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  • in reply to: Evangelism and Follow Up Group Discussion 1 #22795

    1.Evangelism is not the marketing of the contemporary churches.

    Invitation to church service and programs is not evangelism. its ok to invite people to come along to your church but this not evangelism. Evangelism is a concerted self-conscious effort to confront the unbeliever with the truth about and claims of Christ with a view to leading that unbeliever to repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus. Many contemporary churches view invitations to services as a form of modern-day evangelism. Evangelism is aimed at sharing the good news of Jesus to a dying world. Jesus gave us the great commission,” Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel”. Matthew 28:18-20{NKJV}. Mark 16:15-18{NKJV}. The book of Luke 24:47-49{NKJV} says that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. John 20:1{NKJV}, And Jesus said to them, Peace be unto you, as my father hath sent me so I send you. What changes people’s lives is the gospel, and that’s what we need to be actively sharing.

    2.Evangelism does not begin from a position of authority.

    Many local churches go about evangelizing to others as though those unsaved ones are less than them. They engage in evangelism with a superiority mindset and attitude. They confront and condemn the unbeliever in a negative way. We go to others because we have received and we are commissioned to go, not because of any merit or status of our own. We are to show them that there’s a better life style. The lifestyle of Jesus. We are not to condemn anyone. The bible says where sin abounds grace much more abounds Romans 5:20{NKJV}

    3.Evangelism is not an opportunity for self-aggrandizement.

    Jesus Christ showed us how evangelism should be done. Evangelism is not just our task. It is the very essence of the church. Jesus is the bridge between humanity and God Almighty. Evangelism runs on the core focus of Christ’s Ministry. Jesus says, I am the way, I am the truth and I am the life no man cometh unto the father but by me. (John 14:6NKJV) It is not for self-aggrandizement. Many contemporary churches go about airing on television their achievements, what they have accomplished so far in their evangelical ministry with the aim of showing off themselves, not portraying Christ whom thy claim they serve. Whatever we do the purpose must be geared towards evangelism.

    in reply to: New Creation Nuggets Group Discussion 1 #22787

    1.Adam and Eve committed high treason by willfully disobeying Gods command. when they ate
    of the tree God had commanded them not to eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
    evil, you shall not eat, for in the day you shall eat of it, you shall surely die. (Gen 2:17NKJV).
    Foolishly yet willfully they obeyed the voice of the devil. They ate of that tree, and they
    committed high treason. It was an action of their will. They sold themselves willingly to the
    enemy the devil. High Treason can be said to be a crime of disloyalty against one’s government
    or one’s country especially aligning with its enemy. Because God created Adam, created the
    earth, and gave him authority to rule the earth on His behalf, and then Adam obeyed the devil
    and Adam handed that authority to the devil. Therefore, they surrendered and transferred that
    authority God had given them to Satan. Adam sold himself into slavery. He sold the entire
    mankind into slavery, because from Adam the whole human race came.
    Through one man sin entered the world and death through sin. (Romans 5:12NKJV), (1
    Corinthians 15:21-22NKJV) (Romans 3:23NKJV), (Psalm 51:5NKJV).
    2.As a result of Adams transgression, he became a sinner and because we are all in Adam, we
    are all born sinners, that is our default state at birth. Every child is born with the sin nature.
    When Adam sinned, he became a sinner, he became a slave to sin, a slave to death and a slave
    to the devil. The Bible says, “You are a slave whom you obey” Romans 6:16NKJV. Every child is
    born with the sin nature.
    3. We were born, yet we were born dead for in Adam all died spiritually. When Adam sinned
    and ate of the tree Adam died first spiritually and then he eventually died physically. Every man
    that was born into this earth was born spiritually dead. Man is a spirit he has a soul, and he lives
    in a body. Every man was born spiritually dead and because we were born spiritually dead, we
    were cut off from the life of God, we were cut off from the nature of God.
    we were born slaves to the devil, born slaves to sin and born slaves to death. Behold I was
    brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Psalm 51:5NKJV)

    in reply to: Servanthood Discussion 1 #22721

    Rebekah and Joseph both came from a different socio-economic status. Although Rebekah was born and brought up in a wealthy family, she didn’t consider it belittling or derogatory to serve Abraham’s servant by giving him water to drink when she was asked. Gen 24:18 NKJV. She had the right mindset. Joseph on the other hand, was a slave in Potiphar’s house. As a slave, he had the right mindset of servanthood, he didn’t consider his state as belittling or derogatory, he served Potiphar such that Potiphar saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord prospered all that he did. Gen 39:2-4NKJV.Joseph and Rebekah both had an understanding of their true identity which was in God.
    Rebekah saw herself as a solution to Abraham’s servants needs and Problems. Gen 24:18NKJV, she was able to identify a God given opportunity to serve when she said” Drink, my lord”. And she quickly lowered her pitcher to her hand and gave Abraham’s servant water to drink at his request, so also, Joseph, he served Potiphar and his household such that Potiphar left all that he had in Joseph’s hand and he did not know what he had except the food that he ate. Gen 39:3-6NKJV
    Rebekah had the right attitude. She was able to anticipate the needs of Abrahams servant thus creating an opportunity to serve. In the book of Gen24:19-20NKJV. Rebekah said, I will draw water for your camels also, she quickly emptied her pitcher into the trough, ran back to the well to draw water and drew for all his camels. she knew exactly what to do and did it. So also, Joseph found favor in Potiphar’s sight and served him. Gen 39:4NKJV. Both Rebekah and Joseph had the right attitude. true service is a state of the heart and out of that state of the heart, actions will follow. Actions are visible but attitudes are of the heart. Therefore, their actions enhanced the right attitude in them.
    Rebekah and Joseph had true humility in service. They were not hypocrites. They did not cross their boundaries. They were true imitators of the people they served. When Abraham’s servant adorned Rebekah with the golden bracelet and nose ring, she immediately ran home to tell her family Gen 24:28. Joseph also did not take advantage of his master’s wife when she wanted to sleep with him. He knew his boundaries. Gen39:7-9.

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