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    • #34230

      One of the purposes of this course is to get a proper Biblical view of the study and the fact of sin. How will a proper understanding of this help you in your Christian walk? In your post state three facts about sin, and explain at least how proper understanding of one of them has impacted your Christian life positively.

      Paste the same submission from the previous step here by clicking on the REPLY link just above. Your submission should be made on or before 11:59 p.m. (WAT) on Wednesday the 26th of February 2025.

      Then scroll down to see your peer submission and click reply to comment on their submissions. You MUST comment on at least one post with a minimum of 200 words on or before 11:59 p.m. (WAT) on Friday the 28th of February 2025. Your comments will also be graded

    • #34263

      A proper understanding of sin is a vital component for a successful Christian Walk. And this understanding can only be accurate and impactful if it emanates from the Holy scriptures. The bible explains the ceaseless reiteration of the facts of sin- the cause, the effects, the shades of difference and the cure. As being taught, sin as a degeneracy from the original good was not the creator’s action (…and God saw that it was good. Gen 1:25) but by the creature’s defection. Yielding to sin burns out of selfishness as it affects our thoughts, word and Deeds.

      Three facts about Sin
      1) The Power of sin
      2) The Guilt of sin
      3) The Stain of sin
      Understanding the power of sin takes care of its guilt and stain. Dealing with the stain does very little to maim its power. For the sake of this discussion, I will focus on how proper understanding of the power of sin has impacted my life positively.
      This explains the influence that sin has over somebody and how it can lead to death.
      2 Thess. 2:10-12.
      The power of sin could never run through a man’s life without leaving its mark or stain.
      Even though Christ has died for us and destroyed the power of sin, without a continual renewal of the mind, the indwelling power of sin has the power to make us sin.

      The impact of a proper understanding of Sin in my life.
      Growing up as a Christian, I struggled with my desires. I had cravings for lust, though I believed in God but I wasn’t fully aware of my actions. I was trying to live morally right, doing what is right, avoiding what is wrong but yet I succumb to little distraction and lures of sin; tried not to do it again, and did it anyway. What was wrong with me that I couldn’t stop myself? All the mind knows is to satisfy itself (john 8:44). My mind was supplying evil thoughts with no enlightenment and understanding of sin’s processes – Distraction, Deception, Decision Deed and Death.
      James 1:14-15, Rom 7:18-20. My exposition to these verses showed me that sin actually has a process. I dealt with its power by the renewal of my mind (Romans 12:2). I continually unlearn and learn from a biblical perspective as this ended the crisis between my spirit and body Gal 5:17. In discerning between Good and Evil, one has to grow to a maturity level continually by the renewal of the mind.

      • #34271
        Chibuike Onyeogulu

        Hello Victor, Thank you so much for your post, have gained a whole lot from them. I will be commenting on the power of sin as stated from your post.
        The power of sin does remind me of how man lost his innocence and inherited the “sin nature” after the fall of man. It is so amazing to know that Adam and Eve were created perfect (holy and without a sinful nature) but its also sad to know that they lost all this perfection out of just a simple disobedient to the instruction given to them by God. I can remember from one of our classes in this course the instructor mentioned that the “Glory of God” departed from them after they sinned, such is the power behind sin. You can lose so much that is so invaluable just from sinning against God. Thank God for the Gift of the Holy Spirit to us, Who will continually enable us to constantly renew our mind in other to be free of the sin nature inherited down to us.
        Another interesting thing that gives me so much pleasure is that the same way we inherited the sin nature at our natural birth is the way we inherited the righteousness of God at our new birth (2 Corinthians 5:17) independent of our actions. Hallelujah!!!

      • #34332
        Odinachi Onyemkpa

        Your post gladdened me, Victor. Sin effects the Christian walk with the aim of crippling and disabling one from victorious christian living. The believer cannot trifle with the place of renewing the mind consistently. I, however, wish to add that sin does not spring a surprise. It tickles the fancy and puts pressure on the believer’s mind while it lurks and prowls in its darkness for the believer to swallow its bait.

        Romans 6:12-13 NLT says, “Do not let sin control the way you live, do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God”. Paul says, “Do not let” which I can say means do not agree, give in, yield to its pressure. This is a command that puts the mandate and responsibility on us to “resistantly” refuse to yield to the perceived gains or the lack of it of sin.

        Just like you buttressed, we can come to the place of peace by understanding our place and position in Christ, and continuously yielding our lives to Him, and refusing to accept any offers that tempt us to do contrary.

    • #34266
      Chibuike Onyeogulu

      Three facts about sin so far as seen from the course harmatology include.
      • what is sin? And was made to understand that sin is a degeneracy from original good and not an original creation, hence not by the creators’ (God) action but by the creature’s defection. Sin is ultimately sin against God.
      • The fall of man in the garden of Eden resulted in the origin of sin. The first temptation as recorded in Gen 3:1-5 and the succumbing to the temptation as recorded Gen 3:6 both cumulatively resulted to the origin of sin
      • The effects of the fall of man lead to the following: the loss of innocence which resulted to the sin nature as experience in the world today, it brought guilt which resulted to a couple of things as mentioned in the course content but the most intriguing one for me is experiencing fear in the presence of God or hiding from God.
      A proper understanding of the fall of man in the garden of Eden and several things to note from the first fall which includes having a deeper understanding about the first temptation and the succumbing to the temptation has really impacted my Christian life positively.
      Emphasis on James 1: 13 -15 was a key text to me regarding having a deeper understanding about temptations. Now, I can confidently and boldly tell anyone and everyone that choose to listen that temptation is not from God, that the devil is at the root of all temptation which makes temptation evil. Although God can test our level of faith at times just as seen in the case of Abraham when God ask him to sacrifice Isaac (Gen 22) but God can never and will never tempt anyone.
      Secondly, I now have a better understanding that the strength of any temptation is the strength of our own lost. The fall was possible because the devil tempted Eve by appealing to her “self”. When self-interests are pursued at the expense of God-interest it does result to sin. However, there is a balance of “self” as can be seen in self-respect, self-worth, self-presentation, self-preservation and self-improvement
      Lastly, I now have a better understanding that every temptation is aimed at us sinning against God which will result to death (Romans 6:23).
      However, is of note that Jesus Christ has freed mankind from the bondage of sin of which I am included and with this revelation, I can boldly resist every form of temptation aimed at me from the devil by continuous renewal of my mind with the word of God. Hallelujah!!!

      • #34331

        Good day chibuike, haven’t studied your post, please permit me to make more explanation on your first point, Sin.
        When we talk about the word (SIN).),here are some definitions that comes to my mind:
        1. Missing the mark: Sin is often described as missing the target or standard set by God (Romans 3:23).
        2. Sin can also be seen as rebellion against God: Sin is seen as a rebellion against God’s authority, laws, and commandments .
        3. Sin is also separation from God: Sin creates a barrier between humanity and God, leading to spiritual death and separation from Him .
        4. Sin can also be any thought, word, or deed that falls short of God’s perfect standard: This includes not only overtly sinful actions but also attitudes, motivations, and desires that are contrary to God’s character .
        5. A failure to love God and others as we should is also sin : Sin involves a failure to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves .
        6. Sin is also corruption from God’s original design: Sin corrupts God’s original design for humanity, leading to a distortion of our relationships with God, others, and the world around us.
        • Some of the consequences of sin include:
        Spiritual death, guilt and shame,broken relationships, physical consequences.

    • #34321

      A proper biblical understanding of sin is essential in my Christian walk because it shapes my awareness of God’s holiness, my need for salvation, and the importance of daily repentance. Sin is not just an act but a condition of the fallen human nature, affecting every aspect of life. When I fully grasp the reality of sin, I become more intentional about guarding my heart, living in obedience, and appreciating the grace of God through Christ.

      Three Facts About Sin:

      1. Sin separates us from God. Isaiah 59:2 says, “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear.” Sin builds a barrier between God and man, making true fellowship with Him impossible without repentance and divine forgiveness.

      2. Sin enslaves and corrupts. In John 8:34, Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” Sin is not just a mistake; it is a power that enslaves those who live in it. The more a person indulges in sin, the more it corrupts their mind, emotions, and will, leading them further away from God’s design.

      3. The consequence of sin is death. Romans 6:23 declares, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Sin leads to both spiritual and physical death. However, God, in His mercy, offers eternal life through Jesus Christ, making salvation possible for those who believe.

      How Understanding Sin Has Impacted My Christian Life:

      The fact that sin separates us from God has deeply transformed my relationship with Him. There was a time in my life when I took sin lightly, assuming that since God is loving, He would always overlook my faults. But as I grew in faith and studied His word, I realized that sin is not just about breaking rules—it is about breaking intimacy with God. Every time I entertained sinful thoughts or actions, I felt a distance from Him, a loss of peace, and a heavy heart.

      This understanding made me more conscious of my choices. I began to treasure God’s presence more than temporary pleasures. I became quicker to repent, not out of fear of punishment, but out of a deep longing to stay close to God. It also made me more compassionate toward others, knowing that sin is a struggle for everyone, and we all need grace.

      Above all, it helped me appreciate Christ’s sacrifice on a deeper level. Jesus did not just die to give me a better life—He died to restore my relationship with the Father. This truth fills me with gratitude and motivates me to live a life that honors Him.

      Glory to God!!!

      • #34330

        Hi Covenant, I appreciate your post! I’d like to share my thoughts on the points you made about sin, starting with your second fact about sin.

        Sin enslaves and corrupts:
        A crucial aspect of sin is its tendency to multiply; one sin often leads to another, and another, and another creating a chain reaction. This is because sin can create a sense of entitlement, Dull our conscience as one tries to cover up or justifies his/her initial sin, more sin will be committed This happens because sin can foster a sense of entitlement and dull our conscience as we attempt to hide or rationalize our initial wrongdoing, leading to further transgressions.

        The consequences of sin is Death and sin separates us from God are relational:
        As highlighted in Genesis 2:16-17: “… For in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” When Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate from that tree, they experienced death. But what does that signify? Death isn’t about ceasing to exist; nor a disappearance or eradication, it’s about being separated from the source of life. Adam and Eve were cut off from the Divine, resulting in spiritual death first, followed by physical death (Romans 6:23, Ezekiel 18:4). Sin not only distances us from God but also alienates us from our true selves.

        Glory be to God who didn’t leave us in our broken state. He sent his son to redeem us, and we are continually enlightened by his indwelling Spirit in us for a proper and better understanding of his word which enables us to rise above sin and its appearances.

        • #34374

          I agree with you sis Covenant that sin separates one from God. A perfect example of this was seen in the Garden when Adam hid himself from the presence of God whom he once fellowshipped and communed with in the cool of the day after he ate the fruit God instructed him not to eat (Gen. 3:8). His reason for hiding was that he was naked (Gen. 3:10). Sin had taken away the covering God put on both him and his wife. Sin created a gulf, a lacuna, between man and his maker- God.
          Man has tried to fix the separation between him and God created by sin and each attempt has failed woefully. Adam made clothes from leaves for himself (Gen. 3:7), and people used morality, religion, etc. to return to God. Just as God killed the animal in the Garden and covered Adam with the coats of the skin (Gen. 3:21), that is how Jesus was slain on the cross to restore the fellowship man once had with God. The veil in the Temple was rent into two giving us access to the presence of God (Luke 23:45). The separation problem caused by sin was sorted eternally, once and for all on the cross and just by putting faith in the sacrifice of Jesus, one can enjoy fellowship again with God.

    • #34329

      (understanding the word SIN)
      Sin from the Greek word ( hamartia) which means missing the mark, error, fault. Sin is a complex and multifaceted concept that involves missing the mark, rebelling against God, and separating ourselves from Him. It wasn’t so from the beginning but the disobedience of man brought the existence of sin.
      There are so many facts, consequences, results and reward for sin.

      Three facts about sin

      1) The guilt of sin
      2) The wages of sin
      3) The bondage of sin

      Brief discussion on bondage of sin, and how I was totally free and redeemed from it.

      The bondage of sin refers to the state of being trapped in a cycle of sin, things to know about the bondage of sin:
      * Spiritual slavery
      * Cycle of guilt and shame

      I had a serious issue while growing up as a young boy, I was influenced / exposed with pornography, which happened to be a serious issue to me then, I applied all human knowledge, ability, strength but my strength failed me. The addiction escalated to some extent that I couldn’t stay a day without engaging in it. Then I realized that I needed help because I couldn’t hide it anymore after trying all I could to stop it, I even met someone who told me it’s a normal thing that I should live with it , he tried advising me (negatively) that there is nothing I could do to stop it, I was deeply depressed and confused at that point, but I refused to listen to him because deep inside of me something keeps telling me that what I was doing then was wrong but the problem then was what to do to stop it. One thing that help me in over coming the challenge, was knowing the knowledge of the truth In Christ Jesus, then I realized that I needed to change my attitude, character and habit because Christ has already paid the prize for me but I lacked proper understanding, knowledge of the revelation in Christ Jesus and his finished works for me so I could be free… (my mind was not renewed then by the word of God).I took some steps that helped me in knowing God deeply and growing in the knowledge of God . Steps that helped me:

      *Acknowledge my sin
      *Seek for forgiveness and redemption
      *Developing a Strong relationship with God
      *Replace sinful habits with Godly habits

      On a daily basis I developed the habits of renewing my mind through studying and meditating on the word of God, I also developed the habits of praying, worshipping and praising God always…
      Overcoming the bondage of sin is a process that requires total repentance from sin and surrender to God.

    • #34373

      According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “Fact” is defined as something that has an actual existence.
      Sin according to Strong’s Concordance is the Greek word hamartia meaning missing the mark, an act of disobedience to Divine law.
      The fact about sin refers to the reality or actual existence of sin. A proper understanding of sin has helped me to appreciate the gravity of sin, and therefore the immensity of the sacrifice of Jesus in His substitutional death for the sin of mankind. It has also helped me to extend grace and compassion to those who have not accepted Christ around me so, rather than judging and condemning them knowing that it is the nature of sin in them that is making them commit whatever act of sin they are committing it propels me to preach the gospel to them.
      Three facts about sin are:
      1) Sin always has consequences and penalties (Ezekiel 18:20, Isaiah 59:2, Rom. 6:23). The penalty for sin is death. Adam’s eyes were opened immediately he ate the fruit God asked him not to eat and died spiritually.

      2) Sin is a universal experience (Rom. 3:23). When Adam sinned against God, He plugged the whole human race into sin because he was the representative of man on the earth (Rom. 5:12, Rom. 5:16).

      3) Sin is not just an act that is carried out but a nature that is inherited. (Ps. 51:5, Rom. 7:14-25). In Genesis 3, after the Fall, human nature became corrupted by sin. Adam transferred the sinful nature through his seed. This necessitated the coming of Jesus as the Seed of the Woman to escape the sinful nature inherent in man (Gen. 3:15).

      The understanding that sin is not just an act but an inherited nature has positively impacted my Christian life in several ways. The knowledge that the nature I inherited from Adam through my parents when I was born was completely changed at my new birth has made me have better experiences, in my walk with God. I now know that I no longer have a sinful nature; I am now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, just by putting my faith in the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. This knowledge has freed me from the bondage of sin consciousness where confessing sin was a constant practice. When I make mistakes now, all I do is go boldly to the throne of grace according to Heb. 4:16 and obtain mercy.
      It has also helped me to take the subject of mind renewal more seriously because the issues of life spring from there (Prov. 4:23).
      In conclusion, recognizing sin as a nature and not just an act underscores the need to turn to Jesus for pardon and redemption. No level of morality can save one from an inherited nature. Salvation from sin is in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12).

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