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  • in reply to: Prayer Discussion Board 1 #32191

    My reply to Ben
    Your point that Jesus prayed according to the will of God is very important for every believer to pray according to God’s will. First off, we were created to do God’s will here on earth, we must let our will override God’s will. Jesus set the perfect example of what prayer is not, prayer is not a way of getting God to put a stamp of approval on your plans and coercing Him to agree with your will and way.
    Jesus also set a great example that you can be vulnerable before God, it is not a sign of weakness but it shows total submission, you have come to Him just as you are and just as you feel. There is no need to pretend before God. Just as you said, we do not need to deny the reality of what God requires of us , we should surrender willingly to God.

    in reply to: Prayer Discussion Board 1 #32189

    PRAYER- Means communication, Fellowship (koinonia) with God. Prayer is what gives God pleasure and throughout Jesus’ stay here on earth, we see Him practice different types of Prayer . A believer is encouraged to live a life just like Christ and the aspect of Prayer is worthy of emulation.
    The main purpose of the life we received is to get to know God more and more everyday . We get to know God’s deepest desires for us in the place of prayer.
    Now focusing on Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane, here are lessons one can learn.
    1) Jesus prayed based on relationship – In verse 39′ He referred to God as “My Father” , this showed that He was praying from a place of intimacy and close relationship. “my” is translated “mou” which means mine(own), my. Every believer should strive to build intimacy with God. Intimacy with God , reveals who He is and His will for you at all times. “It is not a luxury to hear from God” ( in reference to Pastor Nkechi) , every believer should be familiar with the voice of God and your voice should also be consistent in God’s ears.
    2) He Prayed the right Prayer at the right time.
    There are different kinds of prayer and it is important for one to pray the right kind of prayer at the right time to enable it to be effective and produce result. Jesus prayed the prayer of Concencration to submit to God’s will. He knew the will of God for Him was to be made a sacrifice for sin , He was asking if it can be accomplished in some other way than the way He could see ahead. This is because Jesus was in flesh and had feelings and emotions but He didn’t let how or what he felt deprive Him of fulfilling God’s will.
    We should learn to concencrate and submit ourselves to the will of God because in any situation, God is faithful to give you something even better than your desires as well as change your desires to line up with His will. This is one prayer where can’t pretend before God, you come to Him just as you are.
    3) Jesus was conscious of God’s supremacy
    Jesus remained conscious of God’s supremacy over all things. Even when there was a tendency for Him to be overwhelmed by the situation, He remained conscious, that God is sovereign. We should learn from Jesus as a good example , despite the great suffering that laid ahead of Him , He was never carried away but remained conscious that God is supreme.
    4) Jesus emphasized on the importance of Prayer
    The importance of prayer in the life of a believer cannot be overemphasized. In verse ’41 ” Watch lest you fall into temptation” . A believer should ensure that prayer is not an occasional practice but a frequent, consistent and intentional act. Jesus admonished His disciples for sleeping at such a crucial time and urged them to pray even if they do not feel like it. Prayer should be a consistent and deliberate act where even if you do not feel like it, you push yourself to start and let the Holy spirit carry you on. Sometimes you can start off weak and tired and feel you can’t pray past 1 hour, but as you continue , you find out that you have exceeded the time you expected and you are even more energetic.
    5) Pray until something happens
    Jesus stayed at the place of prayer until His appointed time came . We are enjoying the gift of salvation today because of the sacrifice of Jesus . He knew , that though the task was not going to be an easy one , it was going to be worth it in the end . He prayed until His purpose was fulfilled here in earth. As believers, we should constantly communicate with God to ensure we are still on the right track of fulfilling our God given destiny. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 ” Pray without ceasing” . In good times or bad times we are expected to pray. Your situation should not determine when you should or should not pray.

    in reply to: Faith Discussion Board 1 #32039

    My reply to Ben
    Faith in the finished work of Christ is truly a guarantee and an assurance to all what God has in store for you as a believer. All one needs to to do is believe and accept. It is really exciting to know that as a believer, you really don’t have to do anything or add anything to what Christ has already done. He bore it all, He became everything negative so we can be partakers of the blessings of God . A clear revelation of Jesus’ sacrifice will unburden you.

    in reply to: Faith Discussion Board 1 #32009

    Faith- Faith is defined as a strong conviction based upon hearing. Faith is our positive response to God’s Grace , it is what gives us access to God’s Grace.
    The Finished Work Of Christ – The finished work of Christ refers primarily to the death of Jesus on the cross. That’s where the judgement of God against our sin was endured by Christ .
    Jesus was not our savior untill He suffered and died for our sins on the cross. The death of Jesus brought salvation into the world. Salvation is both free and costly at the same time . On one hand , salvation is a free gift to anyone who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior, but on the other hand, salvation is very costly because it required the sacrificial death of the son of God. ( John 3:16)

    Faith in the finished work of Christ is accepting, understanding, appreciating and walking in all that it entails. It is what gives a believer full access to God’s Grace.

    What the Finished Work Of Christ Entails
    Hebrews 2:17
    It means reconciliation between a Holy God and us. In reference to the finished work of Christ, reconciliation is the act by which God brings mankind into a completely changes relationship with Himself , from hostility and alienation to harmony and intimate fellowship . It is a one way act of God , made by God alone.
    In the old testament people were punished for there sin , but in the new testament, God poured all His wrath on Jesus.
    The ancient Greeks used the word propitiation when they spoke of appeasing the anger of their pagan gods or doing something to obtain favor from their pagan gods. But this is not the idea of propitiation in the Bible, The Bible teaches that God is love, He loves His people and He wants to have fellowship with us, however God is also Holy , just and righteous, so He can’t just sweep our sin under the rug. This is precisely where Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins. He took humanity’s sin upon Himself and suffered the righteous judgement of God. Jesus not only died to take away man’s sin, He satisfied and propitiated God’s anger against sin.
    The death of Jesus Christ was sufficient to take care of all the sins of the whole world , it’s unlimited in its coverage and provision. That does not mean that everyone has salvation, the finished work of Christ is only effective for those who believe and put their trust in Him .
    Titus 2:4, 2 Peter 2:1
    To redeem is the Greek word ” luthro” which means to release, actual deliverance, the setting at liberty.
    The finished work of Christ brings/ brought about redemption for all who believe. Redemption deals with our enslavement by sin . In this context, redemption refers to the sacrifice of Christ in setting us free from the bondage of sin’s slavery.
    In redemption, we have been bought back and set free from the slave market of sin and we have been placed in the family of God. Although we did not pay silver or gold ( 1 Peter 1:18), we must remember always that the cost of our redemption was high. The ransom price was the precious blood of Christ. If you must be redeemed, then you must agree to be redeemed because you have a role to play.
    2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24
    The finished work of Christ was the perfect exchange , Jesus is our perfect substitute because He became sin that we maybe righteous. Everything Adams sin brought upon us, Jesus became.
    He became sickness that we might be healed, He was rejected so that we can be accepted, He became everything negative that we maybe all that God has designed for us.
    Acts 2:38, Hebrews 10:18
    Where there is remission there is no longer sacrifice for sin.
    Atonement was used in the old testament as a management arrangement, a stop gap measure , a temporary measure to cover sins.
    The finished work of Christ was more than atonement but remission, which means He erased , separated, cleansed and wiped our sin forever thereby signifying permanent freedom forever.
    There is nothing that can be added to what Jesus has done, His work was a finished one.
    A believer can utilize this faith by fully realizing and resting on the finished work of Christ. This can only happen when
    1) One ceases from the work of trying to be worthy and accept that God has made you worthy.
    2) Cease from trying to merit or earn the blessings of God , realize that you cannot add to what Christ has already done.
    3) Agree with God that you already have it when God spoke it , not when you receive it.
    There is no other kind of Faith, however the only kind of faith available to the believer is the faith in the finished work of Christ.

    in reply to: Grace Discussion Board 1 #30953

    My reply to PaulPraize
    You gave a very good example using the parable in the book of Matthew. A legalistic mind is one to always judge , they tend to place a measure on what you can receive from God based on how much you have worked. Truthfully, I was guilty of this in the past but I thank God for the revelation of His Grace. Many believers are guilty of legalism, it is necessary for believers to examine there lives to be sure that they are still on track because it is possible to start off right and miss it eventually. Let God’s Word be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, let the Grace of God labor through us. A daily reminder that you are who you are only by the Grace of God.

    in reply to: Grace Discussion Board 1 #30952

    My reply to FEMI
    I Totally agree with your last point, unfortunately we have Ministers in this time and dispensation who have become so creative in the sense that they instill fear in the minds of gullible Christians through there work based teachings. It is very common in the area of giving / tithing, some would go as far as saying that God will curse and bring all sorts of calamities your way if you do not pay your tithe.That is certainly not the God I serve. This is totally wrong and you find believers giving out of fear. Do not get me wrong, giving is not a wrong practice for believers infact we are called to give and giving is works. Our works is our service and labor in the body of Christ which we will be judged and rewarded for( Hebrews 6:10), not just the works but the motive /attitude in which the work is done. These works is not for you to earn God’s goodness in any way.

    in reply to: Grace Discussion Board 1 #30891


    Legalism can be defined as an opposition to Grace. It is another gospel ( an attempt to add to the finished work of Christ). In other words the gospel of Christ is antithetical to legalism.
    It is when the truth of the gospel is misinterpreted. When Grace is taken away, all you have is do’s and don’ts, rules and regulations with no relationship.
    Another term for legalism is “works”.It is important to note that Our works has nothing to do with our being saved.
    Believers sometimes unconsciously tend to think that in order to attain blessings from God, we have to to work or earn it. Legalism comes off of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it is the human attempt to be good.
    To a legalist mind , everything boils down to what’s necessary, they tend to think that they have to do some kind of work to retain their salvation, salvation that they literally did nothing but to receive in faith. They find it hard to accept/ comprehend that all you have to do to receive God’s Grace is to believe ( Romans 1:16). This is because there is something selfish in man that wants to take credit and if believers are not careful they may slip into legalism ( Acts 20:24).
    How to avoid living a work-based life as a believer
    1) A believer must know when to draw the line, he/she must learn to guard and watch. Always remembering that Jesus holds you till the very end. You don’t start in the spirit and continue in the flesh. The work of God starts in the Spirit and ends in the Spirit. ( Galatians 3:1-3 , Philippians 1:6)
    2) When you walk with God as a believer,it is important to examine your life for it is possible that you started off with the right motive and somehow missed it and slipped into legalism . Do so by checking the principles that brought you into the Grace of God in the first place. You heard, you recieved the word in faith and you keep on hearing in other to grow in the Grace of God available to you . Anything else added to salvation, nullifies it because God is a jealous God and doesn’t need your help.
    3) Be sure that every self effort must be by the Grace of is important for a believer to know that their help comes from God and you are who you are and have attained the height you are only by the Grace of God.
    4) Never become too proud and expect God’s blessings based on your effort/ entitlement. Your inheritance is too expensive for your works to be the purchasing price
    5) Engage God’s favour and Grace to work. For it is God’s Grace that labours through you. God judges not just the works but the motive in which the work is / was done . Men judge outwardly but God sees inwardly.

    in reply to: Angelology Discussion Board 1 #27767

    Angels were busy ministering to people after the time of Christ. As we look at the history of the early Church, we also find angels ministering to God’s people .

    1) An angel appeared to Philip and directed him toward the Ethiopian eunuch ( Acts 8:26).

    2) When a gentile believer named Cornelius wanted to know more about the Lord , an angel was sent to him ( Acts 10:1-3). We find an angel coming to Cornelius as an answer to his prayer. the angel instructed him to send for Simon Peter who would tell him the message of Jesus Christ.

    3) An angel encouraged Paul when he faced a storm on his way to Rome. ( Acts 27:23)

    in reply to: Angelology Discussion Board 1 #27766

    To further add to your first point, Philips acceptance to the angel’s message should remind us that when we receive in our prayer an inspiration to do an act of charity or to speak a word of comfort , we should always respond with trust . in this way , we become instruments of God’s love. it in most cases comes with an impact that goes well beyond anything we could imagine . Even a single inspired word might be the first step in bringing about a conversion.
    The liturgy in which the Angels participate and from which they serve as models and from which flows the Grace of God, is one of our greatest resources for evangelization . Over and over again , we realize in the course of our lives that when we’re more concerned about our Father’s business than the trifling things that too often fill the hours of our day, God makes us instruments of His love to touch the hearts of others and draw them closer and closer to Him.

    in reply to: Angelology Discussion Board 1 #27765

    The ministry of angels did not stop with the ascension of Jesus . During its early period, when the church was growing , we find angels ministering to God’s people. The church itself is a testimony to angels of the wisdom of God.
    There are many scenes in the book of Acts of the Apostles that describe the angels’ presence in the life of the young church. The book of Acts was written by St. Luke whose Gospel describes with great beauty and precision the appearances of the Angels of God from the first pages to the last.
    When the Lord ascended into heaven ,two men dressed in white believed to be angels were in the midst of the apostles to remind them of their duty ; ‘Men of galilee. Why do you stand looking into Heaven? This Jesus ,who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into Heaven’(Acts 1:11). After hearing these words, the apostles went back to Jerusalem and there in the upper room together with others of like mind, They awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost . After the arrival of the Holy Spirit the apostles
    with bravery and conviction , began to preach Christ in all His Glory and truth. In this way and with help of the Holy Spirit, they converted many to Christ.
    The angels must have looked on with great joy as they witnessed the beginnings of the Church.
    In this book of Acts , we see the angels coming and going with ordinariness that shows us how the natural and supernatural are woven together in the life of the Church.

    St. Peter , the first pope , had a particularly powerful experience with the ministry of angels .
    (Acts 12:1-7) : In this passage, we see the early church strengthening Peter with their prayers on his behalf and GOD heard the prayers of the church.
    The very night when Herod was about to bring him out, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers , bound with two chains, and sentries before the door were guarding the prison ; and behold an angel of the Lord appeared , and light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter on the side and woke him, saying ‘Get up quickly’. And the chains fell off his hands.
    Peter thought that he was still asleep and that the angel was revealing to him a pathway through death. But instead , he was about to be restored to the church. Just as once the Lord had sent His angel to protect Daniel from the lions den and just as once the Lord had sent His angel to protect the three young men in the fiery furnace , so now the Lord sent His angel once more to the first Pope , a servant of Christ , to protect him and to ensure that the nascent Church might continue to grow and to be strengthened .

    As the book of acts continues, we see another wonderful episode in which the angels intervened in the life of the Church. While Peter was staying in Joppa, he heard the Lord Jesus’ voice commanding him to eat non –kosher food. This was a preparation for the next chapter in Peter’s mission . Shortly thereafter Peter was informed that a group of gentiles was outside , calling him to go to the house of a certain Cornelius , a Roman centurion in Caesarea.
    He said to them , ‘you yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with or to visit anyone of another nation ; but God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. So when I was sent for , I came without objection. I ask then why you sent for me. And Cornelius said ; four days ago, about this hour , I was keeping the ninth hour of prayer in my house ; and behold a man stood before me in bright apparel saying, Cornelius ,your prayer has been heard and your alms have been remembered before God .’ (Acts 10 :28-31). And Peter , impressed by this angelic message that confirmed the revelation made to him in joppa, replied in (Acts 10:34-38).
    God uses His angels as messengers in this crucial moment when the first gentile convert to christianity, together with his family , was received and baptized by Peter . A centurion was a proud and feared soldier , a leader whose men obeyed him unquestioningly, and was formed by the violence and discipline of an often brutal military culture.
    The conversion of such a man required nothing less than an overwhelming transformation. Grace had already invaded his soul . since he told Peter that he was keeping a time of prayer when the Angel appeared to him.

    In the story of St. Philip the deacon, we see another instance in which an angel arranged all things for God’s plan and purpose . Philip was one of the seven original deacons , together with St. Stephen , and he preached in Samaria among the people the Jews considered to be heretics . His preaching was marked by many miracles , especially by the casting out of demons . But as he completed his work there , an angel appeared and said to him ; Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. (Acts 8:26).
    Philip followed the angels message immediately . Along the road , he came across an important servant of the queen of Ethiopia. This man was a eunuch who had come to know the Jewish faith , He was seated in his carriage reading aloud ( As was the custom of the time ) from the scroll of Isaiah , but he was confused about the meaning of the passage . Philip immediately realized that the reason he had been brought to that place at that moment by the angel was to speak to this man; to answer his need and to preach to him the Gospel of Christ . The man immediately responded to this grace and asked for baptism, which Philip conferred.
    This passage is especially important because , in enlightening and baptizing the eunuch , Philip did something extraordinary for the building up of the Church.
    Eunuchs were outside the community of Israel (Deut. 23:1), and so this baptism initiated the extension of the preaching of the Gospel to all peoples of the world.

    in reply to: Soteriology Discussion Board 1 #27632

    Your experience of God’s grace is really mind blowing and serves as a faith booster for me. However the first instance you gave reminds me of the case of my elder brother who graduated from the university and found it very difficult to get a job for 8years. After multiple job applications and interviews all to no avail, he eventually got a job with one of the leading oil companies in Nigeria. The job came in such an unexpected way that It is safe to say that it can only be by God’s grace. Unlike the previous interviews where he had to be present in person and go through a rigorous process, the interview that led to his current job was conducted via phone call and after the call, he was asked to proceed for medicals. It was so swift , easy and also unexpected . God’s grace abounds and super abounds towards us.

    in reply to: Soteriology Discussion Board 1 #27631

    There are several definitions for the term ‘ Grace ‘ but for the purpose of this first instance in my life , I will be going with the definition that states that: Grace is God’s willingness to use His power on my behalf even though I don’t deserve it.
    I personalized and chose this definition of Grace because it is actually what played out in my life.
    The year 2011 to the early months in 2017, I was in the bondage of smoking and drug addiction. This bondage is one I willingly stepped into, it is safe to say that I deserved to be in that bondage. This lifestyle was one I thought I enjoyed, it was one I thought made me relevant and look cool amongst my peers but little did I know that I was not only living an ignorant life because I was also an unbeliever but I was also negatively affecting my loved ones. It affected my marriage, my relationship with my family, my ability to function properly in school because I was always intoxicated and this is to say the least.
    On the faithful day of July 5th 2017 , I experienced the power of God that came like a hand and emptied me of all the trash in me. This happened during a midweek service in my local assembly . It was shortly after the sermon I had this experience and it is one I can never forget because it was unexpected and I was undeserving of it.
    The Word of God hit me so powerfully that I accepted Christ there and then. Something mind-blowing happened after that experience, I discovered I no longer had the urge to smoke or take those intoxicating drugs anymore, That marked the beginning of my freedom. God willingly used His mighty power on my behalf.
    After that experience, I felt so empty and it bothered me so much that I had to reach out to the pastor of my local assembly , he then told me that I experienced the Grace of God and that I had to start filling myself up with the things of God. I ran with that advise and it is safe to say that i am a better version of myself now and currently walking in God’s purpose for my life. The book of 1 Corinthians 15:10 ( But by the grace of God , I am what I am and His grace toward me was not in vain : but I labored more abundantly than they all , yet not I , but the grace of God which was with me ) NKJV sums up my current state.
    The second instance in my life where the grace of God manifested was when I had anger issues as a weakness. The definition of Grace as God abounding or to super abound in quality and quantity best describes this instance.
    After receiving salvation, I still battled with anger , I mean anger that sometimes leads to a physical altercation or the use of really harsh words. It was a weakness I battled with for an unspecified period of time, It went on until I came across 2 Corinthians 12:9 ( And He said to me , my grace is sufficient for you , for my strength is made perfect in weakness ) NKJV
    I started confessing this word of God over my life until it became evident in my life that the grace of God abounds towards me.
    I can now say for sure that anger is no longer a weakness in my life. My reaction to certain things that would previously trigger an unpleasantly severe reaction from me is no longer the case .
    By the Grace of God active in my life , I now approach things in a more subtle manner.
    Everytime I remember the Grace of God in my life, it causes me to praise and worship Him.

    in reply to: Anthropology Discussion Board 1 #27558

    In the case of Jesus Christ, one might ask How is it possible that Christ did not have a sin nature if He recieved His body and soul from His mother? Firstly, The fact that He was kept from having a sin nature must be considered a miracle wrought by the Holy Spirit just as His physical birth was . With reference to the book of Luke 1:35 ” And the angel answered and said to her , The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the Power of the Highest will overshadow you. Therefore also that Holy one who is to be born will be called the Son of God.
    Secondly, for procreation to take place it requires the union of a man and woman which was not so in the case of Jesus Christ.

    in reply to: Anthropology Discussion Board 1 #27557

    In agreement to your summary which seem to be in agreement to the traducian theory, According to John Macarthur – who said this in support of the traducian view: while it is true that several verses speak of God making a person’s soul or spirit, it is also true for the body . David stated in the book of Psalm 139: 13, 15 ( For you formed my inward parts, you knitted me together in my mother’s womb . My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth). These statements do not mean that the body is created directly by God apart from natural procreation. God is man’s creator , but God also ordained human procreation for the filling of the earth ( Gen 1:28).
    God uses natural means for procreation yet He is the ultimate cause of the process. As a complex unity of body soul and spirit, our entire being including the soul, is a result of the God ordained procreation process.

    in reply to: Anthropology Discussion Board 1 #27553

    Man is a threefold being which means , man is a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body. My focus in this essay is on the soul. There are different views on the origin of the soul but for this purpose , I am going to be looking at the three (3) major theological views on the origin of the soul and they include :
    Soul creationism is a theological view held by some christians which states that God creates a soul for each body that is generated. It goes further to state that the origin of the soul cannot be by spiritual generation from the souls of parents because human souls, been essentially and integrally simple and indivisible, can give forth no spiritual germs or reproductive elements. I disagree with this view as it is a conjecture to the origin of the soul.
    The Word of God says in Genesis 2:2 ( ” And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.) NKJV.
    If I have to agree with the view of soul creationism that for each body, God creates separately a new soul when he/she is born , then I do not herein affirm that He makes anything which He had already made. God had already made man after His own image on the sixth day and this work of His is unquestionably to be understood with reference to the rational soul of man.
    I believe this view originated from John 5:17 ( My Father is at work until now , so I am at work) . This theory has difficulties because , how is the sin nature transferred if God gives everyone a soul apart from the parents ? Does He give them souls that are prone to sin from birth unlike how He created Adam? Because this seems unlikely. It is true on one hand ,that God rested from creating things which previously did not exist and equally true on the other hand that He continues still to work, however not only in governing what He has made, but in multiplying what already existed.

    The word traducian come from the Latin word tradux which means ” branch of a vine ” . This means that every human being is a branch off of his / her parents.
    This is a theological view that states that both soul and body are generated by father and mother. This is in opposition to the creationist view that says God creates every new soul directly. I agree with this view because God gave man the dominion mandate and in order to do so, man must procreate his own kind. Gen 1:28 (Then God blessed them and God said to them , ” Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth.) Because of the dominion mandate given to man to multiply his own kind , the traducian view holds that the parents are only the instrumental cause of the new human soul. To strike a balance with this view, I will rightly state that God is still the efficient cause.
    A strength of traducian theory is that it best explains human depravity. In reference to Paul Enns : (If the parents pass on the non material nature , then it explains the propagation of the sin nature and the tendency from birth of every human being to sin. The sin nature cannot be explained if God creates each soul directly.)
    In considering the transfer of the sin nature of man , Romans 5:12 says ” Therefore just as through one man sin entered the world , and death through sin and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned.
    Also in Psalm 51:5 ” Behold , I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin may mother conceived me.
    A strength of this view is the hereditary factor. Not only are we like our parents physically, but also commonly in personality, intelligence and emotions which are components of a soul. If God directly transmitted the souls apart from the parents , then these traits would not be as prevalent.
    This view teaches that God originally created a number of souls and some are joined to human bodies at conception or sometime later. I disagree with this view as there is no clear statement in the scripture that supports this view.

    God is the creator of man . Man was made in His image as a direct , special creation . God formed man from the dust and breathed into him the breath of life and he became a living soul (Gen 2:7) . However after God ceased His creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them, He commonly creates now through secondary process which He developed in the original creation.

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