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Comment on Ezeonugo02’s good work
Can a person out grow service? How can a leader who has grown in the ranks in church or in an organization still be able to serve?
First and foremost,It is quite unexpected for a child of God to outgrow service in the house of God. Service in church entails devotion and commitment, which are propelled by genuine love for God . Service in the house of God in whatever capacity should not be seen as something that can be outgrown by anyone no matter how big , wealthy, or wise one may become. Anyone who feels he has out grown working for God because he has been doing the work for too long or has been promoted has definitely derailed from the right path and must have a questionable relationship with God. You can’t love God and consider yourself bigger than His work.
Moreso, I very much believe that one thing that sustains a leader or any worker in church who has grown in ranks and still remains committed to doing God’s work is the depth of his faith and relationship with God. If you you have such great relationship with God, you will surely manifest the fruits of the holy spirit spoken about in Galatians 5:22 which include: love,joy,peace,patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness and self control. All these are physical manifestations of a christian’s transformed life. It is evidence of Christ living in us and transforming us such that doing God’s work becomes something we draw joy, strength, and fulfilment from irrespective age and social status.
Furthermore, in a secular organisation, one can be promoted from one office to another by virtue of his hard work or contribution there by making him eligible for higher service. However, age , sickness, and even death are also some of the veritable factors that can hamper one from doing any form of work ,spiritual or secular.