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May 12, 2024 at 3:58 pm #27496
KeymasterCritically discuss the topic: Should Christians use the heavy metal genre of music? In defending your position, provide appropriate scriptures to support your argument where necessary.
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May 17, 2024 at 11:45 am #27523
ParticipantHeavy metal (or simply metal) is a genre of rock music that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and then in the United States. With its roots in blues rock, psychedelic rock and acid rock, heavy metal bands developed a thick, monumental sound characterized by distorted guitars, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, dense bass-and-drum sound, vigorous vocals and loudness.
Over the years, this genre of music has evolved into various forms with popular acts like Bon Jovi, Mettalica and Anthrax introducing glam but even more aggressive styles to it. Further on, the lyrics of some metal genres were associated with aggression and machismo. Heavy metal fans became known as “metalheads” or “headbangers” by the late 1980’s because when performing live, many metal musicians – as well as the audience for whom they played, engaged in headbanging, which involves rhythmically beating time with the head, often emphasized by long hair. Also, the il cornuto, or “devil horns”, hand gesture was popularized by vocalist of this form of music.
In the 1960s an “explicit display of emotion” was required from the vocals as a sign of authenticity and this about sums it up for me regarding the essence of this genre of music. While the spiritual convictions of its founders is not thoroughly studied or known, the expressions of this kind of music do not portray the virtues of Christian character. This genre of music is a glorification of self and a display of excesses.
During the lesson, our instructor advised that Christians avoid and abstain from this genre because of its “gothic” expressions and upon further personal study, I have found that there is a compulsory tone of voice and an attitude to Metal Music that do not glorify God but rather seeks to exalt the raw emotions of natural man.
I therefore agree that indeed believers should not indulge or engage in the production or promotion of this genre of music for the following reasons:1. Its source: The violence and aggression and pride that is expressed from this genre of music is clearly inspired by the god of this world. The Holy Spirit will not inspire loudness or excesses rather the fruits of the spirit would be seen (1 Corinthians 14:40, Galatians 5:22&23). Also, according to Romans 13:13-14 (NLT) believers are to live decent lives that are visible to everyone because we belong to the day. Believers are not of darkness and must not participate in the darkness of wild parties and other vices listed in the verse. Verse 14 further tells us to put on Christ rather than think of ways to indulge in evil desires. The lyrics and performances of this genre of music do not reflect Christ.
2. Its elicited acts: because of what this music stands for and because of its source (inspiration), its hearers and fans respond with headbanging and the “devil horns” hand gesture. Neither of these acts are expressions of worship or praise to God. This genre of music clearly exalts the natural man (unregenerate spirit, flesh) and in Galatians 5:19 we are told what the works of the flesh are which include idolatry and sorcery. It is no wonder that the “devil horns” expression evolved from this genre of music.
In summary, let me add that this kind of music cannot be used for evangelism purposes because some people way consider it as an option to bring in fans and then minister to them. This strategy is not advisable because it is not music that brings people to repentance. Music may be a tool but it is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance (Romans 2:4). This genre of music does not express or profess the goodness of God.
May 24, 2024 at 3:46 pm #27671
ParticipantThis is very wholesome. One thing I really do like is the fact that these points you’ve noted are very relatable.
Your first point, which talks about the source of this music, is extremely important. But what really caught my attention is the part where you spoke about violence and aggression, I couldn’t agree more.
Violence and aggression are the opposite of fruits of the spirit which we as believers should possess.
Sometimes, Christians tend to say things like “does it really matter as long as we are singing to God?” Oh Yes it does. We cannot glorify, worship and praise the King of Kings with a pattern of beat that excites the flesh more than it stirs up the spirit.
This kind of music is loud and distracting and could hinder the free flow of the gifts of the spirit. The goal is to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24) Furthermore, you spoke about the lyrics and performances of this genre of music and how they do not reflect Christ. Paul said follow me as I follow Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Christ is the example; He has set the standard all we need to do is follow. As believers, we should be sensitive to the leading of the spirit at every point in time. We believers are to look out for spirit inspired songs rather than songs that excite people. It is true that we minister to people, yet they are not the focus, God is the focus. God pays attention to our singing (Praise and worship). He is interested in everything that concerns us.
May 20, 2024 at 11:48 am #27636
ParticipantNAME: Owhondah Ugochi Benedicta
COURSE TITLE: The Art of Music Ministry
LECTURER: Mrs Namsey OkungI believe, to critically discuss the topic on whether Christians should use the heavy metal genre of music, a background check would be of great help.
Heavy metal music is a popular type of music. It is a genre of harsh-sounding rock music that is characterized by distorted guitars, aggressive drumming, loud beats and raging vocals. Black metal and death metal are sub-genres of heavy metal. Black and death metal are often referred to as heavy metal because they all employ the same techniques and features,
It is a subculture and those that listen to heavy metal music are known as metalheads or head bangers. Metalheads are typically associated with a negative attitude towards the world and authority. It is characterized by pervasive alienation.HISTORY AND MENTALITY:
The heavy metal music emerged during the 1960s and the 1970s in the United States. As rock music evolved throughout the 70s, it gradually began to adopt heavier, more aggressive, tones and darker lyrical themes. The sound became more distorted, heavier, the riffs more intense and the performances more electrifying. This evolution paved a way for the birth of heavy metal.
The British heavy metal band. The beginning of the decade witnessed the rise of three iconic English bands; Led Zeppelin, deep purple from London and black sabbath form Birmingham. The heavy metal bands that followed Black sabbath typically conveyed a dark, angry and anti-establishment. Heavy metal could be called protest music, often challenging the wrongs of politics, the economy and society. There had been some concern about substance abuse amongst the thrill seeking and delinquents amongst the heavy metal subculture.INSTRUMENTS:
Guitars. Bass guitars, drums, electronic keyboard amongst others.SUBCULTURE APPEARANCE:
Long and straggly hair on men, leather jackets, band patches, band graphic tees, black clothing, chains, spiked wristbands and neck chokers.Music is a force that influences our feelings and actions. Music can shape perceptions and attitudes across various dimensions of life. From the definition of music, it comes from the word “muse” which means “To think”. This suggests that music affects our minds and our thoughts.
Based on the history of heavy metal music, this kind of music portrays rebellion, anger, fury, violence, noise, hatred, darkness, aggression and many more.
Furthermore, music as used in the word of God was for:
– The worship, honor and glory of God
– Influence
– Encouragement
Like I stated earlier, music can influence our feelings and actions, it can also shape our perceptions and attitude. As Christians, we should listen to word-based music that stirs up the right spirit on the inside. Listening to songs with beats or rhythms that excite the flesh will not help a Christian achieve grow in their walk with God. Whatever you spend your time listening to begins to shape your mind, therefore we should guard our ear gates jealously.
Philippians 4:8 (MSG)
Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.
Heavy metal music portrays violence, stirs up anger based on its origin and history, it also stirs up rebellion. As a Christian whatever kind of music, you listen to should either worship God, edify you, encourage you or others, entertain you or others (positively), else it’s not worthy of your time. If it does not stir up the right spirit on the inside of you then one should stay far from it as it will profit one nothing and could even do harm physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The story of David and Saul is a perfect example of how much music can influence one
1 Samuel 16:23 (NKJV)
And so it was, whenever the spirit form God was upon Saul, that David would take the harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and then the distressing spirit would depart from him.
The influence of music cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, we should spend time listening to songs that influence the smooth release of the gifts of the spirit such as prophecy, word of knowledge etc. Whatever we have on the inside begins to come out on the outside. We listen to music that stirs up violence, anger, rebellion and before we know it, we start acting in that manner.2) THE SPIRIT BEHIND THE MUSIC
As Christians, when we listen to or sing songs not knowing the spirit behind those songs, we could be opening ourselves up to unfamiliar spirits. This is why songs should be sung purely to worship, glorify and praise God, to edify oneself and to encourage oneself or others.
I strongly believe that if certain songs could drive away evil spirits based on 1 Samuel 16:23 then some songs could invite the wrong spirits without our knowledge. If listening to the right word-based music could drive evil spirits away, then listening to world-based music we have no knowledge about could invite these spirits.
From the history of heavy metal music, it was born purely out of a rebellious spirit, this is to say that the spirit behind heavy metal music is one of rebellion, violence, anger, hatred etc. Listening to this kind of music could stir up wrong attitudes on the inside of us and further cause those spirit themselves to be at work through us.
Of cause, as children of God we have been delivered from the evil one, this does not mean that we should be ignorant of the devices of the devil
2 Corinthians 2:11
Lest satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices
Does this mean that you can have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you and still have strange spirits at work through you? Yes. As New Testament saints, we have been delivered from the works of the devil, but this does not mean that evil spirits do not hover around.
1 Peter 5:8-9a
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith
When we give them room in our lives, they use us and then we realize that something out of the normal just happened to us.3) APPEARANCE:
We are to walk worthy of the call with which we have been called. Before we became music ministers in a local assembly, we are first ministers to God our Father. We are to appear with garments clothed with lowliness and gentleness.
Ephesians 4:1-2 (NKJV)
I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love.
The appearance of those bands who sang heavy metal music were and still are provocative clothing’s.
Our appearance conveys a message. Using the heavy metal genre of music would pass the wrong message. When we begin to sing these songs, we begin to act like them and before we know it, we begin to dress like they do.
You may have no bad intentions, but this could repel people from wanting to hear the music.4) EVANGELISM
One may think only the words of a song matter, but the pattern used to convey the message in the song also matters. People would rather pay attention to what they can hear and comprehend rather than listen to loud banging music. With no exception to the individual playing or listening to the song.
1 Corinthians 9:22b
I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some
If the music is somewhat distracting, it wouldn’t be able to properly convey the message of Goodnews as it should. People listen to music for different reasons. When they feel down, exhausted or during persecution. Like Paul and Silas who sang praises while imprisoned (Acts 16:25-26) and won the prison warden to Christ. I believe if they were playing loud banging music, it would have felt like noise to the prisoners who listened to them.
Any genre of music that could stand as a barrier between you the minister, the people and God should not be considered.
If this kind of music would in any way prevent the comprehension of the message being passed, such songs shouldn’t be sung as Christians. Even for the sake of entertainment. Because entertainment should be pure and healthy with songs that even if you were to go back and listen to them, they would still be comprehensive and relatable.
Using heavy metal music would convey the wrong message to believers and not fully express the Goodnews to the lost. This could stand as a barrier and prevent one from being able to truly reach the hearts of those who need the Goodnews.CONCLUSION
As Christians the goal is to worship God in spirit and in truth. We are to seek out the principles from His word and abide by them. This does not mean we do not get revelation on more ways to worship and praise God as we grow in the knowledge of Him, because we do. Our eyes are being enlightened to find more ways to do this.
Something worthy of note is that these patterns must align with the principles from His word.-
May 25, 2024 at 10:48 pm #27681
ParticipantSpot on!
Your response is concise yet gives an in-depth perspective on the topic.
In supporting your position, you have smoothly tied your answer to the lesson notes by outlining some of the uses of music as we were taught and I agree.Heavy metal genre of music does not stir up the joy of the Lord within us neither does it glorify God. As you have stated, the spirit behind this kind of music excites the flesh and further (I should add), it spotlights the performers skill. In other words, it glorifies man. God created man for his (God’s) glory (Isa 43:7) and we are instructed to do everything for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31). We are to mortify the deeds of the flesh if we must experience life (Rom 8:13). Clearly this kind of music is in disobedience to that instruction.
In your concluding statement you pointed out the element of creativity in our worship and praise to God and how this creativity is as a result of revelation (light, a deeper knowledge of God, Eph 1). This is so true. We are creative beings but it is important that believers constantly keep in view the source of their creativity. Outside of God (who is Love), we become clanging cymbals and distorted in our sound (pun intended).
June 22, 2024 at 9:53 am #28986
June 22, 2024 at 11:47 am #28995
ParticipantThis is very wholesome. One thing I really do like is the fact that these points you’ve noted are very relatable.
Your first point, which talks about the source of this music, is extremely important. But what really caught my attention is the part where you spoke about violence and aggression, I couldn’t agree more.
Violence and aggression are the opposite of fruits of the spirit which we as believers should possess.
Sometimes, Christians tend to say things like “does it really matter as long as we are singing to God?” Oh Yes it does. We cannot glorify, worship and praise the King of Kings with a pattern of beat that excites the flesh more than it stirs up the spirit.
This kind of music is loud and distracting and could hinder the free flow of the gifts of the spirit. The goal is to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24) Furthermore, you spoke about the lyrics and performances of this genre of music and how they do not reflect Christ. Paul said follow me as I follow Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Christ is the example; He has set the standard all we need to do is follow. As believers, we should be sensitive to the leading of the spirit at every point in time. We believers are to look out for spirit inspired songs rather than songs that excite people. It is true that we minister to people, yet they are not the focus, God is the focus. God pays attention to our singing (Praise and worship). He is interested in everything that concerns us.
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