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Yeodikitekon Igani

The character of God is the basis, foundation or reference point for Christian character. The development of Christian character therefore, is aimed at getting a precise representation of the character of God, which was fully expressed in Christ, the express image of God (Heb. 1:3).

The renewal of the mind refers to taking in the Word of God that eventually causes a change in your soul and therefore a change in your character and conduct. This is essential in Christianity because God is the reference and benchmark for Christian Character. Therefore, it is only His principles as set forth in His Word, and the examples modelled by Christ that will guide us into attaining this glorious standard.

5 ways renewing our minds can help develop our Character as believers are:

1) It makes us knowledgeable of the truth of God’s Word concerning our identity and purpose (2 Pet. 1:3-7).

This is critical because being secure in one’s identity makes it easier to identify with the purpose one has been called to fulfill, thereby establishing a strong sense of conviction.

2) It provides true principles and serves as a guide to fulfilling one’s purpose.

Our fellowship with the Word will make it easier for us to identify God’s blueprint for the assignment we have been called to fulfill, as it will guide us with practical knowledge and wisdom.

3) It empowers us to walk in love (Gal. 2: 19-20).

Love is the force that motivates us to reach out to the lost world and perform the good works we have been predestined for (1 Cor. 13: 4-8). It propels us to seek out and pursue the welfare of the one loved, as Christ intends us to. A constant study of the Word will expose us to practical examples and ways that such love can be expressed.

4) Our consistent fellowship with the Word will provide the necessary strength needed to withstand the suggestions and temptations to sin. It becomes an umpire in our lives, and in the event that we fall short of the standard, it realigns and redirects us back to God (1 Cor. 10:13; Ps. 119:9-11).

5) It empowers us to be ambassadors of Christ (Gal. 2:20).

The renewal of the mind makes the perfect picture and example of Christ enlarged in our hearts, as it draws us deeper and deeper into fellowship with Christ. This eventually results in the total transformation of our conduct ( Rom. 12:2; 1 Jn. 3:2).

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