Home V3 (LearnDash) Forums Christian Character Discussion Board 2 Reply To: Christian Character Discussion Board 2

Yeodikitekon Igani

I like the thoughts expressed and conclusions reached in your post. The fact that they emphasize the transformative power of God in a Believer’s life, makes this post very relatable.

I also like the fact that your discussion highlights the truth that this depth of morality and ethical conduct you have described can all be sourced from consistent fellowship with the Word (Rom.12 :2).

In addition, I would like to highlight the fact that this good conduct you have described is very different from that expressed by unbelievers (Eph. 2: 8-9), in the sense that it is empowered by the love of God, therefore, it doesn’t seek recognition amongst men, but the welfare of the one loved. This is because, these works have been predestined for us in Christ (Eph. 2:10). So, as much as a person’s moral strength is important, because that propels the expressions of character, what is most significant in this discussion, is the motivation, which is the love of God.

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