Personal Referral Form
How well do you know him/her?
To the best of your knowledge is the applicant born again?

Please assess the applicant in regard to the following categories:

Motivation: Genuineness and depth of commitment
Judgment: ability to analyze a problem
Oral expression: clarity, cohesion
Interpersonal Relations: rapport, cooperation, attitudes toward supervision
Empathy: sensitivity and compassion to the needs of others
Work Habits: Stamina, conscientiousness, perseverance, resourcefulness, and initiative.
Leadership: Creative thought, curiosity, self-confidence
Personal appearance: cleanliness, dressing
Integrity: honesty, moral character
To what extent is the applicant engaged in the activities of the Church he/she attends?
How hard working is the applicant?

This question is only applicable if the applicant indicated that he/she intends to take instruction along
the clergy path. If the applicant indicated that he/she intends to take instruction along the laity path,
then proceed to the next question.

From your personal knowledge of the applicant, would you?
How would you assess the applicant emotionally?
The applicant’s spiritual influence on others is:
In your estimation does the applicant associate with people of moral character?
. In your estimation, does the applicant have a good home life and/or marriage?
To your knowledge, does the applicant use illegal drugs?
To your knowledge, does the applicant have sexually related challenges?


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