Professor Durojaiye Adegboye
Professor Durojaiye Adegboye is the founder and president of Gospel Unlimited, a ministry dedicated to reaching the lost with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and equipping believers to effectively carry out the great commission.
Uncle Duro (as he is fondly called) bagged his B.sc from the University of Zaria and then proceeded to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, FAAI New York, USA for his Ph.D. Thereafter he returned to Nigeria to pursue a career in teaching. He taught at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria where he rose to be the Head of Department of Biological Sciences and the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences. A professor of Biological Science, he was also the Head of Biological Sciences Department and Dean of Science and Technology at the National Open University, Abuja.
In 1988, he voluntarily retired to face his God given vision of “Every Christian A Soul Winner.” In pursuit of this vision, he has ministered in campuses, churches, ministries and fellowships in the 36 states and the FCT of Nigeria and outside the country. He is a consultant on evangelism, church growth, mission to several denominations and Christian organisations. He is a visiting professor of soul winning to several seminars, Bible Colleges, Theological Colleges and Schools of Mission. Acts 20:24 is his watchword.

Reverend Joe Uwareme
Reverend Joe Uwareme is the senior pastor of House of Glory Christian Centre in Port Harcourt and has served in that capacity for about 17 years.
He holds a B.sc in agriculture from University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Ife-Ife, Nigeria. He is said to have a passion for carefully unpacking the truths of Scripture. He has ministered in over twenty countries.
He and his wife have five children: Christopher, Andrew, Afegbai, Peter and Grace.

Dr. Efe Obuke
Dr. Efe Obuke is a trained Medical Doctor who is presently engaged in preaching and teaching the Word of God. He is the president of the Pneuma Force Foundation Ministries, which began in 1985 in Benin City, Nigeria. It is a ministry that is involved in church planting, various outreaches to the prisons, villages and reaches out to young people.
The ministry has different churches under the name of Glory Pavilion Church. It also has different university campus and secondary school fellowships under the name of Word Clinic Fellowship.
Dr. Obuke constantly travels to different countries holding conferences and leadership seminars. He has also been the host of the TV programs: A Date with Destiny and Moments of Praise based in Benin City.
Dr. Obuke’s ministry is backed with supernatural manifestations of miracles, healings, and diverse great manifestations of the Spirit
He presently resides in Louisiana, USA, with his wife Priscilla and their two children, David and Dara

Engineer Emeka Ene
Engineer Emeka Ene is the oldest member of The Carpenter’s Church and has been a faithful member right from the early days of the church over 30 years ago. He has been serving and leading in various capacities and is currently the super-head of the Public Address Department, and a superintendent in The Carpenter’s Church, the highest non-clergy role in the Church. He is also the chairman of the Building Committee of the 6,000-seater auditorium. He is the husband of the presiding pastor of The Carpenter’s Church, Pastor Nkechi Ene (Mrs.) and they have three daughters Zoe, Chloe and Tracy. He is a stellar example to Christians in service, leadership and business.
He is a geophysical engineer by training and holds a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Lagos. He is an OPM alumnus of the Harvard Business School.
He brings to Ekklesia a rich and diverse experience from a career in different capacities in the oil and gas industry spanning over three decades. He is the CEO of Oildata and Xenergi, both leading technical service companies operating in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.
He is currently a director of the World Free Zone Organization (International Body of Free Zones), and vice chairman (E&P), International Gas Union. He is the immediate past chairman of both the Petroleum Technology Association of Nigeria (PETAN), and Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Nigeria Council. He is also the chairman of different editorial boards that publish bulletins on the Nigerian oil and gas industry. He is the pioneer of the MIND Foundation, a non-profit initiative working with rural children ages
10 to 15 years in the Niger Delta. He is also a volunteer instructor/business mentor for the FATE Foundation in Port Harcourt.

Mrs. Namsey Okung
Mrs. Namsey Okung is an anointed music minister who ministers with passion. Her music career in the New Wine Choir of The Carpenter’s Church spans over two decades. Over the years, she has been distinguished as veritable music minister serving as a member of the choir, a soloist, and a praise and worship leader. She currently serves as the super-head of the music ministry of The Carpenter’s Church with a remarkable ministry branded with relevance and grace.
She brings to Ekklesia her music ministry as well as experience from a rich career in human resources and corporate management for about 15 years and is presently the corporate services manager of The Carpenter’s Ministry. She is a microbiology graduate of the University of Port Harcourt. Her professional career has been adorned with a number of certifications and qualifications from trainings in various institutes including the prestigious London Management Centre (LMC). She is married to John Okung and they are blessed with four children Akan, Adayah, Asher and Adner.

Dr. Adie Okari
Dr. Adie Okari is a faithful member of The Carpenter’s Church. Since he became born-again, he has consistently followed the Lord and passionately served in the body of Christ in different capacities. In The Carpenter’s Church he serves as a Believers’ Classes teacher, an assistant head of the follow-up department and a pre-marital counselor. He brings his passionate service and rich walk with the Lord to the students at Ekklesia.
He is an alumnus of the University of Port Harcourt, and the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. He has his medical practice with a major multi-national company. He is married to Tamunoiyowuna, a paediatrician and their union has been blessed with two sons, Micaiah and Oraibi.

Dr. Iyowuna Okari
Dr. Iyowuna Okari is a faithful member of The Carpenter’s Church. She loves the Lord and serves Him in several capacities. She is a Believers’ Classes teacher, the head of the prayer team, a Family Outreach Group coordinator in The Carpenter’s Church. She brings her passionate service and rich walk with the Lord to the students at Ekklesia.
She is a graduate of the University of Port Harcourt. She is a paediatrician by training and works with the Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital. She is married to Adie and they have two sons, Micaiah and Oraibi.

Mr. Chibuisi Onyebueke
Mr. Chibuisi Onyebueke is a faithful member of The Carpenter’s Church, serving and leading in various capacities. He is the super-head of the Protocol Department, and a superintendent in The Carpenter’s Church, the highest non-clergy role in the church. His indefatigable spirit of service is a model to Christians in service and leadership.
He bagged a Higher National Diploma in Marketing from the then College of Technology, Owerri (now The Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri) and was the best graduating student his class. He also holds a degree in Banking and Finance and an MBA from Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Negotiation Studies from the Graduate School of the International Negotiation Academy, Republic of South Africa.
He is the MD/CEO of Teras Logistics Services Limited. He brings to Ekklesia experience from over 25 years of continuous hands-on experience in the logistics, administrative and managerial functions of the Oil & Gas sector of the economy. He was the Special Projects Manager / Assistant to the Managing Director’s Office at INTELS Nigeria Limited, Onne Oil & Gas Free Zone, Rivers State. As a man with a strong passion for knowledge and learning, he is a fellow and member of numerous professional bodies within and outside the country. He is happily married to Victoria, and they have a daughter, Hope and twins, Rhema and Sophia.

Pastor Esther Sunday
Pastor Esther Sunday is a full-time minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. She serves as an assistant pastor in The Carpenter’s Church, Port Harcourt.
She holds a B.A in French and a PGD international affairs, both from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She is an alumnus of 2013 Ekklesia School. Among other responsibilities she carries out, Pastor Esther currently supervises the church’s prayer squad and serves as the zonal pastor to the Topaz giga zone – one of the giga zones in the church.
She is married to Mike, an accountant, and they are blessed with three children: Chinomso, Jessica and Chinedu.

Pastor Helen Nwuzi
Pastor Helen Nwuzi is a full-time minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. She serves as an assistant pastor in The Carpenter’s Church, Port Harcourt.
She is an Ekklesia School alumnus of 2015 Dynamics of Business, and 2021 Clergy. She carries out administrative functions in Ekklesia. Among other responsibilities, Pastor Helen supervises different departments in church on a rotationary basis, serves as a zonal pastor to the Sapphire giga zone – one of the giga zones in the church, as well as supervising the Generation Shift with some of the other assistant pastors.

Pastor Derrick Isaac Iselobhor
Pastor Derrick Isaac Iselobhor is a full-time minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He serves as an assistant pastor in The Carpenter’s Church, Port Harcourt.
He is a trained medical doctor holding an MBBS from the Ambrose Alli University, Ekopma, Nigeria. He is an Ekklesia School alumnus of 2019 Dynamics of Business, and 2021 Clergy. He carries out administrative functions in Ekklesia. Among other responsibilities, Pastor Derrick supervises different departments in church on a rotationary basis, serves as a zonal pastor to the Topaz giga zone – one of the giga zones in the church, as well as supervising the Generation Shift with some of the other assistant pastors.

Pastor Ucheawaji Egop
Pastor Ucheawaji Egop is a full-time minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He serves as an lead/founding pastor Purpose-Life Community Church (PCC), Port Harcourt.
He is a graduate of Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. He is an Ekklesia School alumnus of Ekklesia 2021 Clergy.
Media Instructors
Media Instructors this School Year include but may not be restricted to:
Pastor Charles Omofomah
Pastor Bob Yandian, Pastor, Grace Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA