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  • in reply to: Covenant Of Wealth Discussion Board 1 #32007

    I believe that the four principles of giving that guide our generosity are 1,prioritizing giving, 2,giving proportionately, 3,giving sacrificially, and 4,giving cheerfully. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8
    [6]But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
    [7]Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
    [8]And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. When we give generously and sacrificially, it’s not because God needs anything, but because we want to show our love for him. Giving is an expression of obedience, gratitude, trust, and increasing joy. God seeks out and recognizes those who gives,the Bible says he loves it and he rewards our giving.. The character of Abraham in the area of sacrificial giving we see that Abraham’s faith was tested when the Lord asked him to sacrifice Isaac on an altar. Abraham had a strong faith in God’s earlier promise that he would have many descendants, so he set out to prepare an altar and kill his only son. Abraham displayed this willingness to obey God unconditionally. At the last moment, an angel stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son that moment, God provided a ram caught in a thicket to be sacrificed in place of Isaac. This act of provision led Abraham to name the place Jehovah-Jireh, which means The Lord Will Provide (Genesis 22:14). This name encapsulates the essence of tGod’s provision in our greatest time of need.

    And God honoured Abraham obedience and kept to all he promised him and his decendants such that Iaac grew up and follow God And guess what? He had children, and then they had children, and then they had children…
    As years passed, the number of Abraham’s descendants became so many that they were as difficult to count as the number of the sand. To be able to give is a great feeling and a great blessing. To be able to increase our give sacrificially, regardless of the reasons, is even a greater blessing.

    in reply to: Prayer Basics Discussion Board 1 #27560

    Why is it important to praise God for your answers before you see them?

    Praise is declaring the truth about who God is, what he has done, or what he has promised to do. To praise is to make known the wonderful name of the LORD and parade his deeds with unmatched fanfare, Psalms 50:23
    [23]Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.

    When you declare who God is, you affirm his identity. As you do, your countenance will rise and you will be reminded of the limitless love of our Father. Your situation may be bleak but praising God will call your soul to attention.

    When you praise God even before you see the answers you are affirming his deeds that God is at work more than you know because What you need is not only for God to do more, but for you to see more of what He has already done. Praise helps you do that.

    When you declare what God has promised to do, you affirm his promises. God is looking for people who will stand on his promises regardless of what they do not see. This is living by faith, not by sight. When you trust God, it gives him glory.
    A biblical character who praised was David the psalmist, he praised God at all times, sometimes even before the manifestation. In
    Psalm 42:5-6 he said: “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again—my Savior and my God! Now I am deeply discouraged, but I will remember you” (NLT). No wonder God calls him a man after his heart.
    Great things happen when you praise :
    Praise changes the spiritual climate,
    When you’re in a bad mood, begin praising God You’ll be amazed at how the atmosphere changes. When Paul and Silas were in prison, they praised God and an earthquake freed them (Acts 16.25). A downer turned into deliverance.
    Praise fulfills your primary purpose as a created being
    After Jesus performed miracles, the crowd began praising God,The Pharisees wanted to rebuke them, but Jesus said, “If these [people] become silent, the stones will cry out!” (Luke 19.40) It is primal for creation to praise the Creator. If we don’t then we are not having that Intimacy with our father God.

    in reply to: Christian Character Discussion Board 2 #25426

    I t is important to that we cannot develop Christian character without the commitment to renewing our mind…

    Renewing our minds with the truth unveils the perspectives of God and His possibilities for our lives and dispels deception, lies and schemes.

    This empowers us to maintain our faith and anchors our thinking in God’s word. This is the power of a renewed mind.

    Renewing Your Mind Gets You Out of Your Head. “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

    Renewing Your Mind Changes You.
    Renewing Your Mind Gives You Purpose and Direction.

    Renewing our minds is important because it helps us to better understand and apply the Word of God (Psalm 119:11). When our minds are filled with the truth of the Bible, we are better equipped to make wise decisions and live in a way that pleases God.

    Renewing our minds is important because it enables us to stand firm against the enemy’s lies (Ephesians 6:11-12).

    in reply to: Evangelism and Follow Up Discussion Board 2 #24931

    My recent experience in sharing the gospel took place in my school were I teach,I did not plan having to preach as it were but the opportunity came and I took advantage of it…
    Now what happened was that I female student came to report to me in the staff room that some group of boys are under the stair case looking at the underwears of female students as they climbed the stair case, u hear stories like this in a mixed school of boys and girls, on hearing this I went there my self caught all of them even as they tried to escape then moved them to the staff room to discipline them and report them to the principal so they can serve as example to others but all that changed when we got to the staff room…
    I asked them to first kneel down then I started to counsel them on the dangers of Pornography and how such act can lead them to even become rape victims…
    They were 14 students in number of about the age of 15 and 17 years, so I was lead to ask them what talents they have,they said they can sing,play drums,do painting jobs e.t.c and so I asked them are you really using ur talent for God in ur local church and I was disappointed with their responses, I then ministered the word of God to them, asked them also if they have accepted christ as their Lord and personal savour but only 2 out of 14 of them,so I immediately led them to Christ and asked them to repeat after me as I prayed for them… glorry be to God they were willing and responded…
    concerning the follow up i did not do a very good job, I did the follow up but not satisfactory.. I now know better and will put in more efforts next time🙏

    in reply to: Evangelism and Follow Up Group Discussion 1 #23191

    Evangelism is not a skill or a role reserved for the chosen few. Every believer is called to always be ready to give a reason for the hope within them, with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). Every believer is called to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20). 
    But why? 
    The answer is love. Love, for Jesus and others, is the reason to share Jesus. Think about it like this: What is the greatest thing that has ever happened to you? If the answer is knowing Christ personally, what then is the greatest thing you could do for someone else? Introduce them to Jesus.
    But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness …. I Peter 3 vs 15

    2,IT is alarming these days to see people go with the title “THE EVANGELIST ” and all they do is go to market place,enter transport services or just go about prophecing, conducting deliverance for people,after which they begin to call for seed sowing and begin to raise funds… that is evangelism..
    Evangelism revolves around spreading God’s truth to others. Evangelists speak God’s word to other people. An evangelist is there to help people understand the Bible and who Jesus is and to help many come to Christ in faith. If one has an evangelist calling for spreading the “Good News” and leading people to Christ with the help of God. It is not a title for fund raising..
    An evangelist is someone who proclaims good news; in other words, a preacher of the gospel or a missionary. The office of evangelist will be needed until the church reaches the maturity of Christ Himself (Ephesians 4:13). Good news is meant to be shared. And we have the best news of all—Jesus died and rose again and saves all who will call on Him (Romans 10:9–13).

    Evangelism Is Not to Critique Other Religions, Other Churches or Other Church Leaders.

    Evangelism is not to critique other religions, or other churches and their leaders. We don’t waste time sharing what we are not, but instead, spend our time sharing who Jesus is and what he has done for each and every one of us. Don’t waste the precious time that you have to talk about the King with talking instead about your views of other people and religions.
    Some even go as far as condemning what they Wear e.g trousers, wigs,make up and sleeves cloths and emphazing on hell fire 🔥 if they don’t change… these are examples of bad evangelist practices.. failure to share the goodnews, distorting people, teaching false messages and presenting the good news of salvation as a mere opinion.

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