Home V3 (LearnDash) Forums Christian Character Discussion Board 1 Reply To: Christian Character Discussion Board 1


Reply to Christian Character Group Discussion 1
While we admire your ingenuity in your varied approach to response to this group discussion; we do also appreciate your line of thought and insight. However, in our mind and considered opinion, it seems your method did not necessarily do justice to the question in question.
Your approach to the topic in question was generic and failed to specifically address the issues in contest: the quote and how it relates to the Bible verse Ephesians 2: 8-9 or otherwise. Again, your position was not defined as demanded by the content of the question. In the same vein, remember, this course run through series and each has its foundation and this was equally absent in your work. No wonder the proper words/semantics were also missing. These are fundamental flaws which tend to impede, on your well intended presentations.
You ought to have explained the quote ‘Good works that stem of a relationship with Christ Jesus are witnesses for Jesus’; subscribe to it or otherwise and then relate it to the Ephesian 2: 8-9; as may be explained too. You are at liberty to establish or suggest any connection between the two or otherwise.
To that extent, we suggest that much ought to be done by your good self to align your position to the intent and purpose of the question in view.
We feel this remain the crux of the matter; even as we humbly salute you for your endowed efforts.

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