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Yes before Christ we are full of selfishness and our works were done for selfish purposes also those who are saved but haven’t renewed their mind in their new faith didn’t have a clear understating the their works were done to bring glory to God instead it became list of do’s and don’ts . Jesus in many occasions pointed this out about the Pharisees (Matthew 24:14) that they spend time carrying out the works without first dealing with the internal part which is the heart and Spirit.
The writer in this 4th paragraph noted “A relationship with Jesus is a relationship with the Word and the Spirit of God and so good works are inevitable because our very nature has become good. We begin to bear fruit that is good. It is not these works that justify us but they are prove that we have been joined to the one who is good.” Pointed to the fact that this good works are products of our relationship with God, which means as Christians the state of our heart will determine the nature of the works we will produce. Jesus pointed this out to the Pharisees that you can only give what you have (Matthew 12 :34 -40) we really need to keep renewing our mind to be like Jesus and produce good works.
Yes we are not saved by good works but when we got save (through believing in Jesus and confessing him Lord of our life) we will start living and acting like him whose very nature is good.

  • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Ezeonugo02. Reason: Correcting the 3rd paragraph to the 4th while making reference to what the write quoted
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