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  • in reply to: Covenant Of Wealth Discussion Board 1 #30958
    Florence Oribhabor

    1. Tithe. Owner Steward principles
    2. The principle of obedience and faith
    3. The seed principle
    4. The sacrificial principle
    1. Tithe. Owner Steward principle
    One of the principles on the power of giving is tithe- the owner Steward principles which represent acknowledgement of God’s Sovereignty and provision.
    Case study
    Abraham and Melchizedek.
    Abraham introduced the owner Steward principle,Tithe right after Melchezedek blessed him. The tithe was the response Abraham gave to the blessing he received, a response to acknowledged God as the possessor of Heaven and earth because he had come to the understanding that God is the owners and he isthe Steward, so God as owner is to be honour by giving Him a tenth percent of all. Abraham responded because of the terms of arrangement he has with God. As a covenant partner or a friend Abraham’s revelation is pass down to us as an act of faith as we approach God wssing in ho made and created all things.The tithe connects us to the blessing and to source of the bleour live.
    2. The principle of obedience and faith.
    Giving tithe to God is the act of love, obedience and faith. Faith is necessary when releasing your precious oŕ your significant seed Hebrew 7:17. Abraham obeyed God and by faith when hè was tested to offer up his son Isaac, he gave up and received. Abraham’s obedience and faith in God to sacrifice or to give up what is precious and most dear to him is a powerful testament to sacrificial giving. Moreover when Joshua’s generation crossed Jordan they crossed in trust and obedience to God. So God really on that generation since they obeyed His commandments and follow the leader He has placed over them. Joshua 5: 17.
    3.The seed principle. Genesis 21:28
    The seed principle is outlast seasons and generations. Any fruit that bear sees have the ability to last for ever. Seed is the empowerment to prosper God blessed them. Seed release Increase and the continuity of the blessing. Seed holds the blessing and the empowerment to prosper. Seed connect us to the blessing, it’s a covenant connector to your covenant of wealth and increase Deuteronomy 8:18. Abraham tithe to Melchezedek because he understood that God was the owner and was the stiward. As believers the empowerment to prosper is giving to the one who understands the owners Steward relationship between himself and God. The seed is also known as the word of God.
    4. Sacrificial giving
    The widows mite Luke 211-4
    God delight in sacrificial giving of the widows mite.The widows offering stands as a testament to her immense faith, generosity and sacrificial giving. The widows act represents the great faith to release her precious or give up what is most to God. As a child of God we live beyond our needs. God desires us to have more than enough not just daily bread so that we can have in abundance to disburst, give people and esterblish His kingdom on earth. God want to realise onon usaß believers to be an overflow of his abundance.

    in reply to: Covenant Of Wealth Discussion Board 1 #30957
    Florence Oribhabor

    Florence reply to Ngbowaji.

    I commend your good work, however, too much emphasis on human, the steward – The Widow of Zarephath which you described as One notable case study that illustrates the power of giving
    instead of the owner – God.
    To my own understanding the biblical meaning of the word giving
    is an act of worship that demonstrates our trust in God. The Bible also tells us that giving is sacrificial generosity, where one gives up something valuable or precious for God and for the sake of others.
    According to James 1:17, God owns everything because He is the Creator, Maker and Giver of all things — so when we give, we are merely giving back a portion of what belongs to God. Our stewardship towards God includes everything that we have been given and how we use this on behalf of the Lord and for the Lord’s work. We are stewards of the abilities, spiritual gifts, knowledge, money, in fact, everything that we have been given.
    When you understand that God is the owner- the possessor of Heaven and earth and you’re just the steward, then you reserve time for the owner of it all and even go behold that like Abraham, Joseph etc.acknowledge Him know that what He has placed in your hands, He place it there in trust then motivate you to obey Him and abide in His word.

    in reply to: Covenant Of Wealth Discussion Board 1 #30955
    Florence Oribhabor

    Florence reply to Ngbowaji.

    I commend your good work, however, too much emphasis on human, the steward – The Widow of Zarephath which you described as One notable case study that illustrates the power of giving
    instead of the owner – God.
    To my own understanding the biblical meaning of the word giving
    is an act of worship that demonstrates our trust in God. The Bible also tells us that giving is sacrificial generosity, where one gives up something valuable or precious for God and for the sake of others.
    According to James 1:17, God owns everything because He is the Creator, Maker and Giver of all things — so when we give, we are merely giving back a portion of what belongs to God. Our stewardship towards God includes everything that we have been given and how we use this on behalf of the Lord and for the Lord’s work. We are stewards of the abilities, spiritual gifts, knowledge, money, in fact, everything that we have been given.
    When you understand that God is the owner- the possessor of Heaven and earth and you’re just the steward, then you reserve time for the owner of it all and even go behold that like Abraham, Joseph etc.acknowledge Him know that what He has placed in your hands, He place it there in trust then motivate you to obey Him and abide in His word.

    in reply to: Covenant Of Wealth Discussion Board 1 #30854
    Florence Oribhabor

    Tithe. Owner Steward Principles
    The principle of obedience and faith
    The Seed Principle
    The sacrificial principle
    1. Tithe. Owner Steward Principle
    One of the principles on the power of giving is tithe- the owner Steward principles which represent acknowledgement of God’s Sovereignty and provision.
    Case study: Abraham and Melchizedek.
    Abraham introduced the owner Steward principle, Tithe right after Melchezedek blessed him. Genesis14:18-24. The tithe was the response Abraham gave to the blessing he received, a response to acknowledged God as the possessor of Heaven and earth because he had come to the understanding that God is the owners and he is the Steward, so God as owner is to be honour by giving Him a tenth percent of all. Abraham responded because of the terms of arrangement he has with God. As a covenant partner or a friend Abraham’s revelation is pass down to us as an act of faith as we approach God who made and created all things. The tithe connects us to the blessing and to source of our live.
    2. The principle of obedience and faith.
    Giving tithe to God is the act of love, obedience and faith. Faith is necessary when releasing your precious of your significant seed – Hebrew 7:17. Abraham obeyed God and by faith when he was tested to offer up his son Isaac, he gave up and received. Abraham’s obedience and faith in God to sacrifice or to give up what is precious and most dear to him is a powerful testament to sacrificial giving. Moreover when Joshua’s generation crossed Jordan they crossed in trust and obedience to God. So God really on that generation since they obeyed His commandments and follow the leader He has placed over them. Joshua 5: 17.
    3. The seed principle. Genesis 21:28
    The seed principle is outlast seasons and generations. Any fruit that bear sees have the ability to last for ever. Seed is the empowerment to prosper God blessed them. Seed release Increase and the continuity of the blessing. Seed holds the blessing and the empowerment to prosper. Seed connect us to the blessing, it’s a covenant connector to your covenant of wealth and increase Deuteronomy 8:18. Abraham tithe to Melchezedek because he understood that God was the owner and was the steward. As believers the empowerment to prosper is giving to the one who understands the owners Steward relationship between himself and God. The seed is also known as the word of God.
    4. Sacrificial giving
    The widows mite Luke 211-4
    God delight in sacrificial giving of the widow’s mite. The widows offering stands as a testament to her immense faith, generosity and sacrificial giving. The widow’s act represents the great faith to release her precious or give up what is most to God. As a child of God we live beyond our needs. God desires us to have more than enough not just daily bread so that we can have in abundance to disburse, give people and establish His kingdom on earth. God want to realise on us the believers to be an overflow of his abundance.

    in reply to: Prayer Basics Discussion Board 1 #27661
    Florence Oribhabor

    Praise God forever.
    My response to your point that praise can be done by singing, shouting at the top of your voice without minding the next person. Praise may not necessarily be in jumping and shouting only. Remember Psalm 50:23 talks about ordering your conversation alright. Praise is an expression of faith in God , it is a deliberate decision of faith you make targeting your attention primarily towards God and not toward man. Praise assures you of the continued goodness of God. Often time some people sing and shout for the manifestation of what God has already done. Sincerely, many times you don’t feel like, due to circumstance and situations especially when you’re terribly challenged. I believe praise is a revelation you receive from the word of God through inductive study of the word. Praise affirm the supremacy and Lordship of God just loving Him for whom He is regardless of the situation you are in.Then He will show up because He has control over every day existence, those praise produce assurance of the fullness of the goodness of God.Let me share a short testimony of God’s healing upon my life in 2019. I was ill to the point I lost my consciousness. How can you praise Him in such situations? The first thing I remember when I regain my consciousness was He is my healer, Jehovah Rapha is His name. Halaluyah.

    in reply to: Prayer Basics Discussion Board 1 #27660
    Florence Oribhabor

    One of the ways we can glorify God is through praise. The most essential element we need in every kind of conversation with God is faith. Our praise life is closely connected to our faith life because:
    1. Praise is an expression of our faith in God. This is a deliberate decision of faith you make targetinsg your attention primarily towards God, offering praise is the way of offering your lifestyle and your life will line up if you are a person of faith. Psalm 50:23 when certain thing happen in our lives sometimes, we suddenly respond with a song, how much more when we are trusting God for something.. Moreso we are spirit, we already have every thing in us to be a praiser which we are, nothing can be added to the spirit, all we need is a trigger to help our mind align with the Spirit.
    2. Praise speaks of the power of God to all who will hear. The subject of true praise is the power, the wholesomeness, the goodness, the ability of God. Praise affect the hearer. God hears our praise in heaven, inspiring us to praise Him because when we praise Him, He changes our focus. The believers and unbelievers hears our praise even the enemy of God hear our praise, receive their quite notice and begin to submit.
    3. Praise helps us to remember the faithfulof God. When you have the habit of praise, you remember where your have been and where you are now. As you praise Him you remember that He is Jehovah Rapha, my healer, , it give you faith to rely more on Him and it assured you that He is still with you. He will never live you nor forsake you
    4. Praise work hand in hand with offering, praise does not hold back from its source of blessings because praise understands that the source never run dry. The sacrifice of praise is accompany with sacrifice of thanksgiving offering given to God out of pure undiluted gratitude, other offering that accompany praise could be faith offering which are seed. God has everything as we praise Him, He give it back to us.
    5. Praise assures you of the continued goodness of God. Praise affirm the supremacy and Lordship of God and keeps Him in control of every day existence, those praise produce assurance of the fullness of the goodness of God, so your life will experience superior life through praising and glorifying Him

    in reply to: Prayer Basics Discussion Board 1 #27643
    Florence Oribhabor


    Praise according to lexoton means to shine to be boastful, to glorify.
    One of the ways you can glorify God is through praise. The most essential element we need in every kind of conversation with God is faith. Our praise life is closely connected to our faith life because;
    1. Praise is an expression of your faith to God. This is a deliberate decision of faith you make targeting your attention primarily towards God, Psalm 50:23 when certain thing happen in your live sometimes, you suddenly respond with a song, how much more you are trusting God for something. Many times we don’t just feel like, due to circumstances, schedule which may just be alive and want to eat you up. But we are spirit, we already have everything in us to be a praiser which we are, nothing can be added to the spirit, all we need is to trigger our mind to align with our Spirit.
    2. Praise speaks of the power of God, to all who will hear. The subject of true praise is the power, the wholesomeness, the goodness, the ability of God. Praise affect the hearer. God hears our praise in heaven, inspiring us to praise Him because when we praise Him, He changes our focus.
    3. Praise help you to remember the faithfulness of God. When you have the habit of praise you remember where you have been and where you are now. It gives you faith to rely on Him and assured you that He’s still with you.
    4. Praise work hand in hand with offering, praise does not hold back from its source of blessings because praise understands that the source can never run dry. The sacrifice of praise is accompany with sacrifice of thanksgiving offering given to God out of pure undiluted gratitude,. God has everything as we praise Him, He give it back to us.
    5. Praise assures you of the continued goodness of God. Praise affirm the supremacy and Lordship of God and keeps Him in control of every day existence, those praise produce assurance of the fullness of the goodness of God, so your life will experience superior life through praising and glorifying Him

    in reply to: Christian Character Discussion Board 2 #23941
    Florence Oribhabor


    Truly, christain character is the character of God, the foundation, and our reference point. We can not really understand who God is without Jesus, He is the express image and the exact representation of God. while we were yet sinner, he died for us reconciling us back to God in love.
    John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. christain character is a distinctive trait or features. As believers, we are born of God the live we now exhibit is the life of God that make us who we are. Really, as believers, for one to live a righteous life,we must study the word of God it will constantly renew our mind, and then we begin to who God really is. John 14:1 says in the was the word, the word was with God, and the word is God . As we continue daily with the word of God, there will be transformation in every area of our life, we exemplary life like Jesus. Christian, we look unto Jesus the Revelation of God to us. Jesus was always in seek of the father. There was never between the character of God and the character of Jesus, that is why as Christian For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son. Gods grace is God riches at Christ expense .Grace also means Gods enablement and empowerment.
    2 Peter 1:3
    as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,
    Divine power has given us all things develop our character to exhibits the character of God and doing away with faulty or unhealthy thought pattern and replacing them rejecting the lie and deception of sinful desire Therefore character of God keeps you in the light and His purpos Romans 12:2
    And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Serving God with Spiritual Gifts; development begins
    in the mind, and in the mind is where spiritual transformation happens.

    in reply to: Christian Character Discussion Board 2 #23928
    Florence Oribhabor


    The word renewing begins in the mind until our mindset is aligned rightly. Every action taken by the person is usually out of order. The mind is the place of intellect, reasoning, or thought feeling, will, and intentions. The mind is important because it is the primary determinate of who a person is in every aspect of their life. Then, speaking of character, it is the mental and moral qualities distinctive of an individual.

    The first step is to make the choice to focus on Christ. The Christian character is the character of God, which is the foundation. To understand this, we look at the character of Christ Jesus. Hebrews 1:3
    who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, Jesus is the express image of God. He is the precise representation of God in every respect. As Christian, we look unto Jesus the Revelation of God to us. Jesus was always in seek of the father. There was never any inconsistency between the character of God and the character of Jesus, that is why as Christian we should desire never to be seen with any inconsistency in our character in every area of our life because Jesus is our example; The author and finisher of our faith.

    Second, focusing on God‘s love and the Grace of God. For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son. Gods grace is God riches at Christ expense .Grace also means Gods enablement and empowerment.

    2 Peter 1:3
    [3]as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,
    Divine power has given us all things in abundance. for this very reason, by which had been giving exceedingly great and precious promises we will ADD diligently develop our character to exhibits the character of God and doing away with faulty or unhealthy thought pattern and replacing them with true,Godly one.

    Thirly, focusing on being in christ and rejecting the lie and deception of sinful desire of the enemy of our soul. Samson is a perfect example of a sorry story of gift or charisma without character. Samson forgot the purpose of the gift. This is the same as believers we have been called to be separated from the world to God. It is in this separation to God that we develop our spiritual character

    Fourthly, rest in the truth that you are accepted in Jesus Christ. Samson did not build intimacy with the Lord. Intimacy with God is a good ground from which character springs forth. The character of God keeps the power of God in our lives and in perfect balance. But Samson forgot that the law of sowing and reaping works. character development begins in the mind, and in the mind is where spiritual transformation happens.Romas12:2.

    Finally, focusing on Christ and living with the heart of God. Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, God is more eager for us to fulfil destiny. Focus on God rather than ourselves. God’s promise is to lead us and show us His will for our lives and submit to His leadership in our lives. When we understand God’s love and mercy for us, we find the reason to develop our character and renew our mind.

    in reply to: Christian Character Discussion Board 2 #23927
    Florence Oribhabor


    The word renewing begins in the mind until our mindset is aligned rightly. Every action taken by the person is usually out of order. The mind is the place of intellect, reasoning, or thought feeling, will, and intentions. The mind is important because it is the primary determinate of who a person is in every aspect of their life. Then, speaking of character, it is the mental and moral qualities distinctive of an individual.

    The first step is to make the choice to focus on Christ. The Christian character is the character of God, which is the foundation. To understand this, we look at the character of Christ Jesus. Hebrews 1:3
    who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, Jesus is the express image of God He is the precise representation of God in every respect. As Christian, we look unto Jesus the Revelation of God to us. Jesus was always in seek of the father. There was never any inconsistency between the character of God and the character of Jesus, that is why as Christian we should desire never to be seen with any inconsistency in our character in every area of our life because Jesus is our example; The author and finisher of our faith.

    Second, focusing on God‘s love and the Grace of God. For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son. Gods grace is God riches at Christ expense .Grace also means Gods enablement and empowerment.

    2 Peter 1:3
    [3]as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,
    Divine power has given us all things in abundance. for this very reason, by which had been giving exceedingly great and precious promises we will ADD diligently develop our character to exhibits the character of God and doing away with faulty or unhealthy thought pattern and replacing them with true,Godly one.

    Thirly, focusing on being in christ and rejecting the lie and deception of sinful desire of the enemy of our soul. Samson is a perfect example of a sorry story of gift or charisma without character. Samson forgot the purpose of the gift. This is the same as believers we have been called to be separated from the world to God. It is in this separation to God that we develop our spiritual character

    Fourthly, rest in the truth that you are accepted in Jesus Christ. Samson did not build intimacy with the Lord. Intimacy with God is a good ground from which character springs forth. The character of God keeps the power of God in our lives and in perfect balance. But Samson forgot that the law of sowing and reaping works. character development begins in the mind, and in the mind is where spiritual transformation happens.Romas12:2.

    Finally, focusing on Christ and living with the heart of God. Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, God is more eager for us to fulfil destiny. Focus on God rather than ourselves. God’s promise is to lead us and show us His will for our lives and submit to His leadership in our lives. When we understand God’s love and mercy for us, we find the reason to develop our character and renew our mind.

    in reply to: New Creation Nuggets Group Discussion 1 #23743
    Florence Oribhabor


    Good job. Analysis on the effect of the fall of man.
    The problem of man started with Adam and Eve committing sin known as high treason by willfully disobeying Gods command. when they ate
    of the tree God had commanded them not to eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
    evil, you shall not eat, for in the day you shall eat of it, you shall surely die. (Gen 2:17NKJV).
    The devil deceived man by adding the word ‘not’ It was an action of their will.
    Adam obeyed the devil
    and Adam handed that authority to the devil.
    Through one man, sin entered the world and death through sin. (Romans 5:12NKJV), (1
    Corinthians 15:21-22NKJV)
    2. As a result of Adams transgression, he became a sinner, and because we are all in Adam, weare all born sinners, that is our default state at birth. Every child is born with the sin nature.
    When Adam sinned, he became a sinner, and he became a slave to sin, a slave to death and a slaveto the devil. The Bible says, “You are a slave whom you obey” Romans 6:16NKJV. Every child is
    born with the sin nature.
    3. We were born, yet we were born dead for in Adam all died spiritually. When Adam sinned
    and ate of the tree. Adam died first spiritually, and then he eventually died physically. Every man
    that was born into this earth was born spiritually dead. Man is a spirit he has a soul, and he lives
    in a body. Every man was born spiritually dead, and because we were born spiritually dead, we
    were cut off from the life of God, we were cut off from the nature of God.
    we were born slaves to the devil, born slaves to sin and born slaves to death. Behold I was
    brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Psalm 51:5NKJV)

    I submitted before,I don’t know what happened.

    in reply to: New Creation Nuggets Group Discussion 1 #23742
    Florence Oribhabor


    Good job. Analysis on the effect of the fall of man.
    The problem of man started with Adam and Eve committing sin known as high treason by willfully disobeying Gods command. when they ate
    of the tree God had commanded them not to eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
    evil, you shall not eat, for in the day you shall eat of it, you shall surely die. (Gen 2:17NKJV).
    The devil deceived man by adding the word ‘not’ It was an action of their will.
    Adam obeyed the devil
    and Adam handed that authority to the devil.
    Through one man, sin entered the world and death through sin. (Romans 5:12NKJV), (1
    Corinthians 15:21-22NKJV)
    2. As a result of Adams transgression, he became a sinner, and because we are all in Adam, weare all born sinners, that is our default state at birth. Every child is born with the sin nature.
    When Adam sinned, he became a sinner, and he became a slave to sin, a slave to death and a slaveto the devil. The Bible says, “You are a slave whom you obey” Romans 6:16NKJV. Every child is
    born with the sin nature.
    3. We were born, yet we were born dead for in Adam all died spiritually. When Adam sinned
    and ate of the tree. Adam died first spiritually, and then he eventually died physically. Every man
    that was born into this earth was born spiritually dead. Man is a spirit he has a soul, and he lives
    in a body. Every man was born spiritually dead, and because we were born spiritually dead, we
    were cut off from the life of God, we were cut off from the nature of God.
    we were born slaves to the devil, born slaves to sin and born slaves to death. Behold I was
    brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Psalm 51:5NKJV)

    in reply to: New Creation Nuggets Group Discussion 1 #23741
    Florence Oribhabor


    Effect: – Means a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other causes.
    Fall: means move from a higher level to a lower level without control. Adam and Eve fell as a result of sin through wilful disobedient.
    God told Adam & Eve that if they ate the fruit the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they would surely die.
    They did eat and although they did not die immediately. They begin to die their physical death has because contain the only question was that how long they would live before they died. And they were not the only ones who would die. Death spread to all men because all men sinned. Romans 5:12
    So through the sin of man sin spread to all men and all men died.
    Separation from God is spiritual death Man’s relationship with God died with the fall and he was separated from god the sources of all life therefore man would not only die physically but also die spiritually leaving him to wander around looking for something that was missing. Looking for life from God. Many People realize there is something missing in their life and are searching for something more or better. But they don’t know what it is. It is God. Even when men do have a relationship with god and life is better there is still a sense that something is missing the will never fully experience life and fulfilment until they go to God through Jesus Christ and experience life beyond imagination. We look forward to that day with a deep yeaning but it begins with finding life now through a relationship with the living God.
    Physical life moves from life to death but spiritual life moves from death to life (John 5:24).
    The fall changed man’s relationships in many ways it changed his relationship with himself other people and even with nature. We are told that before the fall the man and the woman were naked but not ashamed (Genesis 2:25) but immediately after the fall they realized they were naked & were ashamed Genesis 3:7. Shame altered man’s relationship with himself. All of us now struggle to some degree with self worth because of our sin. One of our greatest needs is to regain a sense of our value and worth.
    Sin also damaged man’s relationship with other people. Immediately after the fall Adam & Eve’s relationship with one another took a turn for the worse. Adam blamed Eve and God for his sin and Eve blamed Satan Genesis 3:8-13. There was fear, shame and blame but no repentance Relationship begin to suffer.
    Even man’s relationship with nature was affected by the fall. The world itself was altered. Originally the earth produced all kinds of fruit after the fall. Fruit production was more difficult. God caused the ground and caused thorns and thistles to grow to crowd out the crops man needed to live.

    in reply to: Christian Character Discussion Board 1 #23549
    Florence Oribhabor


    “Good works that stem out of a relationship with Christ Jesus are witnesses for Jesus”
    bearing in mind that we are not saved by works.
    It is absolutely true that we are not saved by works but saved by Grace through faith.
    Ephesians 2:8-9
    [8]For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
    [9]not of works, lest anyone should boast.
    However, good works are works that are good done for God’s glory they are good because they honour God and love people.
    They are works done for God’s glory by God’s strength. Good works or good characters are good witnesses for Jesus. Good witnesses are proof that we are Christian. Not just any good works but rather good works or good character that stems out of a relationship with Jesus Christ, this good witnesses for Jesus. These are important because they are good works. There are other behaviours and good moral characters that may not stem out of a relationship with Christ. Good works or good character that stems out of a relationship with Christ is the character of God , the express image of God the Father Hebrews 1:3
    [3]who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
    The good works or good character that stems out of a relationship with Jesus was
    imparted in us at new birth into the recreated human Spirit. Christian character is the character of God , the Benchmark,the foundation or the reference point, is the character of God which we received from the root or the Vine through the Lord Jesus Christ. The impartation of character comes first as seed that must be developed or trained.
    Our good works are witnesses for Christ in the world, which is why the Bible refers to christain as the salt of the world. Matthew 5:13
    [13]“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men
    Jesus did not make Himself son of God by developing good works; he did good works because he is the son of God
    [6]But without faith it is impossible to please Him
    The seed imparted need to be developed constantly, to make it a pattern of life wherever and and whenever; the life of a christain ought to be marked with consistent, and diligently developing the good work which are the fruits of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23
    [22]But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
    [23]gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
    As believer the character of God is also the light of God that shine through us to influence darkness in the world by that light in us
    Matthew 5:16
    [16]Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Christ Fulfills the Law
    both men believers and unbelievers may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven” which he prepare before hand.
    Good works point to God alone as glorious. When we do that, we show that God is worthy to beloved, and make him look great.

    in reply to: Evangelism and Follow Up Group Discussion 1 #23507
    Florence Oribhabor


    True Evangelism is the spreading of the Christian gospel by preaching or personal witness about Jesus’ death and resurrection, which is the good news.
    False evangelism
    False gospel comes in disguised in christians – surrounding language,but they are built on false doctrines rather than true realities outline in the scriptures
    The false gospel, which emphasis is on the success,happiness, comfort, and fulfilment of lust
    There are so many practises in contemporary churches. These practices are not in consonance with what Christ preached and stood for.Some of these practices to mention, but a few include:

    I) materialism
    II) the craze for prophecies and miracles
    III) church commercialisation.
    The above has taken centre stage in most churches today. Wealth and wealthy people are glorified ,idolized, and deified, while the rest of the congregation are encouraged to tap from their wealth anointing. New cars, new jobs , new political appointments, and all sorts of earthly desires are now the focal points of the sermons of many pastors. The gospel of the death and resurrection of Christ through which we are set free from
    [05/11, 15:54] De – Flosun Enterprise: desires of the flesh and all forms of sin no longer mean much to them as they have all had it swept under the carpet. People now see going to church as a mere Sunday ritual. They go, and they come back spiritually the same as no sermon of any spiritual impact and significance is preached. Zero transformational and soul winning messages.The true gospel emphasises the need for genuine repentance while the false gospel sees repentance as merely changing of one’s mind. Matthew 3:8
    Therefore, bear fruits worthy of repentance, giving a mental accent to the fact that God sees you as pure.

    Many so-called pastors and prophets superintending over churches now go the extra mile to acquire powers so as to perform miracles to hoodwink their gullible followers. Some native doctors have modernised their shrines , naming them ministries so it can sound appealing to the unsuspecting worshipers. So many have been deceived, ripped off, and victimized by these fraudsters. Any pastor that does not lay emphasis on Christ and the kingdom of God is far from evangelism and is only being used as a tool in the hand of the devil to send people to hell.
    The true gospel leads the believers to ask what can I do for God? Not what God will do for me
    Colossians 3:1-3
    If then you were raised with Christ, by seeking those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the
    [05/11, 15:56] De – Flosun Enterprise: right hand of God
    [2]Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
    [3]For you died, and your life is hidden in Christ in God.
    The above refers to the manipulation of the church,its services (spiritual and emotional), with the implied intentions to exploit members for economic and financial gain. Many contemporary churches are guilty of this. I know of a neighbour who stopped going to church because of the emotional black mail he experienced from the pastor of the church. The enterpreneurs have devised many crafty and ungodly ways of hoodwinking their members. Jesus frowned at all these bizarre practices when he was on earth. The true gospel focuses on the resurrection, whereas the false gospel emphasises the success,happiness, comfort, and fulfilment of lust.
    1 Corinthians 2:2
    For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

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