing the image of God, we need to develop that character God has imparted to us. As you stay in the Word (take heed of the Word, stick with the commandments, and hide the Word in your heart. Joshua 1:8 (NKJV) says,
“This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do (good works) according to all that is written in it.” There is a moment of study (observe) and a moment of action (do).
Doing good works is developed or needs to be developed. John 5:19 (AMP) says, “So Jesus answered them by saying, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself [of His own accord] unless it is something he sees the Father doing; for whatever things the Father does, the son [in His turn] also does in the same way.” Good works are avenues to minister the gospel; For example, doing volunteer work for an individual or organization, helping someone through school, and using your talent to help someone grow. Acts 10:38 says Jesus went about doing good, healing the sick………… this goes to tell us that doing good is a continuous act. That is why it is good work(s)—gotten from Christ based on the relationship we have with Him.
However, good works are not what got you saved but good works are the manifestations of your salvation all by grace. (Ephesians 2: 8-9). -