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  • in reply to: Grace and Faith Discussion Board 1 #30976

    Good one sister Sarah, thank God we are in school to learn and I am learning because knowledge is progressive. But I think I’m not okay with some point here in respect of the question in Hebrew 11:39.

    Jesus is the plan of all God’s promises from the genesis of Adam’s sin that led to his separation with God. What a loving father that is so mindful of us and did everything He could for we to completely (in full measure) reconnect with him and to possess all he has made available for us from the creation of man in the beginning. The purpose for the creation of man by God was abated because of the sin Adam committed which made him lost his rights and privileges and separation from God his creator. As a result Adam and everyone that came under him automatically became slave to the devil which was against God’s plan for the creation of man. Our merciful Father God in his sovereignty and love for us manifest himself in many ways starting with the Old Testament Saints (the Prophets, Priests, Kings) to lead, guide and protect his people with lots of promises spoken all channeling for man’s redemption.
    Hebrews 11 made mention of the great Fathers of Faith we called Heroes of faith who spoke and prophesy the plans/promises of God to his people. They believed God and walked with God and their faith, obedience and patience brought forth miracles that speak of God’s love, His power and mightiness. But verse 11:39 says, these great heroes did not receive the promise and you concurred proving your points that they did not received because they were not in covenant with God, not redeemed and not saved. I’m not convinced with your point and that was why I did a brief explanation about Adam in the paragraph.

    A promise is a Vow, an assurance and God spoken word is the true word. The great heroes of faith as stated in Hebrews 11:39 did not receive the promise physically here on earth because they were not physically alive before the manifestation. But my point here is a promise spoken is a promise received spiritually and the physical manifestation is secondary. They believed the promises of God and received it spiritually as they prophesy with a spoken word but they did not live to see and receive it physically till their cessation here on earth and while they were waiting to receiver physically their faith did not weaver or doubt the integrity of God’s spoken word till their death. Faith goes beyond receiving physically. So is of my opinion that they received. Thank you.

    in reply to: Soteriology (Laity) Discussion Board 1 #30951

    Awesome Sister! Let me comment on your second point, God’s love is Sacrificial.

    I keep meditating of God’s sacrificial love to us. Trying to understand how could this be; this love is so deep, so wide, so large, so high that one can’t place it, it keeps getting larger as you continue to meditate. God’s action of love to mankind cannot be comprehend, no amount of expression or explanation will speak of the depth of God’s love. You must have a revelation of God’s love for you to even scratch the surface of it. How do you explain it, What will make God sacrifice his only son for sinners who may accept him or who may not (John 3:16). This love is patience, this love is pain, this love is long-suffering, this love is death, this love is gain and many more which he bore for us. Look at the story of the prodigal son….no condemnation (Luke 15:11-32, John 3:17), look at the story of the lost sheep, he didn’t say I have 99 already what use will I make of 1. But he went a far to look for that one and sheltered that one with love. He’s so mindful of me and puts me first and called me his heir. His sacrifice for mankind has no limit.

    While friendship love is beautiful but must be mutual that is the fact, it can never be one sided. One can sacrifice time and tangible things but with conditions attached. This kind of love cannot surfer long, its patience span is limited.

    But God loves us unconditionally that He died for me to live and have my peace. Glory be to God.

    in reply to: Grace and Faith Discussion Board 1 #30893

    Faith is powerful and produces results. Faith always receives the victory. How do you reconcile this with Hebrews 11:39?

    Yes Faith always receives the victory no matter the outcome of the situation or things you see at the moment that might look unpleasant physically and sometimes one’s mind may want to doubt especially if is taking a longer period for the manifestation. But your firm trust in the Lord will bring victorious result as you wait patiently in the Word and with the right attitude.

    Sometimes that victorious result might not be seen in your time but will manifest in the next generation. The promises of God spoken over you in the Word or words you prophesy as orchestrated by God whom you believe and trust may not be seen in your generation but will be manifest in the next generation and that doesn’t mean you did not receive the promise – promises of God spoken out of thy mouth are received promises. The Word of God does not lie; it produces positive result at its time, “Faith in God is always backed by the power of God! However, not every result is obtained while here on earth. But every step of faith receives answer because it is backed up by God’s Word” God cannot lie.

    Hebrews 11:39 (KJV) says “And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise”.

    Hebrews 11:39 (MSG) Says, Not one of these people, even though their lives of faith were exemplary, got their hands on what was promised.

    This verse Hebrews 11:39 did show how victorious those people were. In my own view, they didn’t miss out of the promise of God, they actually got even after they ceased to exist on earth. When the promise came none of them were alive to receive the promise. Faith goes beyond receiving physically.

    Matthew 22:29-32; it says “…..have you not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I AM the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob”?. The word “I AM” was used, the statement I AM is a present tense with God. Jesus made that statement hundreds of years after their physical death. Before God all in Him alive. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were still alive when he was saying that.
    They didn’t miss out on the promise at all because they believed. I believe that God, in his sovereignty and foreknowledge, planned that their time of reception of the promise will be complete – their faith and ours come together to make a complete whole.

    Verse 39 and 40 of Hebrews 11 says, not one of this people, even their lives of faith were exemplary, got their hands on what was promised. God had a better plan for us: that their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole, their lives of faith not complete apart from ours.

    Did they receive the promise? I will say YES they received the promise – When? When our faith came and joined with theirs.

    In Conclusion; Faith always produces results – in death or in life through Christ.
    Faith goes beyond receiving physically.

    in reply to: Soteriology (Laity) Discussion Board 1 #30842

    God’s love is a supernatural love; one’s mind cannot fathom it. This love is not selfish, is not looking for what he will get, he gives. This love is called Agape in Greek meaning God’s kind of love, divine love, this love is perfect, is sacrificial (1John 4:8) While friendship love is a platonic love. It’s typically a love that means you have a strong bond with someone, they are important to you and you are emotionally connected to them, but you usually do not have romantic feeling for them. I can say a biblical example of friendship love is Jesus and Apostle Peter – Following his resurrection, Jesus asked the apostle Peter if he loved him (agape). Peter replied three times that he did, but the word he used was phileo or brotherly love (John 21:15–19). Peter had not yet received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; he was incapable of agape love.

    A true understanding of God’s love will totally cause my eyes to see through His love eyes and cause my heart to embrace and reach out to others and myself. “others” here will definitely include God, who ultimately and continuously should be first in my list.

    A true understanding of God’s love will cause my heart to insatiably think about the Lord, what he has accomplished for me and his feelings. I will be concerned about how he feels about things and will want to honor that (Mark 12:30).

    Secondly, God’s love will cause me to think of myself – to see my worth and value, and stirs me into becoming fuller who God wants me to be as a person, to become better and better (Proverbs 4:18, Mark 12:31). Then, this will effortlessly and naturally flow to others as one fixes his or her eyes on the Lord to see what He is doing (John 5:19, Hebrews 12:2, Psalms 105:4). The objective is to care for the other with the God-kind of love. But there is a step further: understanding God’s love in a true sense will cause me to think of others more than myself (John 13:34, Romans12:10, Philippians 2:3). The eagerness of going out to proclaim the good news will be overwhelming because God’s Love is action (John 3:16).

    1, First Corinthians 13:5AMP – God’s Love takes no account of evil done to it – pays no attention of suffered wrong; God’s nature is love so all he knows to do is to love and to protect. A typical example for me here is King David and Saul in the book of 1Samuel “with all the non-hidden attempts from Saul to kill David, David still walked in love towards Saul even when David had the opportunity to speak against him and to kill him David refused instead he honored God by protecting Saul, this is an expression of God’s love”. Friendship love cannot endure this long, friendship love will want to fight back at some point.

    2, First Corinthians 13:7&8AMP – God’s love is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances and it endures everything without weakening. God’s Love bears up under anything and everything that comes (John 13: 34-35, 1John 3:14-15).This love is always positive minded and focuses on the promises of God upon ones life and always sees the God nature in you which is good.

    3, God’s love is a Peace maker (1Peter4:8) – The Love of God Constraineth us (2Cor 5:14) we have no will of our own but to choose to walk in love like our heavenly Father no matter what may come our way, we communicate with a loving attitude. Every step out of love is a step into sin (Matthew 5:45). Love is the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

    4, God’s Love is unconditional, is perfect, is sacrificial and pure (John 3:16). Friendship love is not perfect is not sacrificial. God’s Love puts others first and is interested in what he can give and not what he can get.

    In conclusion; Love is the action that motivates faith, Love gives faith power and Love is the tuests test of genuine faith.

    in reply to: Healing School Discussion Board 1 #28231

    With the aid of scriptures show what truths concerning healing and health are contained in the Lord’s table(communion).

    There is such healing power in the communion, but too many people have been robbed of this gift either because they do not know it or they have been taught wrongly about what the Lord meant for it to be or some see it as a kiliche just to mark themselves a partaker of the communion without mixing faith and not minding its significant to our health. The bible says in Hosea chapter 4:6 my people perish for lack of knowledge, Lack of knowledge about the Miracle in The Lord’s Table. The Lord’s Table is a simple act and not a ritual; it helps us to remember what Jesus did on the cross. The elements of the communion are not common, insignificant, and powerless but powerful to effect the healing we want to experience.

    – Acts 20:7 On the first day of the week the disciple came together to share in the Lord’s supper, when we read down to verse eleven how the man that fell from the three-story building when listening to Apostle Paul preaching miraculously received his healing and the bible says in verse eleven then they all went back upstairs shared in the Lord’s supper. The bible records that they came together to break bread that means the meeting was mainly to partake in the Lord’s Table for it has been their routine every first day of the week. The Holy Communion is more powerful than any medical procedure or any medicine. It is a healing remedy to our body and soul and we cannot take an overdose of it as we partake of it as often as we can in Faith.

    – Psalm 103:5 it renews our Youth like that of an eagle. Anytime we partake in the Lord’s Table, our youth is being renewed. This scripture is part of my daily confessions as I partake in The Lord’s Table daily intentionally for maintaining strong and healthy body irrespective of what I eat. Because I take the communion (the body and the blood) daily in faith together with my healing confessions, I don’t fall sick and cannot remember the year I last drank panadol. Jesus Christ bought me back with His blood and took away all my sicknesses and diseases. There is supernatural power concerning our healing in The Holy Communion and the early Church clearly understood how powerful The Holy Communion is. That’s why the Bible tells us they broke bread from house to house (Acts 2:46). It makes one feel joyful and gladden our hearts because we eat the bread and drink the Cup in remembrance of the wonderful things Jesus did for us on the Cross at Calvary and divine healing was one. Hallelujah.

    -1Corinthians 11:23-26, Isaiah 53:4-5; The Lord’s Table is a confession of our faith and our loyalty to love. It is a covenant and when we eat the bread and drink the cup, we ratify this covenant. LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND HEALING works together. The Lord’s Table was a demonstration of God’s Love to us, we partake in it because our sins are forgiven and as the healed children of God, we maintain our healing as we continue walking in love and forgiveness towards one another because of What Jesus did for us. The body of Jesus Christ was broken for my healing and His blood was shed for my forgiveness so I can experience good and healthy life here on earth nothing missing nothing broken. The Lord’s Table is a complete package (Revelation 5:12) Glory to God.

    In conclusion, The Lord’s Table is another powerful Healing remedy to our body but not a ritual. Your faith in the Word will do the work and you can’t take an overdose of it. Glory to God!

    Reference: The Bible and E. W. Kenyon

    in reply to: Healing School Discussion Board 1 #28230

    Awesome sister, let me comment on this “when we understand and partake of the Holy Communion in a posture of faith, we can experience the transformative power of Christ’s work in our lives, both spiritually and physically. Psalms 107:20, His word healed and delivered us from all sickness and disease.”

    It is paramount to have a better understanding about the communion, but thank God for God’s sovereign love towards His children especially the baby Christians that just partake in it and experience instant miracle for I am a witness of one. It is of our advantage to have a better understanding to maintain our healing.

    We must believe the word spoken, obey, act as instructed (1Corinthian 11:23-26) it is an instruction given to us to do this in remembrance of Him, what a sacrifice of Love. His body was broken so that our body will not be broken. Your personal revelation will determine the outcome (what you believe and meditate upon is what you will experience as you partake in the Holy Communion)

    ‭Proverbs 4:20-22 NET‬

    [20] My child, pay attention to my words; listen attentively to my sayings. [21] Do not let them depart from your sight, guard them within your heart;
    [22] for they are life to those who find them and healing to one’s entire body.

    We must pay attention to every detail that pertain the Lord’s Table concerning our healing. Continual intake of the communion strengthens our relationship with our father God, it energises our spirit man and keeps us in constant remembrance of what Jesus did for us at the cross as a result We will be more aware of our healing and to constantly maintain good health experientially here on earth is Christ Jesus.

    in reply to: Prayer Basics Discussion Board 1 #27686

    oh thank🙏 you Sister just my response.

    Praise is an affirmation of your faith and faith in the Word of God you know builds you up and keep you standing without wavering to a higher realm of Praise even when the situation seems very dark and that was why i used the example of Paul and Silas, the walls of Jericho….

    Yes I used the Name of Jesus here because when you have a personal revelation about That Name JESUS, you take advantage of the name for your miracle in Praise and this begath(excuse my KJV English) the genesis of my number one point “Because you believe God’s Word; that is, I have read and found/know God’s Word concerning that situation before praying”

    and my number two point “Because what I prayed for is inline with God’s Word/will; that is, you know you are not praying offpoint, you are sensitive to note you are praying God’s will for that situation at the moment in accordance to his word”

    and thirdly, because of your personal revelation in the Name of Jesus, you seal your prayer up at the pronouncement of That Name Jesus. You believed your prayers had been answered even when you have not seen the manifestation…then you keep enjoying in the presence Praise and Thanksgiving in Christ Jesus.

    Praise is an act of FAITH.
    Your Faith begins were the will of God in known.

    Praise is another highest form in receiving from God whether you know the Word or not because God reaches everyone of us according to the level of our understanding at the moment. Your genuine Praise to God will charge the atmosphere for you and turn things around supernaturally for our good even to the things that we have not prayed for. God is always ahead perfecting everything that concerns us and our Praise can be a trigger.

    Thank you ma’am🙏 Sister Soton for your points of view, we are in School and I am learning, we keep learning progressively. May the eyes of our understanding continually be enlightened in Jesus Name. Amen 🙌 Glory to God.

    in reply to: Prayer Basics Discussion Board 1 #27554

    Glory to God 🙌 awesome! Let me comment on your number one point. Praise is an expression of Faith.

    Our praises is born out of our faith in God, and this act shows the utmost believe and firm assurance in His Word concerning us.
    This is an assurance concerning God’s word to us. ‭Hebrews 13:5b AMPC‬….
    ; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] [Josh. 1:5&6]

    How do you start Praising God victoriously in the midst of deathly or dangerous situations like Paul and Silas in the prison and the Israelites matching round the walls of Jericho with their trumpets Praising God. It looks foolish and doesn’t make sense but they are acting the Word and being obedient to God’s instruction.
    Hebrews 11:1 CEB‬
    [1] Faith is the reality of what we hope for, the proof of what we don’t see.

    Our Praises to God before the physical manifestation could also be an act of obedience to God because it will definitely win Souls to Christ… Which means the Great commission is being achieved. We should be intentional about our Praises to God anywhere and anytime.

    Our personal revelation about God will trigger our Praise to God and our Praises to God will bring forth a great miracle.

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by prettyruth.
    in reply to: Prayer Basics Discussion Board 1 #27518

    Praise is an act of reverencing God and Praise is the expression of your love to our Father God. It can be done by singing Joyously, shouting aloud at the top of your voice without minding the next person but rather you expect the next person to join in the praise because praise is contagious, praise can also be done by jumping and dancing hilariously that the naturals minds might think you are crazing (is just an act of being foolish for God as you give Him thanks…we owe Him our praise), Praise can also be done in bowing down and prostrating to our Father God, Praise can also be done in waving on of holy hands in an upward manner reverencing God.
    Your act of Praise reviews your love and the depth of your relationship with your Father God. RC2024.

    Why should I Praise God for prayers answered before I see the them?

    1- Because I believe God’s Word. For God’s Words are His promises to me and they are ye and Amen.

    2- Because what I prayed for is in line with God’s Word/Will. That is, I have seen the Word in the Bible and I am standing on the Word found and prayed accordingly to His Word concerning the situation. For God hasten His word to perform it Jeremaih 1:12, Isaiah 55:10. He does not lie.

    3- I prayed in the Name of Jesus. The Name of Jesus is the guarantee for answered prayer.

    Upon the affirmation of the above statement, it is important to praise God whether you are in the mood or not because Praise is another form of expression of your Faith and Love to God. A perfect example for me why I should Praise God for answered prayer before seeing it physically is that of Paul and Silas in Acts Chapter Sixteen verses Twenty Two to Twenty Seven, they love God, they believe the word of God, and they lived and acted the Word. They understood the Power of Praise…. Knowing the Word is not enough, Living according to the Word is not enough but acting the Word without wavering even when persecuted speaks volume about your Christian faith….. Paul and Silas in the midst of being persecuted for proclaiming the Gospel were locked and changed in a prison. They chose to Praise God instead of seating and waiting for what God will do since they are doing his will. They acted upon the Word even in the adverse situation they’re into. I can only imagine the expressions from other prisoners and the warders as Paul and Silas keep Praising God aloud. That is an affirmation of their faith and expression of their love to God and the miraculous happened.

    My praise to God is an affirmation of believing God’s word and His promises towards me which are yes and Amen. I believe that God has answered my prayers because I have prayed in line according to the will of God. Even though I haven’t seen the manifestation physically I’ll Praise God hilariously because I have prayed according to His will in the Word concerning the situation. The Bible says praise God at all times whether you are in the mood or not. Secondly Praise is Ministering to the Lord, while waiting to see the physical manifestation we maintain the attitude of Praise in Ministering to the Lord it bubbles our hearts with joy. The Joy of the Lord is our strength; this is another important reason to praise God as we wait because it strengthens us and keep us in remembrance of the goodness of God for His word to us will never return void. Halleluyah.

    In conclusion, It is important we Praise God for our answers before we see them because we believe He has answered. Your Praise is the affirmation of your Faith and in the Word you know. Glory be to God.

    in reply to: Harmatology Discussion Board 1 #26676

    Yes, having a good biblical understanding about sin, how it happened from the beginning and what become of man after disobeying God will make a Christian appreciate Salvation and will walk with a deep sense of the most Holy faith in worshipping and reverencing the Father in Christ Jesus no matter what challenge the Christian may face. I also acknowledge the fact in your statement “it will help to evangelize the Gospel” this statement is profound because without having a deeper revelation of the love of the Father to mankind and what He did for us in Christ Jesus the zeal to win souls won’t be at topnotch in the heart of a Believer and soul winning the Bible says is the heartbeat of the Father, in this note it is expected of every Christian in their walk with God to proclaim the Goodnews of the Father irrespective your level of biblical understanding at the Moment you go at your pace acknowledging the help of the Holy Spirit who does the conviction. Also I agree with you that sin comes with guilt and condemnation which can and will hinder our Christian walk with God. But I’m not really in tune with you at your fact that Sin is Powerful, how powerful can sin be in the life of a born again Christian. When you use the word Powerful I think you are magnifying the hand work of the devil. The WORD of God is Powerful and the word powerful cannot be use incorrelation with sin. Sin can be powerful in the mind of an individual i. e. The way you talk about sin or the level at which they’ve allowed themselves to be controlled by the act of sin which is slavery to the devil. Sin can be avoided and render inactive. Our goal is to von

    in reply to: Theology Discussion Board 1 #23929

    This statement is strong,… meaning God will repent?
    Repentance is changing of ones mind, heart or from ways and God’s mind is fixed, constant and unchanging. He is the Alpha, this indicate He is the beginning and the end, He is the same yesterday today and for ever. He is the creator and He knows all things. God does not have the ability to change is mind, is Impossible.

    Or how do you mean? Does it mean man can make God to go back and forth in the cause of changing His mind for man or to meet up with man’s standard/level at the moment? I think more light need to be thrown on this. Thank you

    Hebrews 6:17-18
    God also bound himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that he would never change his mind. So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us.
    Hebrews 6:17‭-‬18 NLT

    in reply to: Theology Discussion Board 1 #23919

    THEOLOGY 104

    Places in the Bible where it is clearly stated or suggested that God changed His mind concerning something He had done or decided to.

    Example from the book of Exodus chapter 32 where the children of Israelite rebelled against God by calving an idol for themselves to worship led by Aaron. I believe they chose not to remember the mighty power of the God that brought them out of Egypt. This makes God so angry that He told Moses He was going to destroy them all according to Exodus chapter 32 verses 9 and 10. Then Moses pleaded and intercede on their behalf as said in verses 11, 12, and 13, “So the Lord changed his mind about the terrible disaster He had threatened to bring on His people” (Exodus 32:14(NLT).

    The Lord also changed His mind in the case of King Hezekiah’s. In the book of 2kings chapter twenty. Prophet Isaiah son of Amos gave this message to Hezekiah, “This is what the Lord says: Set your affairs in order for you are going to die, you will not recover from this illness. When Hezekiah heard this, he turned his face to the wall and Prayed to the Lord” 2Kings 1, 2. Then as written in verses 4,5 and 6, the Lord changed His mind after King Hezekiah prayed. Hezekiah did not die as said by God, but God healed him and added 15more years for him to live.

    In the book of Jonah, the Lord told Jonah to go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim His judgment against it because He has seen how wicked the people are. From the day Jonah entered the city, he made the announcement by God, 40 days from now Nineveh will be destroyed but when the people of Nineveh heard, they repented and prayed to God, God changed His mind and forgive them. He couldn’t destroy the city again as said.

    These are but few scriptures were God changed His mind because they are against His nature. God changed His mind because He is a Father of Love. His nature is Love. I didn’t see were God changed his mind to do evil, but love. Even Jonah testify about the unchanging God and His love nature, that was why he initially disobeyed by refusing not going to the City of Nineveh because He knows who God is, God will change His mind because of His nature “love” He is Unchangeable God that does good.
    According to the above examples, the children of Israelite, King Hezekiah and the City of Nineveh…..just portray God’s Nature; which is Love towards everyone.

    The unchanging nature of God is evidently seen in the Bible. In the Old Testament, God says, “I the Lord do not change” (Malachi 3:6). It is also said in New Testament that God is “The Father of the Heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17). God is immutable, it is impossible for His character or being to undergo any mutation. His power cannot be improved or diminished. He cannot be anything other than perfectly Holy. God our Father remains ever the same. He is the same yesterday and today and for ever (Hebrew 13:8)Hallelujah.

    in reply to: Christology Group Discussion 2 #23731

    Hallelujah….our Faith our hope is firmly, eternally in Christ Jesus. Today We enjoy Peace, Love, Joy because of Jesus Christ being our High Priest. He took an Oath for us all, He sacrificed his life so that our sin nature can be done away with ones and for all. He is our redeemer.

    Hebrews 4:14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.

    Jesus as our High Priest is our guarantee for better healthy living here on earth no more limitation, no more condemnation for Jesus as The High Priest has avail to mankind full access to God our Father. We can approach God individually… Indeed we stand in a bettet covenant. Our Faith today is in Christ Jesus…. for Jesus is our Saviour.

    21: but he became a priest with an oath when God said to him: “The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: ‘You are a priest forever.’ ”
    22: Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant.
    25: Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
    Hebrews 7:21‭-‬22‭, ‬25 NIV

    Jesus is our surety for a better covenant.

    in reply to: Christology Group Discussion 2 #23717


    Jesus operates as the high priest for the believer today.

    A gloriously profound scripture-based ideology that unfolds through God’s infallible Word is mankind’s redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross.
    He literally laid down his life to save human beings from the unchanging fate of annihilation that awaits on the Day of Judgment–anyone who believes has escaped this doomsday (John 3:16-17). It’s the greatest miracle ever!
    God planned all that on his own volition, making the matter almost incredible! It seems unbelievable that the singular motive in the heart of God his love. There was only one string attached to this grace-draping kindness: Love.

    The matter gets even sweeter when we realized the High Priest position of Christ, standing in service in the heavenly sanctuary for those who have believed in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
    He serves all those who come to God in him as High Priest forever! It’s like the job of a waiter who eagerly attends to people in a restaurant—he supplies their needs!
    Believers in Christ have been unequivocally assure that not only have their sins been forgiven on the Cross, but Christ, standing in the position of High Priest in heaven continually entreats the Father currently on their behalf when they mess up in sin or when in need or in trouble (1 Jn. 1:9; Matt. 11:28-30). It doesn’t mean God condones sin. On the contrary, he sent Jesus to destroy the works of the devil, which includes sin (Jn. 10:10; Acts 10:38).

    Christ became our perfect High Priest. He became human and lived in the world (Jn. 1: 14). Fully Man, he was tempted in every way—yet without sin (Heb. 4:15.)
    To qualify as our High Priest, he had to be made perfect through his sufferings. Surely, it doesn’t mean Jesus was imperfect. No! Perfection connotes “flawlessness” and “wholeness.” Without question, Jesus was flawless and whole. The sufferings he experienced, which culminated on the Cross, made him our perfect High Priest. He experienced all the struggles associated within humanity.

    Today, Christ is our loving and experienced High Priest. He intercedes, mediates, and advocates with the Father on our behalf (Heb. 9:25; 9:24).
    We can boldly come to the Father’s presence without fear of condemnation (Heb. 4:16). There is no fear in love (Jn. 3:16; 1 Jn. 4:18). Christ has got us covered. In faith, there’s forgiveness when we sin (1 Jn. 1:9), and our needs supplied. 🙌 Hallelujah

    in reply to: Pneumatology Discussion Board 2 #23713


    Conviction of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.

    Conviction refers to the state of being convinced and confident that something is true; it means a strong persuasion or belief. Conviction stands opposed to doubt and skepticism. (BIBLE.ORG)

    Conviction also means to persuade to a belief, consent, or course of action. According to this definition is only the Holy Spirit that can convince or persuade one to a true belief system in Christ Jesus. Man’s conviction will be effortless couple with many struggles without achieving a lasting result.
    According to Acts of the Apostles Chapter Two, Peter preached with Boldness after the Holy Spirit had come upon him and about 3,000 people were added to the Church.

    “So let everyone in Israel know for certain that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!” Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.” Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!” Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.
    Acts of the Apostles 2:36‭-‬41 NLT.
    “the Holy Spirit does the conviction as the people believed what Peter was saying”.

    Three things to Prove;
    1. It proves that God is a Spirit dwelling in Human body. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit enable individual to have access to GOD, communicate with God one on one without passing through anyone and have God’s abilities to perform Miracles as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:11, 1Corinthians 3:16, 2Corinthians 6:16, Ezekiel 36;27, John 4:24, John 14:26

    2. The Holy Spirit gets the unbeliever saved by receiving Jesus Christ as her savior and Lord. He Convict the world of sin. John 16:8

    3. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to understand the scriptures (to discern between Right and Wrong Doctrine), reveals to the believer what to do and enabled the believer to operate effectively in its office/place of assignment here on earth. 2 Timothy 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21.

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