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Name: Owhondah Ugochi Benedicta
Course: Evangelism and Follow-up
Anchor: Rev Joe Uwareme

I was in a moving vehicle to a location and I forgot my purse. Didn’t notice it was missing till the very next day. I searched for it but it was nowhere to be found, I talked to the Holy Spirit about it and he told me to be calm. By noon I got a call asking if I had forgotten my purse in a cab and I was so excited. When I met with the person who found the purse, I was led in my heart to share the word with this person. I hesitated for a moment but then I thought, what harm could it do so I went for it. I engaged this person in a conversation generally, I started by introducing myself, asking for the person’s name and I expressed my gratitude with kind words and also made this person realise it was a miracle for me because nothing was missing. When I started talking to this guy about Jesus Christ and how He worked miracles, he opened up to me about a lot of things that were going on in his life and how he needed those words at that very point in his life. He just went through a separation from his wife, his children had nowhere to stay, he couldn’t afford to feed them so he was just moving them from one place to the other. He also spoke about how he wanted to remain a good person but life was making it hard. I responded with words of encouragement because I knew he was really down. He was really open and responsive because I knew he needed help. I wanted to lead him to Christ right there on the sidewalk but then he insisted that he was a member of a church still I knew he wasn’t born again, I didn’t push further. I invited this person to my church, took his contact details but I haven’t been able to reach this person for the longest time. My only regret was not insisting on him becoming born again, but I trust the Holy Spirit will continue what he already started. I was busy recently when I got a call from an unknown number, it turned out to be this guy, we couldn’t talk for so long and then the number was no longer reachable. He had lost his phone and other belongings and was trying to reach me, I was trying to talk to him about meeting but the call ended abruptly.

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