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  • in reply to: New Creation Nuggets Group Discussion 1 #22770

    The fall of man came with several effects. Discuss in detail three effects of the fall of man
    The fall of man is the occasion where man did not obey the instruction of God gave to man in the Garden of Eden and the following were the effects of the fall:
    A. Their Righteousness before God was lost.
    B. They lost fellowship with the father.
    C. They experienced spiritual and physical death.
    D. The land was cursed.
    E. Eve will experience Pain during child birth.
    F. They were evicted from the Garden of Eden so that they will not have access to the tree of life.
    G. The man ruled over the woman,

    1. They experienced spiritual and physical death:
    Spiritual death is the separation of man from the God while physical death of separating the soul from the body.
    God told them that they shouldn’t eat of the fruit lest they shall die, after the fall their number of years on earth was reduced and death was introduced because the bible said “in toil shall you eat all the days of your life, so from the moment they eat the fruit they began to die. Spiritually, they die because there was a separating between God and Adam spirit.
    So because of this death (both physically and spiritually) that came as a result of the fall, Death passed through to all men .

    2. They lost fellowship with the father:
    Before the fal,l the bible recorded that there was a constant communication between God and man, both parties long for this fellowship because God took time communicating his mind and the reason of creation to man.
    After the fall, the bible recorded that there was a bridge in this fellowship because when God came down for their usual “gist “, man knowing what he already did was afraid and hid himself from the presence of God. Fellowship is only possible between two people with a great relationship and had nothing to hide but between God and man who is now exposed to sin, full with fear, shame and guilt, fellowship was hindered, they now feared the presence of God which they previously enjoyed and saw God as a judge to be feared not God to enjoyed.

    3. Their land was cursed:
    Before the fall, work was given to man, God commanded him to have dominance, be fruitful and multiply, God made it in a ‘ plug and Play’ style like a soft work of tending to the garden and eating out of it. after the fall, the bible recorded that “cursed shall be the land, in toil shall he eat all the days of his life, thorn and thistles shall produce also (before the fall, only plants and herbs gave their produce while thistles and thorns were introduced after the fall) and in sweat shall he eat his bread all the days of his life.

    in reply to: Servanthood Discussion 1 #22660

    Can a person outgrow service? How can a leader who has grown in the ranks in church or in an organization still be able to serve?
    Outgrow: it means to lose a habit, idea or reputation etc in the course of development or time.
    Service: it is the performance of a duty or function.
    Leader: He is someone who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. He has a shared vision aligned with core values and understands what it will take to reach the team goal.
    No, a person can only outgrow service if he was serving with false humility, wrong motive and he had a targeted position of which when the target is achieved he sees no reason to continue pretending.
    A person cannot outgrow service because we were called to be servant, and it comes from our inside out and the reward for hard work is always more work, service is not just an errand that is reserved for the lowest personnel but for everyone, as one grows in status they give more in their service. Faithfulness of service is meant to run through every level of life
    A leader who is growing rank in any organization will still be able to serve if he recognize and work in the following principles:-
    1. Constant renewal of the mind: A leader need to constantly renew his mind that is, one way for him not to outgrow service because it will help him to remain humble and faithful and also help him maintain a servant heart. It will help him not to feel bigger than the position or everyone within that organization. He should continue to bear in mind that he got to where he is by serving, by grace and by hard work and that more is expected from him.
    2. A clear understanding of his purpose: He needs to keep his eyes focused on the purpose for which has been called to serve, by so doing he will understand that for every new level of greatness there is a greater door of service opened up at the same time also that there are more levels to grow into,so if he doesn’t serve properly he will cut short his purpose. Furthermore a leader is meant to coach guide and inspire others to be as him if not better so as long he is a leader there are people under him, people he can invest in their life.
    3. Create opportunities to improve: He needs to always seek and create opportunities to improve especially if he feels that the current ways of things are not challenging him enough he should keep raising the bar. Service is what birthed leadership.
    4. Check his associations: Most time people miss working in their purpose as a result of the company they keep . A leader who have associations especially ones who envy him or one who doesn’t have a clear picture of service and purposehe will easily loss interest in service because of peer advice.

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