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  • in reply to: Anthropology 2024/2025 Discussion Board 1 #34378

    The origin of the soul is a profound and intriguing question that has been debated by theologians, philosophers, and scholars for centuries, it invites us to contemplate the mysteries of creation, the nature of humanity, and the workings of the divine. May our exploration of this topic inspire a deeper appreciation for the complexities of human existence and the wonders of God’s creation.
    Theological views of the origin of the human soul:
    1) Traducianism
    Traducianism is the theological view that the human soul is generated by the parents, either through biological reproduction or through some other means.
    This view originated in the early Christian church, particularly among the Eastern Fathers.
    Traducianism holds that the soul is generated in the biological process of reproduction, just like the body.
    The view might be complicated because of the lack of explanation in the relationship between the soul and the body, however the point seems relevant because of the fact we see during creation, looking at what happened in the Bible as regards to the sin Adam committed that affected his descendants, through that, both spiritual and physical death was transmitted to the world.(Psalm 51:5)
    God created a perfect and unique soul from the beginning but the disobedience of Adam affected the soul and brought corruption to the transmission of the soul.
    2) Creationism
    Creationism is the theological view that the human soul is directly created by God, and that it’s existence is not dependent on a natural process.
    This view has its roots in the biblical account of creation, particularly in Genesis 2:7, where God breathes the breath of life into Adam, this suggests that God is directly involved in the creation of human life.
    I might be tempted to accept this view, because in this view we can realize that the human soul is directly created by God, this point shows that God is the creator and the giver of life, Without the breath of God into the nostrils of man there will be know creation of the human soul . First, God formed man from the dust and in order to activate the soul he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.
    3) Preexistence (or Pre-Existence Theory)
    This view proposes that souls exist before conception or birth, and that God assigns a pre-existing soul to each person. This view emphasizes the eternal nature of the soul.
    But this view since it has no Bible reference, it is not as relevant as the order two.

    In conclusion, Traducianism, Creationism, and pre- existence theory offer different perspectives on how the soul comes into existence. However, with the knowledge gotten from the previous lessons , (Act 17:28) (Hebrew 1:3) (John 1:1-4) (psalm 51:5-6) (Genesis 5:1-3)what we see from these verses of scriptures is that God created, and man procreate, (Adam begot Seth). Gods power controls the world so that all comes in to being according to the laws he has ordained, so everything in life follows the pattern that is already Placed by God. It is God who gave man the ability to cooperate with him giving birth to another man.

    in reply to: Harmatology 2024/2025 Discussion Board 1 #34331

    Good day chibuike, haven’t studied your post, please permit me to make more explanation on your first point, Sin.
    When we talk about the word (SIN).),here are some definitions that comes to my mind:
    1. Missing the mark: Sin is often described as missing the target or standard set by God (Romans 3:23).
    2. Sin can also be seen as rebellion against God: Sin is seen as a rebellion against God’s authority, laws, and commandments .
    3. Sin is also separation from God: Sin creates a barrier between humanity and God, leading to spiritual death and separation from Him .
    4. Sin can also be any thought, word, or deed that falls short of God’s perfect standard: This includes not only overtly sinful actions but also attitudes, motivations, and desires that are contrary to God’s character .
    5. A failure to love God and others as we should is also sin : Sin involves a failure to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves .
    6. Sin is also corruption from God’s original design: Sin corrupts God’s original design for humanity, leading to a distortion of our relationships with God, others, and the world around us.
    • Some of the consequences of sin include:
    Spiritual death, guilt and shame,broken relationships, physical consequences.

    in reply to: Harmatology 2024/2025 Discussion Board 1 #34329

    (understanding the word SIN)
    Sin from the Greek word ( hamartia) which means missing the mark, error, fault. Sin is a complex and multifaceted concept that involves missing the mark, rebelling against God, and separating ourselves from Him. It wasn’t so from the beginning but the disobedience of man brought the existence of sin.
    There are so many facts, consequences, results and reward for sin.

    Three facts about sin

    1) The guilt of sin
    2) The wages of sin
    3) The bondage of sin

    Brief discussion on bondage of sin, and how I was totally free and redeemed from it.

    The bondage of sin refers to the state of being trapped in a cycle of sin, things to know about the bondage of sin:
    * Spiritual slavery
    * Cycle of guilt and shame

    I had a serious issue while growing up as a young boy, I was influenced / exposed with pornography, which happened to be a serious issue to me then, I applied all human knowledge, ability, strength but my strength failed me. The addiction escalated to some extent that I couldn’t stay a day without engaging in it. Then I realized that I needed help because I couldn’t hide it anymore after trying all I could to stop it, I even met someone who told me it’s a normal thing that I should live with it , he tried advising me (negatively) that there is nothing I could do to stop it, I was deeply depressed and confused at that point, but I refused to listen to him because deep inside of me something keeps telling me that what I was doing then was wrong but the problem then was what to do to stop it. One thing that help me in over coming the challenge, was knowing the knowledge of the truth In Christ Jesus, then I realized that I needed to change my attitude, character and habit because Christ has already paid the prize for me but I lacked proper understanding, knowledge of the revelation in Christ Jesus and his finished works for me so I could be free… (my mind was not renewed then by the word of God).I took some steps that helped me in knowing God deeply and growing in the knowledge of God . Steps that helped me:

    *Acknowledge my sin
    *Seek for forgiveness and redemption
    *Developing a Strong relationship with God
    *Replace sinful habits with Godly habits

    On a daily basis I developed the habits of renewing my mind through studying and meditating on the word of God, I also developed the habits of praying, worshipping and praising God always…
    Overcoming the bondage of sin is a process that requires total repentance from sin and surrender to God.

    in reply to: Pneumatology 2024/25 Discussion Board 1 #33085

    Conviction of the holy spirit in the new testament

    One instance of the conviction ministry of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament is found in Acts 2:37-41, where Peter preaches to the crowd on the day of Pentecost:

    The Conviction Ministry of the Holy Spirit


    1) Peter’s sermon, the crowd was “cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37) and asked, “Brothers, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37). This response demonstrates the conviction ministry of the Holy Spirit, where people are:

    * Convicted of sin: The crowd recognized their role in crucifying Jesus and were convicted of their sin.

    The Result of Conviction
    The conviction ministry of the Holy Spirit led to:

    A) Repentance: The crowd asked what they should do, demonstrating their willingness to repent.
    B) Baptism: About 3,000 people were baptized that day, publicly declaring their faith.

    This passage illustrates the powerful conviction ministry of the Holy Spirit, which leads people to recognize their sin, understand God’s righteousness, and respond in faith and repentance.

    Another example!

    2) A second instance of the conviction ministry of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament is found in John 16:7-11, where Jesus teaches about the Holy Spirit’s role in convicting people of sin:

    The Conviction Ministry of the Holy Spirit
    Jesus explains that the Holy Spirit will convict people of:

    * Righteousness: The Holy Spirit will convince people of Jesus’ righteousness, demonstrated by His ascension to the Father (John 16:10).

    The Result of Conviction
    The conviction ministry of the Holy Spirit leads to:

    A) Recognition of sin: People recognize their sin and unbelief.
    B) Faith in Jesus: The Holy Spirit convinces people of Jesus’ righteousness, leading them to faith.

    Another powerful example!

    3) A third instance of the conviction ministry of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament is found in Acts 9:1-31, where Saul (later known as Paul) encounters Jesus on the road to Damascus:

    The Conviction Ministry of the Holy Spirit

    * Blinded by sin: Saul was blinded by his own sin and persecution of Christians (Acts 9:1-2).
    * Encountered by Jesus: Jesus appeared to Saul, revealing His divine presence and power (Acts 9:3-6).

    This passage demonstrates the Holy Spirit’s conviction ministry, leading Saul to recognize his sin, repent, and turn to faith in Jesus Christ.

    in reply to: New Creation Nuggets 2024/2025 Discussion Board #32995

    The Fall of Man, as described in the Bible, had far-reaching consequences that affected humanity and the world. Some of the effects of the Fall include:

    1. Spiritual Death: The Fall resulted in spiritual death, separating humanity from God and causing a rupture in the relationship between God and humanity (Genesis 2:17, 3:8) (Romans 5:12)

    Causes of Spiritual Death

    1. Disobedience: Disobedience to God’s commands and laws can lead to spiritual death. When humans refuse to obey God, they are essentially choosing to separate themselves from Him

    . Rejection of God: Rejection of God and His love can also lead to spiritual death. When humans reject God, they are choosing to live without Him, and this can result in spiritual death .

    Effects of Spiritual Death:

    • Separation from God: Spiritual death results in separation from God, making it impossible to experience a meaningful relationship with Him.

    • Loss of Spiritual Life: Spiritual death means that humans are no longer spiritually alive, but are instead dead in their trespasses and sins

    2. *Sin and Guilt: The Fall introduced sin and guilt into the world, causing humanity to become aware of their nakedness and shame (Genesis 3:7-10) (Romans 3:23)


    – Sin is any thought, word, or action that falls short of God’s perfect standard of holiness and righteousness
    – Sin is a rebellion against God’s laws and commands, and it separates us from Him


    – Guilt is the feeling of remorse and regret that comes from committing sin
    – Guilt is a natural consequence of sin, and it can lead to feelings of shame, anxiety, and fear
    – Guilt can be a motivator for repentance and seeking forgiveness, but it can also lead to self-condemnation and despair if not dealt with properly

    3. *Suffering and Pain: The Fall brought suffering and pain into the world, affecting not only humanity but also the natural world (Genesis 3:16-19, (Romans 8:22)

    – Suffering and pain are a result of the Fall of humanity and the entrance of sin into the world .
    – However, the Bible also teaches that suffering and pain can be used by God to refine and purify us, to test our faith, and to bring us closer to Him
    – Jesus Christ, the Son of God, suffered and died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and to provide salvation for humanity

    _Types of Suffering and Pain:_

    – Physical suffering: caused by illness, injury, or disability
    – Emotional suffering: caused by mental health issues, relationships, or traumatic events
    – Spiritual suffering: caused by spiritual attacks, doubts, or feelings of separation.

    in reply to: Theology Discussion Board #32992

    Here are some examples in the Bible where God appears to change His mind or relent from a previous decision:

    1. The Story of Jonah and Nineveh(Jonah 3:1-10): God initially instructed Jonah to preach judgment to the city of Nineveh, warning of its destruction in 40 days (Jonah 3:4). However, after the people of Nineveh repented, God relented and spared the city (Jonah 3:10).

    2. The Story of Hezekiah’s Illness(2 Kings 20:1-11, Isaiah 38:1-22): God told Hezekiah through the prophet Isaiah that he would die from his illness (2 Kings 20:1, Isaiah 38:1). However, after Hezekiah prayed and wept, God added 15 years to his life (2 Kings 20:6, Isaiah 38:5).

    3. The Story of the Israelites in the Wilderness (Exodus 32:1-14, 33:1-6): God was angry with the Israelites for worshiping the golden calf and threatened to destroy them (Exodus 32:10). However, after Moses interceded on their behalf, God relented and spared them (Exodus 32:14).

    4. The Story of Abraham’s Intercession for Sodom(Genesis 18:16-33): God told Abraham that He would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah due to their wickedness (Genesis 18:20-21). However, after Abraham interceded on behalf of the cities, God agreed to spare them if He found at least 10 righteous people (Genesis 18:26-33).

    5. The Story of David’s Census(2 Samuel 24:1-17, 1 Chronicles 21:1-17): God was angry with David for taking a census of the Israelites and threatened to punish them (2 Samuel 24:1-2). However, after David repented and offered sacrifices, God relented and spared the people (2 Samuel 24:16-17

    6. Amos 7:3: “The Lord changed His mind about this. ‘It shall not be,’ said the Lord.”

    (In this passage, God relents from sending a plague upon Israel after Amos intercedes on their behalf.)

    7. Amos 7:6: “The Lord changed His mind about this. ‘This too shall not be,’ said the Lord God.”

    (In this passage, God relents from sending fire upon Israel after Amos intercedes on their behalf.)

    8. Genesis 6:6-7: “The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. The Lord said, ‘I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.'”
    9.1 Samuel 15:35 Samuel did not see Saul again until the day of his death; for Samuel grieved over saul because the lord has changed his mind him as king over Israel .
    ( In this passage, the lord God changes his mind about Saul being king over Israel and decided to reject him)

    In each of these cases, God’s “change of mind” is not a contradiction of His original plan, but rather a demonstration of His mercy, compassion, and desire to bless and forgive His people. Here are some examples of places in the Bible where God appears to change His mind:

    in reply to: Christology 2024/25 Discussion Board 1 #32513

    His deity as the son of God. Jesus is God putting on flesh, the name he bears also prove to us that he is divine and deity, (combination of divine and human nature).The bible called him Emmanuel which interpreted as, God is with us, so this child of a virgin (Jesus) is called God is with us, he happen to be born of a virgin meaning is not a man that produced him, he didn’t came from sperm he came from the power of the highest ( he is the seed of God not the seed of man) he is an offspring of God .(john 8:24-30) john 8 from 20 down talks about Jesus conversation with the Pharisees, while he was teaching in the temple a group of Pharisees approached him, he then spoke to them and emphasize on the importance of believing in his divine identity, but they believe him not and even wanted to stone him.(john 3:16-17) the point from this scripture.
    o Gods love
    o The gift of Jesus
    o salvation
    o God’s purpose
    In eternity he is co-equal and co-everlasting with the Father, the same status of deity that the father has is the same as the son has .( Jesus is God manifesting in the flesh)he is as divine and deity like the Father (john 1:10)(John 1:14) key points from this scripture.
    o incarnation
    o dwelt among us
    o glory revealed
    o only begotten
    o full of grace and truth
    Jesus also did things that only God does and they also worship him, he accepted because only God can be worshiped.
    The nature of Christ Is the existent of two nature.
    The nature of God and the nature of man( in the flesh he was God and in the flesh he was man).
    Jesus had the authority of God on earth but he summited his authority to the father, although he had all the authority of God but he didn’t function accept the father gave clearance so that he could qualify to operate as a man, he was fully God but did not operate like God not because he lost his God hood but he surrendered his right to use his God power, so anytime he function like God the father gave permission until his assignment of salvation was over he couldn’t function as God. ( He returned to his full state as God when he resurrected)

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