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Reply to Evangelism and Follow Up Board Discussion 2
This was a great feat, which calls for a celebration because a soul has been saved and won to the kingdom. Truly, your efforts are commendable, for your ability to spot your colleague who just relocated to your station is very strategic. Your wisdom in this regard was properly deployed and it did yield th desired results. Kudos. His relocation or environment change offered a unique opportunity, which paid off to the glory of God.
However, there are still areas of concern, may be not in a particular order. Motherly love and the preaching of Christ may not sink well and that was why it seemed the mother’s did not yield the desired result. But the truth remains she sew the seed. While referring to God, capital letter should start it but you used small h, instead of H. it was a proper representation.
Indicating the name of the prospect here also mean, you are not confidential enough in matters of such magnitude.
Also, because you were loaded with scriptures, more than necessary were deployed and this has the chance to confuse and disinterest the person. Hence, it is advisable to narrow to few with John 3;16, 17,18, inclusive. Time factor should equally be considered.
In the concluding part, you did say or you were rejoicing for bringing Matthew to Christ. No. You did no such. God brought him and glory to Him alone. Meanwhile, you are wise.

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