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May 28, 2024 at 12:35 pm #27746
KeymasterWith the aid of Scriptures show what truths concerning healing and health are contained in the Lord’s Table (communion).
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June 15, 2024 at 7:13 am #27793
Soton Iselobhor
ParticipantWhen we understand and partake of the Holy Communion, in a posture of faith, we can experience the transformative power of Christ’s work in our lives, both spiritually and physically.
In Psalms 107:20, the bible tells us that “His Word” which was sent to us, healed and delivered us from all sickness and disease. The first chapter of the book of John does well to reveal Jesus to us as the Word.
A preacher once said, “If the bread is Jesus’ body, then partaking of it, means partaking of the body of a man who exuberated resurrection life and wellness.” I find this statement very profound. Jesus never fell sick. His body was so strong, that it could carry all our sicknesses and diseases Isaiah 53:4. We can boldly say that today when we partake of the bread, we are declaring that Jesus’ health and divine life flow in our mortal bodies. He himself broke bread and poured out wine declaring them to be His own body and His own blood. 1 Corinthians 11:24.
The Lord’s Table also represents the intimate fellowship and union that believers have with Jesus as we share in His death and resurrection (1 Corinthians 10:16-17). This union empowers us to draw from His Christ’s life, strength, and resources for our own spiritual and physical well-being.
John 6:53-58 emphasizes the importance of partaking of Christ, the “Bread of Life,” for the sustenance and nourishment of our souls and bodies.
Another interesting and instructive truth is further down in 1 Corinthians 11:30 where Paul rebukes the people for not discerning the body and eating in an unworthy manner. He goes on to state that this is the reason many of them were sick and weak. On the flip side, we will be correct to say that when the communion is taken in a worthy manner, strength and health are expected. Surely, there is a link between the Holy Communion and our physical well-being.
Jesus instructed that we take the communion in remembrance of him. At the Lord’s table, we are reminded that Jesus’ sacrifice has cleansed us from all unrighteousness, giving us victory over sickness and sin.
The bread and the cup represent Christ’s body and blood, which were given for our redemption. This points to the atonement that Christ made for our sins, enabling our forgiveness, sanctification, justification, deliverance and restoration with God (Ephesians 1:7).
In Isaiah 53:5, the prophet prophesied that the Messiah would bear “our infirmities” and be “wounded for our transgressions,” implying that the healing and transformative power of Jesus’s sacrifice extends to both our spiritual and physical needs (1 Peter 2:24). Therefore, when we remind ourselves of that sacrifice, we are to remember that it was a full, complete and all-encompassing victory that the Jesus got for us. We are as healed as we are saved.
The Lord’s Table is a time of remembrance, where we reflect on Christ’s sacrifice and its implications for our lives (1 Corinthians 11:24-26).
As we partake of the elements, we proclaim the Lord’s death until He returns, affirming our faith in His power to save, heal, and restore us (1 Corinthians 11:26).When we come to the Lord’s table, we must be sure that we believe that He is there and that these elements bring the real power of His death and resurrection to our spirit, soul, and body
June 18, 2024 at 11:43 pm #28230
ParticipantAwesome sister, let me comment on this “when we understand and partake of the Holy Communion in a posture of faith, we can experience the transformative power of Christ’s work in our lives, both spiritually and physically. Psalms 107:20, His word healed and delivered us from all sickness and disease.”
It is paramount to have a better understanding about the communion, but thank God for God’s sovereign love towards His children especially the baby Christians that just partake in it and experience instant miracle for I am a witness of one. It is of our advantage to have a better understanding to maintain our healing.
We must believe the word spoken, obey, act as instructed (1Corinthian 11:23-26) it is an instruction given to us to do this in remembrance of Him, what a sacrifice of Love. His body was broken so that our body will not be broken. Your personal revelation will determine the outcome (what you believe and meditate upon is what you will experience as you partake in the Holy Communion)
Proverbs 4:20-22 NET
[20] My child, pay attention to my words; listen attentively to my sayings. [21] Do not let them depart from your sight, guard them within your heart;
[22] for they are life to those who find them and healing to one’s entire body.We must pay attention to every detail that pertain the Lord’s Table concerning our healing. Continual intake of the communion strengthens our relationship with our father God, it energises our spirit man and keeps us in constant remembrance of what Jesus did for us at the cross as a result We will be more aware of our healing and to constantly maintain good health experientially here on earth is Christ Jesus.
June 19, 2024 at 12:01 am #28231
ParticipantWith the aid of scriptures show what truths concerning healing and health are contained in the Lord’s table(communion).
There is such healing power in the communion, but too many people have been robbed of this gift either because they do not know it or they have been taught wrongly about what the Lord meant for it to be or some see it as a kiliche just to mark themselves a partaker of the communion without mixing faith and not minding its significant to our health. The bible says in Hosea chapter 4:6 my people perish for lack of knowledge, Lack of knowledge about the Miracle in The Lord’s Table. The Lord’s Table is a simple act and not a ritual; it helps us to remember what Jesus did on the cross. The elements of the communion are not common, insignificant, and powerless but powerful to effect the healing we want to experience.
– Acts 20:7 On the first day of the week the disciple came together to share in the Lord’s supper, when we read down to verse eleven how the man that fell from the three-story building when listening to Apostle Paul preaching miraculously received his healing and the bible says in verse eleven then they all went back upstairs shared in the Lord’s supper. The bible records that they came together to break bread that means the meeting was mainly to partake in the Lord’s Table for it has been their routine every first day of the week. The Holy Communion is more powerful than any medical procedure or any medicine. It is a healing remedy to our body and soul and we cannot take an overdose of it as we partake of it as often as we can in Faith.
– Psalm 103:5 it renews our Youth like that of an eagle. Anytime we partake in the Lord’s Table, our youth is being renewed. This scripture is part of my daily confessions as I partake in The Lord’s Table daily intentionally for maintaining strong and healthy body irrespective of what I eat. Because I take the communion (the body and the blood) daily in faith together with my healing confessions, I don’t fall sick and cannot remember the year I last drank panadol. Jesus Christ bought me back with His blood and took away all my sicknesses and diseases. There is supernatural power concerning our healing in The Holy Communion and the early Church clearly understood how powerful The Holy Communion is. That’s why the Bible tells us they broke bread from house to house (Acts 2:46). It makes one feel joyful and gladden our hearts because we eat the bread and drink the Cup in remembrance of the wonderful things Jesus did for us on the Cross at Calvary and divine healing was one. Hallelujah.
-1Corinthians 11:23-26, Isaiah 53:4-5; The Lord’s Table is a confession of our faith and our loyalty to love. It is a covenant and when we eat the bread and drink the cup, we ratify this covenant. LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND HEALING works together. The Lord’s Table was a demonstration of God’s Love to us, we partake in it because our sins are forgiven and as the healed children of God, we maintain our healing as we continue walking in love and forgiveness towards one another because of What Jesus did for us. The body of Jesus Christ was broken for my healing and His blood was shed for my forgiveness so I can experience good and healthy life here on earth nothing missing nothing broken. The Lord’s Table is a complete package (Revelation 5:12) Glory to God.
In conclusion, The Lord’s Table is another powerful Healing remedy to our body but not a ritual. Your faith in the Word will do the work and you can’t take an overdose of it. Glory to God!
Reference: The Bible and E. W. Kenyon
June 20, 2024 at 7:50 pm #28652
ParticipantEssay on Healing.
With the aid of Scriptures show what truths concerning healing and health are contained in the Lord’s Table (communion1
The lords table is a meal introduced by our lord Jesus Christ before he was crucified according to Luke 22:13 where is clearly written Jesus instituted the lords Supper. It has a lot of package and significant in our Christian life’s today. He commanded we take it as often as we could in remembrance of him This is because there are hidden benefits attached to the lord table. Come to talk of it every table prepared by man for his visitor is prepared subs us and in abundant to wow the guest not undermining surplus nutrients embedded in those meals to take care of first hunger sickness and malnutrition. Our lords table is not void of such both spiritually and physical nutrition are packed in our lords table, so he sees it to handle healing, health and other matters.
Exodus chapter 12 is the first place God commanded the feast of Passover, and the Israelite kept the feast and Jesus in celebration of it instituted the lord’s supper. Verses 11 clearly wrote is the Lord’s Passover who is the Lord (Jesus) so despite our sight and focus was on passing over Israelites to kill the first born of Egypt is still a significant of passing over from ne dispensation of sin to dispensation of grace. To my subject of discussion, the Passover meal preserve the eaters from sudden death which is major health matters
In Exodus 34:25 Moses was commanded to take the feast of Passover after which he was taken to mountain where he was preserved for forty days and forty nights to receive then commandment. Don’t forget the Passover requires taking flesh and body of animals a significance of taking the blood of and body of Jesus. This kept Moses health even quenched hunger for forty days. I Corinthians 5: 7 Apostle wrote that Jesus Christ is our Passover He was sacrificed for us.
Hebrews 11: 28 The word of God proves that by faith Moses kept the Passover and was preserved from destruction dying with Egyptians so with this as we keep taking the lord’s supper we shall be preserved from sickness diseases that affects unbelievers.
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