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Name: Ezeonugo Ijeoma Chika.
Course: Prayer Basic PB 205 LC.
Topic: why is it important for you to praise God for your answers before you see them

What is praise: it is a joyful recounting of what God has done for us and is doing in our life. Praising God is expressing gratitude to Him. Praise is also expressed with enthusiasm and exuberance.
1. It is a demonstration of your faith.
2. It boosts/builds your faith level.
3. It shifts our focus from ourselves and situations back to God.
4. It shows that you understand his character,
5. It makes us carriers of testimonies and it gives glory to God.

1. It is a demonstration of faith (2 Chronicles 20 :1- 22, Mark 11:24).
Praising God in advance is a demonstration of your faith, it shows that you are stepping out of your comfort zone into that realm of faith.
Praise is verbalized faith in action, it releases God’s Power to work on our behalf, real faith is revealed by what you do after you have prayed (Jam 2 v 20,26). It’s easier to give thanks after you have seen the physical manifestation than to give thanks before you see anything. It shows you are walking by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5 vs 7), when we praise God in advance, it shows that we know we have our answer (1 john 5: 14 – 15).
King Jehoshaphat demonstrated his faith by praising God on the battle field and God came through for him (2 chronicle 20 :18 -22).

2. It boosts/builds your faith level. (Roman 4: 20 to 21)
Praising God in advance builds our faith because faith comes by hearing (Romans 10: 17). As you hear yourself praise God before your prayer is manifested, you are declaring a deeper trust; you’re adding to your faith and increasing your certainty in what God has already declared about that desire.
Faith is made strong in an atmosphere of praise. So, to boost your faith, you need to praise God for his past faithfulness upon your life because when you give God praise, it gives you strength, keeps you moving forward and encourages you to keep believing that what He promised will surely come to pass.

Abraham waited 25 years for the fulfillment of God’s promise, he never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises (Romans 4:20-21, TLB).
when you praise God in advance for the answer, it not only waters the seed sown in prayers but it keeps your faith alive and strong.

3. It shifts our focus from ourselves and situations back to God (Romans 4: 18 – 21 TLB. Philippians 4: 6 -7)
When you praise God in advance, it helps you to stay watchful and keeps you in a sensitive or alert mood, therefore there is no room for complaining. or making negative statement that can hold your blessings. We tend to be engrossed with our problems when praying, but through praise, we’re focused on Him, and our emotions is subdued.

4. It shows that you understand his character
When we praise God for answers before we see them, it shows that we understand God’s character and who he is because two big aspects of God’s character are his faithfulness and his goodness. And whenever we can say thank you for those things before we see them come to pass, it indicates that we know he is Good and faithful (James 1 vs17) and that we recognized that he had done it before and we know he will still do it again, because he is the same God yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13: 8) and if he has made a promise to us, he will always come through and we can take his word to the bank.

5. It makes us carriers of testimonies and it gives glory to God (acts 16: 25 -34)
Not only is praising God beneficial to us, it can also encourage others. Our faithfulness or endurance, regardless of the circumstances, can be a powerful testimony that edifies people around us.
When we patiently praise God while waiting for answers and not complaining we becomes testimonies to people who only saw us praising God and never knew we were passing through challenges and thereby helping others build their faith.

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