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    • #22470

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    • #22770

      The fall of man came with several effects. Discuss in detail three effects of the fall of man
      The fall of man is the occasion where man did not obey the instruction of God gave to man in the Garden of Eden and the following were the effects of the fall:
      A. Their Righteousness before God was lost.
      B. They lost fellowship with the father.
      C. They experienced spiritual and physical death.
      D. The land was cursed.
      E. Eve will experience Pain during child birth.
      F. They were evicted from the Garden of Eden so that they will not have access to the tree of life.
      G. The man ruled over the woman,

      1. They experienced spiritual and physical death:
      Spiritual death is the separation of man from the God while physical death of separating the soul from the body.
      God told them that they shouldn’t eat of the fruit lest they shall die, after the fall their number of years on earth was reduced and death was introduced because the bible said “in toil shall you eat all the days of your life, so from the moment they eat the fruit they began to die. Spiritually, they die because there was a separating between God and Adam spirit.
      So because of this death (both physically and spiritually) that came as a result of the fall, Death passed through to all men .

      2. They lost fellowship with the father:
      Before the fal,l the bible recorded that there was a constant communication between God and man, both parties long for this fellowship because God took time communicating his mind and the reason of creation to man.
      After the fall, the bible recorded that there was a bridge in this fellowship because when God came down for their usual “gist “, man knowing what he already did was afraid and hid himself from the presence of God. Fellowship is only possible between two people with a great relationship and had nothing to hide but between God and man who is now exposed to sin, full with fear, shame and guilt, fellowship was hindered, they now feared the presence of God which they previously enjoyed and saw God as a judge to be feared not God to enjoyed.

      3. Their land was cursed:
      Before the fall, work was given to man, God commanded him to have dominance, be fruitful and multiply, God made it in a ‘ plug and Play’ style like a soft work of tending to the garden and eating out of it. after the fall, the bible recorded that “cursed shall be the land, in toil shall he eat all the days of his life, thorn and thistles shall produce also (before the fall, only plants and herbs gave their produce while thistles and thorns were introduced after the fall) and in sweat shall he eat his bread all the days of his life.

      • #23184

        The case and the issue of the fall of man as briefly anchored in Genesis 2: 7, happened in the beautiful Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve were choicely resident by God to take charge. Adam and Eve were the first parents on the earth and were housed and cared for by God in a beautiful environment, with first class facilities and provisions but had to fall short due to disobedience of the instruction of God by eating the forbidden fruit and thereby led to their dethronement from the garden(Gen 2:16-17). Biblically as referenced in Romans 6:2; Ezekiel 18:4, any soul which sins shall die. From this incidence, sin had its way into the world, in what is said to be sin corruption of life and the introduction into the world by the Adamic nature and influence. Hence, man died spiritually, with physical death in succession and eternal death in waiting. So, the old creation was the old Adamic life in the garden. Also, this led to the lost of the benefits and blessings available in a sinless situation.
        This is the genesis of the fall of man; otherwise described as the fall of man into sin, orchestrated by our Papa and Mama of old. Because every action has a consequence, this one was not an exception and God in His infinite mercy thought of a way out of the situation, to redeem us. Basically, the effects of the fall of Adam (man); from a privileged position to an unprepared one, as we can envisage is not a pleasant one. The burden of the recovery of man became an issue of concern.
        There are various effects/pitfalls of the fall of man; considering the enormity of the pronouncement of the Creator. However, for this purpose three will be detailed out:
        1. Dead
        In Romans 6; 23;Ezekiel 18: 4; among other Biblical references, it is emphatically made clear that the soul which sins shall die and starts with spiritual death before ending with the physical dead. So, that is the state to which the life corrupted sin of Adam represent. Death which is the separation from the source of life came into being with all the associated consequences came to be, by the action of one man. This is how the fate of mankind was handed over to the devil. When, we hear that the devil is in charge of the earth, here comes the genesis.
        2. Power Of Knowledge
        Being dead, is dead in everything. In Genesis 2:19-20; and supported by other scriptures’, as God created every other creatures in the waters, air, and the land; man gave them names and whatever names he gave them are what there are answering and bearing till now. Imagine the number of these creatures and the capacity and ability of man to give them names. Can such be replicated now? Man lost that power of knowledge, due to disobedience and fallout with his creator. The damage is enormous.
        3. Lost of Status
        In Genesis 3: 24, the Bible says the Lord drove out man from the garden, originally well prepared for his comfort and from the tree of life. When the spirit which controls the physical was separated from the body by death due to sin, what should one expect? Fundamentally, every provision has been withdrawn and this was epitomized in Genesis 3:13-19, where God released what one may term as the full punishment of the disobedience to both Adam and Eve, in different proportions. Equally, note that with the dethronement from the garden of Eden, beauty, reputation, favour among other benefits/blessings were lost.

        Because, God created man in His own image and likeness; He was still poised to find a way of reconciliation and re-establishing of the relationship with man. This effort led to the substitution agenda embarked upon by God with Jesus Christ’s, birth, dead and resurrection experiences (John 3:16). This is the new creation stuff bottled by grace of the new covenant. With this, full restoration of the divine plan takes effect.

    • #22777

      1. Romans 5:12. The fall of man brought about the reign of sin and death. Man became a slave to sin and death.
      2. Romans 8:20-21. The fall of man brought about the corruption of the world and creation in essence. There became a deviation from the goodness God made.
      3. The fall of man brought about the displacement of man from the realm he was to exert authority over. Man ended up becoming a slave to Satan. John 12:31, Hebrews 2:14-15.

      • #23140

        The Fall of Man, as displayed in the Bible’s book of Genesis, marked a pivotal moment in human history with profound consequences. It is said to have occurred when Adam and Eve, the first human beings, disobeyed God’s command by eating the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. This act of disobedience, often referred to as ORIGINAL SIN, had three major effects on humanity: spiritual separation from God, moral corruption, and physical suffering.

        1. Spiritual Separation from God: The most significant effect of the Fall of Man was the spiritual separation from God. Before their disobedience, Adam and Eve enjoyed a close, harmonious relationship with the Creator. However, their disobedience ruptured this intimate connection. They were banished from the Garden of Eden, symbolizing their expulsion from God’s immediate presence. This separation from God resulted in a spiritual void that has haunted humanity ever since and can be reference to spiritual death. Humans, now born with Original Sin, carry a spiritual burden that distances them from God, requiring redemption and reconciliation through faith and repentance.

        2. Moral Corruption: The Fall also introduced moral corruption into the human condition. Before their disobedience, Adam and Eve were morally innocent and sinless. However, their choice to eat the forbidden fruit introduced sin and a knowledge of good and evil into their lives. This moral corruption has been passed down through generations, and all humans are born with a natural inclination towards sin. Consequently, people are prone to making immoral choices and committing sinful deeds throughout their lives. The Fall of Man established the concept of human sinfulness, which has had a profound impact on human society, ethics, and the need for moral guidance and religious teachings.

        3. Physical Suffering and Mortality: Another consequence of the Fall was the introduction of physical suffering and mortality. Before their disobedience, Adam and Eve lived in a perfect world, free from pain, disease, and death. However, as a result of their sin, they and their descendants became subject to physical suffering, illness, and eventually death. This transformation of the human condition meant that life on Earth would be marked by hardship, including toil, pain in childbirth, and the inevitability of death. These physical consequences of the Fall have profoundly shaped human existence, prompting the search for solutions to alleviate suffering and the quest for immortality through various means, including religious beliefs and medical advancements.

        In conclusion, the Fall of Man, as described in the Bible, had far-reaching effects on humanity. It led to spiritual separation from God, moral corruption, and physical suffering and mortality. These consequences continue to influence human beliefs, behaviors, and the quest for spiritual and moral guidance and redemption.

        The fall of Man was properly captured in Genesis chapter 3.

      • #23179

        The fall of man is really the transition from the state of innocence to the state of being guilty. It is generally believed that the fall brought sin into the word, thereby corrupting the entire natural world, including human nature, causing all to be born into original sin whereby they cannot achieve eternal life. But thank God for Grace which has been made available for us. God the father sent Jesus Christ to this earth, he died for us. He who knew no sin , gave his life as a sacrifice for us and redeemed us from sin.’1 Timothy2;6, ‘he sacrificed himself for all people to free them from their sins’. 1 peter 2;9 ‘But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. We have been redeemed. We are a new creation. Praise God.

        • #23925

          The effects of the fall of man

          1) Cursed environment
          The punishment of Gen 3:17-18 reveals that man’s sin(fall) caused the curse against the ground , resulting in the troublesome thorns and thistles and a change in the way the natural world works . The ground was cursed throughout the whole earth making survival very difficult.

          2) Changed Relationships
          The fall of man damaged man’s relationship with other people. Immediately after the fall, Adam and Eve relationship with one another took a turn for the worse. Adam blamed Eve and God for his sin. And Eve on the other hand blamed Satan ( Gen 3 :8-13). There was fear, shame and blame but no remorse or repentance. Relationships began to suffer . It is was not long after the fall that Cain killed Abel. (Gen 4:8). We see in the scriptures that before the fall of man, the man and woman were naked and unashamed. Shame altered man’s relationship with himself.all of us now struggle to some degree with self worth because of our sin .

          • #32847
            Victor Isokrari

            Thanks a lot; this really shows the how the consequences of the fall of man extended beyond the humanity but to the environment. Analyzing your point further; When Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command, they triggered a curse that affected the entire creation. The ground was cursed, and thorns and thistles began to grow, making it difficult for humanity to cultivate the land (Genesis 3:17-19).

            This curse led to a deterioration of the environment, resulting in natural disasters, environmental degradation, and human suffering. The Bible describes the creation as being “subjected to frustration” and in “bondage to decay” (Romans 8:20-22). However, the Bible also offers hope for redemption, promising that through Jesus Christ, the creation will be “liberated from its bondage to decay” and brought into the “freedom and glory of the children of God”

      • #23208

        The fall of man is really the transition from the state of innocence to the state of being guilty. It is generally believed that the fall brought sin into the word, thereby corrupting the entire natural world, including human nature, causing all to be born into original sin whereby they cannot achieve eternal life. But thank God for Grace which has been made available for us. God the father sent Jesus Christ to this earth, he died for us. He who knew no sin , gave his life as a sacrifice for us and redeemed us from sin.’1 Timothy2;6, ‘he sacrificed himself for all people to free them from their sins’. 1 peter 2;9 ‘But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. We have been redeemed. We are a new creation. Praise God.

    • #22784

      n man fell, there were many effects, but here are three (3) of those effects ;
      1) Broken Fellowship / Separation from GOD because of the inability to stand in God’s presence without a sense of condemnation (Guilt) because of sin consciousness: From the very beginning, it was the plan of the enemy to make man sin because he was jealous of how much God loved man and this was the only way he could try to make man not “come boldly” into the presence of God. In Gen 3:8, “And they heard the sound of the LORD GOD walking in the garden in the cool of the day” The word heard here is the Hebrew word Shama which means to discern, perceive e.t.c. This means that even after they had sinned, they could still perceive the presence of GOD. This is to say that the problem here was not just sin but the consciousness of sin. It’s clearly seen that God’s relationship with man was a very intimate one before the Fall. Because He would come down from His throne to be with them on the earth to fellowship with them directly. Therefore, they were no strangers to the presence of GOD because even in sin they were still in the presence of GOD verse 8b says they “hid themselves from the presence of the LORD GOD among the trees of the garden”. GOD’S presence was always with them but immediately they sinned, they became sin conscious and were therefore afraid in the presence of GOD. In verse 9 it says, “Then the LORD GOD called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” 10 So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself”. The fall of man (Adam) was the first sin to ever be committed by a man. GOD was not asking out of ignorance, because he knows everything. But rather as a parent would demand of a child to see if he would come boldly to the throne of mercy and ask for forgiveness or try to cover their sin. Therefore GOD gave Adam an opportunity to confess but he was too sin conscious to realise that his Father was approachable. This guilt made them feel unworthy in the presence of GOD. GOD asked Adam questions like a Father who has a good relationship with their child would, but sin consciousness had taken them so far away from the presence of their Father. This sin consciousness created a separation between man and GOD, therefore breaking the fellowship GOD had with man.
      2). The loss of Dominion: In Genesis 2:26, “Then God said, let Us make man in our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth”. God’s first plan for man was that of Dominion according to the scripture above. Yet because of man’s disobedience to God and submission to the serpent, he forfeited his rule to the serpent. The domain originally delegated to man now falls to satan. There is a continual line of evil offsprings extending in satan’s rule. In Genesis 3:15 It says, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed” The word seed is the Hebrew word Zera which could be translated as carnal. Therefore carnality was going to spread on the earth because of man’s disobedience and satan’s rule. Everything under man’s rule was put under a curse as his relationship with God was severed.
      3) Spiritual death that translated into physical death: In Genesis 3:2 It says, “And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it lest you die’ “. Man died spiritually when they sinned against God. When man was created they were more conscious and aware of the spiritual realm than the physical realm. According to Genesis 3:7 it says, “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked;” Adam and Eve were not “blind” literally. But their physical senses were as good as dead. Therefore this means that their spiritual eyes were in control of all they saw and not their physical eyes because according to Gen 2:25, It says “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed”. This is to say that when they sinned, their five senses came alive and they realized that they were flesh and blood and that they were subject to the laws of life and death. God sent them out of the garden because He no longer trusted them with the trees of the garden, according to Genesis 3:22 “Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever “. They knew good and evil. Therefore they died spiritually.

    • #22787

      1.Adam and Eve committed high treason by willfully disobeying Gods command. when they ate
      of the tree God had commanded them not to eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
      evil, you shall not eat, for in the day you shall eat of it, you shall surely die. (Gen 2:17NKJV).
      Foolishly yet willfully they obeyed the voice of the devil. They ate of that tree, and they
      committed high treason. It was an action of their will. They sold themselves willingly to the
      enemy the devil. High Treason can be said to be a crime of disloyalty against one’s government
      or one’s country especially aligning with its enemy. Because God created Adam, created the
      earth, and gave him authority to rule the earth on His behalf, and then Adam obeyed the devil
      and Adam handed that authority to the devil. Therefore, they surrendered and transferred that
      authority God had given them to Satan. Adam sold himself into slavery. He sold the entire
      mankind into slavery, because from Adam the whole human race came.
      Through one man sin entered the world and death through sin. (Romans 5:12NKJV), (1
      Corinthians 15:21-22NKJV) (Romans 3:23NKJV), (Psalm 51:5NKJV).
      2.As a result of Adams transgression, he became a sinner and because we are all in Adam, we
      are all born sinners, that is our default state at birth. Every child is born with the sin nature.
      When Adam sinned, he became a sinner, he became a slave to sin, a slave to death and a slave
      to the devil. The Bible says, “You are a slave whom you obey” Romans 6:16NKJV. Every child is
      born with the sin nature.
      3. We were born, yet we were born dead for in Adam all died spiritually. When Adam sinned
      and ate of the tree Adam died first spiritually and then he eventually died physically. Every man
      that was born into this earth was born spiritually dead. Man is a spirit he has a soul, and he lives
      in a body. Every man was born spiritually dead and because we were born spiritually dead, we
      were cut off from the life of God, we were cut off from the nature of God.
      we were born slaves to the devil, born slaves to sin and born slaves to death. Behold I was
      brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Psalm 51:5NKJV)

      • #22826

        The fall of man came with several effects, Discuss in detail three effects of the fall of man by Obiamonu, the writer detailed three things as the effect of man’s fall, these are :-
        1. Adam and Eve committed high treason by willfully disobeying Gods command.
        2 As a result of Adams transgression, he became a sinner and because we are all in Adam, we are all born sinners, that is our default state at birth.
        3. We were born, yet we were born dead for in Adam all died spiritually.
        It shows that God is not a liar when he said in Genesis 2.17, “that the day you eat of the fruit you shall surely die”, and for something as important as this, he still didn’t force his opinion on us because his commandments are for our benefits and protection (1 John 5 : 2-3 ) and our obedience should be out of love and not fear, sin bring temporary pleasures but there are negative consequences to every actions we take (Romans 6 :23).
        The good news is that God never left us without hope, he chose us in him (Eph 1:4). We can learn that God is a good father who never stops loving us even when we disobey him and take sin (Gen 3:20-21, Job 3.16). Just as he clothed Adam and Eve, he can cloth you with his righteousness and gave his son so that the fellowship with him would be restored (John 3:16) and we would be made alive in him (1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 45).
        When we run to him, He restores what we have lost and exceed our expectation.

        • #22871

          I love the way you listed out all the key points that led to the fall of man for clarity. Analyzing your points further, the fall of man is best described as a transition from dominion to spiritual death, then physical death. Genesis 3:19b, “Until you return to that ground yourself, dead and buried; you started as dirt, you’ll end up dirt. “Which means separation from God and the body from the soul. God gave man power for life eternal, man lost it all to the devil. He did not only lose his dominion position. He lost his friendship with God. Man lost a great relationship that ever existed, the privilege of knowing the heart of God on a platter of gold. The opportunity of having God as a playmate. So, to speak.
          The willful disobedience of man did not only lead to death and disconnection from God, it also resulted in hustling and bustling in mam, Genesis 3:18, “The ground will sprout thorns and weeds, you’ll get your food the hard way, planting and tilling and harvesting.”
          In summary, man became mortal, fellowship was lost, and tending or work became a toil.

      • #23742
        Florence Oribhabor


        Good job. Analysis on the effect of the fall of man.
        The problem of man started with Adam and Eve committing sin known as high treason by willfully disobeying Gods command. when they ate
        of the tree God had commanded them not to eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
        evil, you shall not eat, for in the day you shall eat of it, you shall surely die. (Gen 2:17NKJV).
        The devil deceived man by adding the word ‘not’ It was an action of their will.
        Adam obeyed the devil
        and Adam handed that authority to the devil.
        Through one man, sin entered the world and death through sin. (Romans 5:12NKJV), (1
        Corinthians 15:21-22NKJV)
        2. As a result of Adams transgression, he became a sinner, and because we are all in Adam, weare all born sinners, that is our default state at birth. Every child is born with the sin nature.
        When Adam sinned, he became a sinner, and he became a slave to sin, a slave to death and a slaveto the devil. The Bible says, “You are a slave whom you obey” Romans 6:16NKJV. Every child is
        born with the sin nature.
        3. We were born, yet we were born dead for in Adam all died spiritually. When Adam sinned
        and ate of the tree. Adam died first spiritually, and then he eventually died physically. Every man
        that was born into this earth was born spiritually dead. Man is a spirit he has a soul, and he lives
        in a body. Every man was born spiritually dead, and because we were born spiritually dead, we
        were cut off from the life of God, we were cut off from the nature of God.
        we were born slaves to the devil, born slaves to sin and born slaves to death. Behold I was
        brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Psalm 51:5NKJV)

        • #23743
          Florence Oribhabor


          Good job. Analysis on the effect of the fall of man.
          The problem of man started with Adam and Eve committing sin known as high treason by willfully disobeying Gods command. when they ate
          of the tree God had commanded them not to eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and
          evil, you shall not eat, for in the day you shall eat of it, you shall surely die. (Gen 2:17NKJV).
          The devil deceived man by adding the word ‘not’ It was an action of their will.
          Adam obeyed the devil
          and Adam handed that authority to the devil.
          Through one man, sin entered the world and death through sin. (Romans 5:12NKJV), (1
          Corinthians 15:21-22NKJV)
          2. As a result of Adams transgression, he became a sinner, and because we are all in Adam, weare all born sinners, that is our default state at birth. Every child is born with the sin nature.
          When Adam sinned, he became a sinner, and he became a slave to sin, a slave to death and a slaveto the devil. The Bible says, “You are a slave whom you obey” Romans 6:16NKJV. Every child is
          born with the sin nature.
          3. We were born, yet we were born dead for in Adam all died spiritually. When Adam sinned
          and ate of the tree. Adam died first spiritually, and then he eventually died physically. Every man
          that was born into this earth was born spiritually dead. Man is a spirit he has a soul, and he lives
          in a body. Every man was born spiritually dead, and because we were born spiritually dead, we
          were cut off from the life of God, we were cut off from the nature of God.
          we were born slaves to the devil, born slaves to sin and born slaves to death. Behold I was
          brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Psalm 51:5NKJV)

          I submitted before,I don’t know what happened.

    • #22802

      TOPIC :The fall of man came with several effects. Discuss in detail three effects of the fall of man
      The fall of man is the occasion where man did not obey the instruction of God gave to man in the Garden of Eden and the following were the effects of the fall:
      A. Their Righteousness before God was lost.
      B. They lost fellowship with the father.
      C. They experienced spiritual and physical death.
      D. The land was cursed.
      E. Eve will experience Pain during child birth.
      F. They were evicted from the Garden of Eden so that they will not have access to the tree of life.
      G. The man ruled over the woman,

      1. They experienced spiritual and physical death:
      Spiritual death is the separation of man from the God while physical death of separating the soul from the body.
      God told them that they shouldn’t eat of the fruit lest they shall die, after the fall their number of years on earth was reduced and death was introduced because the bible said “in toil shall you eat all the days of your life, so from the moment they eat the fruit they began to die. Spiritually, they die because there was a separating between God and Adam spirit.
      So because of this death (both physically and spiritually) that came as a result of the fall, Death passed through to all men .

      2. They lost fellowship with the father:
      Before the fal,l the bible recorded that there was a constant communication between God and man, both parties long for this fellowship because God took time communicating his mind and the reason of creation to man.
      After the fall, the bible recorded that there was a bridge in this fellowship because when God came down for their usual “gist “, man knowing what he already did was afraid and hid himself from the presence of God. Fellowship is only possible between two people with a great relationship and had nothing to hide but between God and man who is now exposed to sin, full with fear, shame and guilt, fellowship was hindered, they now feared the presence of God which they previously enjoyed and saw God as a judge to be feared not God to enjoyed.

      3. Their land was cursed:
      Before the fall, work was given to man, God commanded him to have dominance, be fruitful and multiply, God made it in a ‘ plug and Play’ style like a soft work of tending to the garden and eating out of it. after the fall, the bible recorded that “cursed shall be the land, in toil shall he eat all the days of his life, thorn and thistles shall produce also (before the fall, only plants and herbs gave their produce while thistles and thorns were introduced after the fall) and in sweat shall he eat his bread all the days of his life.

    • #22880
      Amotsuka Caleb

      The fall of man came as a result of man’s wilful disobedience to God’s command. In choosing to disobey God and rather obey the devil, man was aligning himself with the devil who is the enemy of God. This singular act introduced sin into the world and brought about many effects; a few of which are discussed below.
      1. Man became separated from God.
      From the beginning, man was created to fellowship with God which is why Man was created in the same image and likeness as God. In Gen 3:8, we see the scriptures paint a picture of God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. This was obviously a familiar sound and sight to Adam & Eve that’s why they could recognise it was God. We can then conclude that Adam & Eve had constant fellowship with God before the sin was introduced at the fall. However, after the fall this God-nature that man had was now corrupted and perfect fellowship with God no longer possible the first thing we see is Adams reaction to the presence of God. For the first time Adam was afraid of the presence of God; fear had now been introduced by sin. While the normal response of a child to his father’s presence should be to eagerly run into his fathers embrace, this was not the case with Adam because from that point on, his nature had changed, and he no longer carried the nature of God. God in His love instituted the offering of animal blood as an atonement for man’s sin, but this could not restore perfect fellowship between God and man. Hebrews 9:8 says: the Holy Spirit indicating that the way into the Holiest of All was not yet made manifest while the first tabernacle was standing.
      While God throughout history remained involved in the affairs of men working out the salvation story, man would never be able to fellowship with God on the same level as Adam did before the fall because mans nature had changed fundamentally.

      2. Sin and death were passed to all men.
      While it was Adam and Eve who committed the original sin, because their nature spiritually had now been corrupted by sin and so they now carried the sin nature, all their offspring carried this sin nature by default. Romans 5:12 say; Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned. Hebrews 7:9-10 explains the concept of vicarious liability where Levi was said to have paid tithes to Melchizedek because he was in Abraham’s loins when Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek. The same way, the entire world came from the loins of Adam and so Adams sin is passed unto them automatically.

      3. Man became an enemy of God.
      Adam in choosing to disobey God and obey the devil became a slave of the devil and an enemy of God. By choosing to take sides with the enemy of God, Adam himself became an enemy of God and so the whole human race became enemies of God. Romans 5:10 says; For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. Eph 2:14 – 16 also talks about Christ abolishing in His flesh the enmity through His death on the cross. This shows that man became an enemy of God as a result of the fall.

      • #22922

        I appreciate your emphasis on how Adam walked with God and recognised his presence. As you outlined, before the fall, man enjoyed unhindered fellowship with God and after sin was introduced, man hid himself from the presence of God. There was no shame or guilt or fear before Adam’s disobedience and many years after redemption we still find that these things are a huge distraction and hindrance even amongst believers. Many people struggle with a consistent fellowship with God. Some do not recognise his voice or understand his will. All these uncertainties are as a result of man’s separation from God.
        If only we will believe totally and plunge ourselves completely into the word of God, we will find that the effects of sin on our soul/physical senses begin to dissipate. Hence the importance of renewing our mind with God’s word and being led by the Holy Spirit.
        Just as a fish will find it difficult to survive outside water, man struggles and walks around in confusion when he is outside his natural habitat; the presence of God. James 4:8 encourages us to draw near to God, cleanse our hands and purify our hearts. As we embrace the gift of redemption we are transformed and changed. The old Adamic nature is displaced and as Christ is, so are we in this world.

      • #23160

        Adam existed by the breath of life, which is the spirit. The spirit has God-consciousness; it knows God’s voice, fellowships with God, and has a very keen knowledge of God. After Adam fell, his spirit became dead. At the beginning, God said to Adam, “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” Gen. 2:17{NKJV} After Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they continued to live a few hundred years. This shows that the death that God spoke of was not only physical death. The death of Adam began from his spirit. When the spirit dies, the spirit loses its fellowship with God. It also means that the spirit has lost its keen knowledge of God and is dead to God. Spiritual death means that there is no more fellowship with God. John 4:24{NKJV}.
        In Romans 5:12-14{NKJV} The apostle Paul, writes about what Adam introduced into the world, first Adam introduced sin and death to all men, but God in His infinite mercy had a plan of redemptive plan as written in Gen 3:15NKJV, God mentioned the coming of Jesus Christ, and his redemptive plan for mans restoration. Romans 15:18{NKJV}. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by obiamonu.
    • #22997

      God created man “Adam” and was put in the Garden of Eden. God gave Adam instructions, “but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” Genesis 2: 17.
      But Satan came and deceived man, and man willingly disobeyed God and obeyed the devil, thereby committing high treason.
      What is high treason?
      High treason is willfully disobeying God. It is a crime of disloyalty. An example of an ambassador going against the authority of his country. It’s like selling one’s country to the enemy. This transgression brought a lot of effects on man, and the entire humanity. We are going to be looking at, at least three of the effects of Adam and Eve’s actions

      1.MAN BECOMING A SINNER: As a result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, disloyalty, or high treason, sin entered the world. From that very moment, every man or child born into this world, by a woman automatically becomes a sinner. The gene of man was corrupted, and hereditary sin was passed to man.
      Romans 5:12 “Therefore, just as through one-man sin, and thus death spread to all men because all sinned.”

      2.SLAVERY: The entire humanity became a slave to the devil: we were subject to sickness and disease, pains and even death.
      Genesis 3: 17-19.
      17. Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, “you shall not eat of it”: Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall of it All the days of your life. 18. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of your field. 19. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you return.
      Man gave the devil to power to be in charge of the world to the devil. Thereby making the devil to be the ruler of the world. a

      3.FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD: Man lost his fellowship with God. Genesis 3:8 “And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in a cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.” This explains how God lost that relationship with man as He came to fellowship with Adam and Eve. The man could no longer have that communion with God. Man lost everything.

    • #23000

      3 Effects of the fall of Man

      1. Spiritual Death Gen3:7
      Spiritual death refers to alienation from God who is our source. It is man displaced from his original environment which is God’s presence. When a person or thing is displaced from its intended environment it begins to malfunction. Gen 3:10, Gen 3:7.Gen 3:23.
      By the guilt and power of sin, at that instant Adam willfully disobeyed God, he became dead in trespasses and sins. Ephesians 2:1.
      By the disobedience of Adam, we all became sinners as man began to begat children in man’s image and likeness. Gen 5:3. Man begat in a fallen image. Humanity was made in Adam therefore humanity was found in sin in Adam. By default, every man born into the world is born spiritually dead. The fall of man brought about a disconnect between man and his source (God). Spiritual death will bring about eternal death as it eliminates the possibility of eternity with God. Gen3:22, Rom6:23.

      2. – Physical death: the death of the body which shall then begin in man by decays, infirmities etc. 1Cor 15:53-54. That is man shall become mortal. As stated in one of the new creation lessons “God is the source of life to the spirit and the spirit is the source of life to the body. So, if man is spiritually dead, physical death would occur by default.
      Also Note that the body of man is not the not only thing that would experience decay and corruption but also creature. Romans 8:20-21. Adam’s sin brought the created order into death decay, corruption and futility. The fall of man brought damage to the body of man and to nature itself. See also 2cor5:1-5

      3. The Punishment of Mankind Gen 3:16-23
      When God placed man in the garden he gave him work to do. He was to dress the garden and keep it. Man was to eat from the garden he tended. Adam did it with ease and pleasure.
      Work is part of God’s system to bless us. Gen 2:15-16.
      However, the disobedience of Adam brought mankind into a life of “toil” as the earth became cursed. He is now to till the ground that has been cursed for his sake. Gen 17:23. Psalm 127:1-2
      The man shall eat of the ground in sorrow. He will procure and eat bread amidst hard labor.
      The woman would also now experience pain in child bearing and her desire will be for her husband, she will become subject to him. Gen 3:16.

    • #23004

      REPLY to Wechie
      Spiritual death brought about a separation from God indeed. God is a God of love, patience and forgiveness but that does not mean that He can be taken for granted. God’s love for mankind is one that can never be fully understood. Man was the highlight of God’s creation because He has a direct relationship with man. God who is 100% man and 100% God saw it not robbery to create man in his image and likeness. Even in man’s sin, God had a plan for His redemption. Spiritual death, took all that God had planned out for man and replaced it with guilt and condemnation. This was the enemies best bet because he knew that there was nothing he could do to change God’s mind towards man so he changed man’s view of God and himself. Man became afraid of his maker and hid himself from God’s presence. God who knows all things, knew that man had sinned but still wanted to give him a second chance.
      Physical death was as a result of spiritual death. The flesh became subject to the laws of life and death because they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
      Man was already a prey of the devil but then they became victims of his evil nature because of disobedience.

    • #23178

      Onaburekhalen Olufemi

      In Gen 1: 26-31 God created man in his image and likeness and gave him dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth- Then in Genesis 2:15 -17 The Lord took Adam and put him in the Garden of Eden to till it and keep it. And God gave him a command saying “you may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat it you shall die”. The devil deceived Eve in Genesis 3: 1-6, she ate of the fruit of the tree and she also gave to her Husband and he did eat. And the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew they were naked. Later they heard the sound of the Lord walking in the garden and they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord. They disobeyed, and that was the beginning of trouble for mankind. That was how sin entered into the world.

      The effects of the fall of man

      Lost of Righteousness

      Before the fall, there was a relationship between Adam and God. The description of how God was “walking” in the garden suggests that there was fellowship between God and Adam. [Genesis 3:8] After Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidding fruit, their eyes were opened, they became aware of their nakedness and was ashamed and so they hide themselves when they heard the voice of the Lord. Moreso, because of their disobedience, man became guilty. 1 Corinthians 15;22.

      God and Man became eternally separated.

      Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden of Eden into the world. They lost that fellowship and intimacy they enjoyed in the garden. They suffered physical and spiritual death. They and their children started experiencing sickness, pain and physical death

      The ground was cursed.

      Genesis 3:17-19, God cursed the ground. God said “cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth to you’. The fall introduced evil into the world, the Earth would no longer easily yield food, so much suffering, people struggle to earn an income.

      In conclusion, the world we live in today is not the very good world that God created in Genesis1;31, the disobedience of Adam brought several significant changes that has affected each and every one of us. Thank God for our redemption. We are free from sin. We have been declared not guilty. Haleluyah.

    • #23205

      The Fall of Man came as a result of disobedience, Adam ate the fruit God asked him not to eat and so God banished him from the Garden of Eden where they were supposed to live eternally with Him, immediately placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. Genesis 3:22-24
      1) Recognition of Sin by disobedience – Sin came as a result of Adam’s disobedience to God’s order where Man ate the fruit of good and evil, hence man was separated from God. Adam listened to his wife Eve when she gave him the fruit that they were asked not to eat, for Eve was deceived by the serpent, telling her that God knows when they eat of the fruit they will be like Him knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:4-5.
      2) Man lost fellowship with the Father – God always went to meet Adam in the cool evening almost every time, but when Adam and Eve’s eyes were open they noticed that they were both naked and were afraid. That fellowship was interrupted Gen 3:7 Man no longer had that relationship again for several years up until Jesus came to redeem man back to himself again.
      3)Spiritual and Physical death – Man died a spiritual death when He couldn’t relate with God as usual because of separation, while the physical death was when God said you shall not eat it nor shall you touch it, lest you die Gen 3:3. This now confirms the “ You shall surely die, meaning Man’s days on earth automatically shortening and God reminding himself that if a man stays longer in the Garden of Eden He will eat of the tree of life and become like him to live forever and so He banished Man.
      All the ripple effects happening to man to date were caused by Man but thank God for sending Jesus in the gap to bring Man back to fellowship again.

    • #23512

      Absolutely, as you have listed, those things happened to man and that led man into depravity. To add more to what you have said:
      – The fall brought about Sin
      – The fall brought about the break from fellowship between God and man.
      – The fall brought about spiritual death and physical death.

      1. The introduction of sin. The fall of man brought about sin which is a deviation from God. The appearance of sin, automatically meant that a different reign had been set up and that was the reign of sin and death. Man eventually lost his place with God and his place of dominion over the earth realm. The enemy gained that lost dominion over the earth through the presence of sin. That was the implication of what God told man- that in eating the forbidden fruit, he would die. As part of that death which is Spiritual death, man lost the nature of God and took on a new nature; the nature of sin. His life got corrupted and hence could do evil. Man became alive to sin and dead to God. Hence, he became a sinner.

      2. Spiritual death and physical death. Still as a result of sin, man died spiritually which meant that he got disconnected from God- his source. When man was connected to God, his life was an offshoot of God’s life, filled with goodness. But upon losing that connection, he became susceptible to all that thrived in the kingdom of Satan (John 10:10…Satan who is a thief on a mission to steal, kill and destroy). Sickness, poverty, shame, fear, disease and failure could now affect man. Hence, the possibility of decay, break down of his systems and eventual death physically. As well as eternal death.

      3. Man lost fellowship with God. Fellowship implies partnership, communication, communion, oneness, a sharing together and a rubbing of minds. Fellowship is possible where there’s an equal relationship. A slave can not have fellowship with his master. Neither can there be fellowship where there is inferiority or superiority complex. There must be an equal ground for fellowship to be. Man had sinned and lost connection with God and his original nature. Now he felt inferiority and unholy before God. Hence this separation and “unequal” ground prevented man from accessing God or God from accessing man.

    • #23579

      In God’s conversation with Adam in Genesis 2:16-17, God clearly warned Adam of the danger of sin or disobedience to His command. He commanded Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The result of disobedience to God was death.
      However, as events unfold and we arrive in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve eat of the tree they were commanded not to eat of by God, but they do not fall to the ground and die as God had said they would. God had said that ‘in the day the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die’. Therefore death was a sure thing in the day they ate of the tree. According to God’s warning, death was to happen immediately. Thus therefore implies that, what God had in mind wasn’t a mere physical death but an event that was not perceptible to the physical senses. It is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, death surely occurred in that day but it was not physical. It was a spiritual kind of death but will nonetheless eventually lead to physical death.
      In Scriptures, death is used to refer to separation of spirit from (James 2:26). It is also used to refer to separation from God, both in this life and in eternity. (Revelation 2:11). According to the English dictionary, death is defined as the cessation of life. Hence, this is true both for our physical existence and our spiritual existence. The absence of the life of God in man’s spirit is spiritual death. It is a separation and alienation from the life of God, from eternal life. (Ephesians 4:18).
      According to the Apostle Paul in Romans 5, death is a result of man’s Adam’s sin on the human race. In Ephesians 2:1, Paul tells us that ‘and you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins’. We have been quickened or made alive by receiving God’s gift of eternal life by faith in Christ Jesus.
      When Jesus spoke to Jews in John 10:10, he was not talking to a group of corpse, neither was he preaching in a cemetery or mortuary. What He offered them was eternal life, without which they were dead. ‘For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord’. (Romans 6:23).
      Another effect of sin is man’s lack of righteousness. Amongst other definitions, righteousness means the ability to stand in God’s presence without any sense of guilt, fear, shame and condemnation. It is the state of being made right with God, a state of having a right standing or right relationship with God. It is being as God wants us to be. This right standing and relationship with God is the reason Why we can stand in His presence without fear, shame, guilt or condemnation. It is why we can come boldly before God’s throne of grace.
      In Genesis 3, after man had sinned and fallen, the same presence of God that he had previously enjoyed was now something that he hid from. Adams excuse was that he was afraid because he was naked. (Genesis 3:10). But He had always been naked. His nakedness did not originate from or begin with his sin. He was made that way. But his nakedness was never a problem until the fall. He didn’t become naked after he sinned, he only became aware of his nakedness and became afraid because of it and therefore attempted to hide himself from God. Not only did he try to hide, he also tried to cover his nakedness by sewing fig leaves to cover themselves. This was an attempt by Adam and his wife to cure their shame, fear, guilt and condemnation but to no avail. This clearly shows us that nothing we can do or not do can ever be enough to make us righteous and deal with our sense of inferiority before God. Doing good works or not doing bad works can never make us righteous, but through faith in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Romans 5:17.
      People generally like to think that they are in control of their lives. They believe that their actions are completely their own, a result of the exercise of their free will and nothing more. However, the Bible clearly disagrees with this belief.
      According to the English dictionary, a slave is a person who is held in servitude as the property of another person, and whose labour (and often also whose body and life) is subject to the owner’s volition and control. It also means one who has no power of resistance (to something), one who surrenders to or is under the domination (of something).
      These definitions quite hit the mark that is clearly described in the Scriptures about the state of a sinner as a result of the fall. In Ephesians 2 for example, the Apostle Paul makes this case clear. He affirms that sinners are under the control of the ‘Prince of the power of the air’ and that they live according to his control. One of the effects of the fall is therefore slavery to Satan and sin. In Romans 6:17-18, Paul says we were servants or slaves of sin but have now became servants or slaves or righteousness. In Colossians 1:13, he tells us that we have been delivered from the power (mastery, authority, rule) of darkness.
      This is the estate of the fallen man. He is separated and alienated from God and God’s life, he cannot stand before God and is under the rule of sin and Satan.

    • #23741
      Florence Oribhabor


      Effect: – Means a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other causes.
      Fall: means move from a higher level to a lower level without control. Adam and Eve fell as a result of sin through wilful disobedient.
      God told Adam & Eve that if they ate the fruit the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they would surely die.
      They did eat and although they did not die immediately. They begin to die their physical death has because contain the only question was that how long they would live before they died. And they were not the only ones who would die. Death spread to all men because all men sinned. Romans 5:12
      So through the sin of man sin spread to all men and all men died.
      Separation from God is spiritual death Man’s relationship with God died with the fall and he was separated from god the sources of all life therefore man would not only die physically but also die spiritually leaving him to wander around looking for something that was missing. Looking for life from God. Many People realize there is something missing in their life and are searching for something more or better. But they don’t know what it is. It is God. Even when men do have a relationship with god and life is better there is still a sense that something is missing the will never fully experience life and fulfilment until they go to God through Jesus Christ and experience life beyond imagination. We look forward to that day with a deep yeaning but it begins with finding life now through a relationship with the living God.
      Physical life moves from life to death but spiritual life moves from death to life (John 5:24).
      The fall changed man’s relationships in many ways it changed his relationship with himself other people and even with nature. We are told that before the fall the man and the woman were naked but not ashamed (Genesis 2:25) but immediately after the fall they realized they were naked & were ashamed Genesis 3:7. Shame altered man’s relationship with himself. All of us now struggle to some degree with self worth because of our sin. One of our greatest needs is to regain a sense of our value and worth.
      Sin also damaged man’s relationship with other people. Immediately after the fall Adam & Eve’s relationship with one another took a turn for the worse. Adam blamed Eve and God for his sin and Eve blamed Satan Genesis 3:8-13. There was fear, shame and blame but no repentance Relationship begin to suffer.
      Even man’s relationship with nature was affected by the fall. The world itself was altered. Originally the earth produced all kinds of fruit after the fall. Fruit production was more difficult. God caused the ground and caused thorns and thistles to grow to crowd out the crops man needed to live.

      • #23803

        In replying to this subject we said that the fall of man cause as a result of man’s disobedience to God’s instruction, which is God’s command that led to the effects man has been suffering from since the creation of the world up until now.

        This disobedience gave rise to man being separated from God from the moment man ate the forbidden fruit their eyes were open to know that they were both naked which wasn’t in the plan of God, God had wanted a real fellowship with man so that they can be relating as father and children, Gen. 3:8. Paint a picture of God walking in the garden in the cool evening.

        At a point God wanted the fellowship back because He was missing man’s relationship with him even though He caused man accordingly, out of annoyance but he indirectly instituted another provision by offering of animal blood as attornment of man’s sin, but this couldn’t restore complete fellowship with God.

        Man completely died a spiritual and physical death, spiritual death is where they couldn’t fellowship with God again while the physical death is where they were evicted from the Garden of Eden so that they will not have access to the tree of life. Also their land was caused, the land God gave them to enjoy fruits of blessed land from creation.

      • #24934
        Soton Iselobhor

        Interesting thoughts on physical death being a resultant factor of the fall of man.
        In my opinion, this presupposes two things worthy of further consideration. The first is that man was originally created to live forever physically while the second is that man was a spiritual being having a glorified human body that is incapable of physical death as we know it.
        Both thoughts beg the following questions:
        1. Did Adam and Eve have physical bodies with flesh and blood or did the fall cause a conversion that brought them to a physical state?
        2. If the answer to 1 above is yes, then how come as new creations, we are not capable of living forever physically?
        3. In what state will our bodies be at the resurrection?
        4. Was the Garden of Eden a physical earthly location or a spiritual one?
        While I would appreciate some insight from our lecturer if possible, on questions 3 and 4, I am minded to respond to questions 1 and 2 as follows:
        Everything that the first Adam brought upon humanity was corrected and overturned by the last Adam -Romans 5:12-19. In other words, Jesus Christ COMPLETELY purged us of sin and its consequences which includes “death”- Ezekiel 18:20. S
        So if physical death was a result of the fall, then as a result of resurrection life, a believer should not be expected to die physically. It is against this background that I may have to disagree with the point that physical death was a resultant effect of the fall.
        Having said all that, I am still minded to accommodate the thought that the hope of resurrection for a believer is part of the benefits of being a new creation (even though the sinners also have to be resurrected for them to be judged and condemned) in other words, some parts of the victories accomplished on the cross are yet to be manifested?
        Just thinking aloud in reaction to your post.

    • #24033
      Soton Iselobhor

      The Fall of man, on account of Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden, brought about several significant effects on the world and humanity. These effects have profoundly impacted humanity’s relationship with God, with the natural world, and within themselves. This discussion explores three major effects of the Fall of man namely: Separation from God, Decline in man’s relationship with nature, and the Introduction of sin and its consequences.

      1. The Fall of man resulted in a separation from God. Before their disobedience, Adam and Eve enjoyed a close and intimate relationship with their Creator. They walked and talked with God in the Garden, experiencing His presence and enjoying a harmonious fellowship. However, their act of disobedience severed this relationship- Gen 3:8 and introduced a barrier between humanity and God- Gen 3: 22- 24. The consequence of sin, which entered the world through their disobedience, created a separation that would persist throughout human history. This separation from God engendered a sense of spiritual void and longing within humanity, leading to various religious and philosophical pursuits in an attempt to bridge this gap and restore communion with God. Today, even though God has made a way by sending us His Son who provided an opportunity to reconcile man back to God, many people are still stuck in religions that inhibit their relationship with God.

      2. Secondly, the Fall of man resulted in a decline in man’s relationship with nature. Before the Fall, Adam and Eve who represented the entire human race, lived in perfect harmony with the environment.- Gen 2 18-20. There was no disease, no toiling and no death. However, as a consequence of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, the natural world became subject to corruption. The harmony that once existed was disrupted, and the world became characterized by pain, disease, and the struggle for survival. The once-perfect relationship between humanity and nature became strained, and humans were subjected to the toil and hardships of labour to sustain themselves. This disharmony with nature has manifested in various ways throughout history, including the impossibility of a relationship between man and certain animals, especially snakes.

      3. Lastly, the Fall of man introduced sin, the sin nature and its consequences into the human experience. Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience. This introduced a moral and ethical dimension to human existence, as humanity became prone to evil thoughts and actions. Thus, we find according to scripture that all men are born with a sinful nature. Romans 3:23. The consequences or as scripture puts it, the wages of sin which is death, was also introduced to the human race. Sin consciousness, which is closely related, was also introduced to the human race. Gen 3:10. The recognition of sin and its consequences has prompted various religious and ethical systems throughout history, seeking to address and rectify these moral failings.

    • #24525

      COURSE CODE: NC-102-LC

      QUESTION: The Fall of man came with several effects. Discuss in detail three effects of the Fall of man.

      “The Fall of Man” began with Adam and Eve disobeying God in the Garden of Eden, which lead to their expulsion. It’s a symbolic story about the origin of sin and our separation from divine grace.

      When man sinned, he died spiritually hence Adam and Eve’s actions, is a pivotal event with profound consequences. Three significant effects of the Fall include the separation from God, the introduction of sin and death, and the broken relationship with creation.

      Firstly, the separation from God is a fundamental consequence of the Fall. Before Adam and Eve’s disobedience, they enjoyed a harmonious relationship with God, residing in the Garden of Eden. However, their choice to eat the forbidden fruit severed this close connection. The narrative symbolically describes God walking in the garden, but after the Fall, Adam and Eve hide from His presence, illustrating the newfound distance between humanity and its divine origin.

      This separation has profound implications for human spirituality and the quest for meaning. The Fall introduced a sense of spiritual alienation, prompting the search for reconciliation and restoration of the lost communion with God. In many religious traditions, the narrative of the Fall sets the stage for the need for redemption and salvation. (2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

      Secondly, the introduction of sin and death stands as a significant effect of the Fall. The disobedient act of consuming the forbidden fruit symbolizes the first instance of sin in human history. The consequences of this transgression extend beyond the immediate act itself, permeating the entire human experience. Sin, in this context, represents a departure from the divine moral order, leading to moral and ethical complexities that define the human condition.

      The concept of sin carries theological weight, influencing moral frameworks and ethical considerations in various religious traditions. It introduces the idea of moral accountability and the need for repentance or atonement to restore a harmonious relationship with the divine. Additionally, the Fall introduces death as a consequence of sin – a stark departure from the original state of immortality in the Garden of Eden. Death becomes an integral part of the human experience, shaping existential questions and prompting reflections on mortality and eternity.

      Thirdly, the broken relationship with creation is another notable effect of the Fall. The narrative suggests that Adam and Eve’s disobedience had repercussions not only on their spiritual connection with God but also on their relationship with the natural world. The harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature was disrupted, leading to struggles in agriculture, labor, and the overall human-environment dynamic.

      The broken relationship with creation introduces themes of environmental hardship and human responsibility for the stewardship of the earth. In various interpretations, the Fall is associated with the toil and labor that characterize human existence. This broken relationship serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of humanity with the broader ecosystem and underscores the ethical imperative to care for the environment.

      In conclusion, the Fall of man has far-reaching effects that shaped our experience; The separation from God, introduction of sin and death, and the broken relationship with creation are central themes that have moral, and existential implications. Understanding these effects provides insights into the complexities of the human condition and the ongoing quest for spiritual, moral, and environmental restoration.

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