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    • #30659

      Write a discussion on: “The Subtlety of Legalism” showing how believers may slip into legalism and what they can do to prevent falling into it.

      Paste the same submission from the previous step here by clicking on the REPLY link just above. Your submission should be made by Wednesday the 18th of September 2024

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    • #30861

      Let’s begin by considering the meaning of the key words “Subtlety and Legalism”.

      -Subtlety: The quality of being Subtle ; not immediately obvious or comprehensible ; not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way.

      – Legalism is any man made attempt, effort or work which seems to earn ,deserve,merit and receive God’s acceptance, goodness and Mercy on the basis of the believer’s merit; what they do and don’t do and not solely on what God has done in Christ.

      Galatians 5:1-4
      Galatians 5:1-4 NKJV
      [1] Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. [2] Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. [3] And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. [4] You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.

      The yoke of bondage spoken of in the scripture quoted above is legalism.
      Legalism is an opposition to grace, it excludes one from the liberty Christ came to give us.
      Legalism in summary is “A work based Christianity.
      Our salvation is by Grace through and through, our works has nothing to do with our being saved; however we struggle with this after being saved, we tend to think that in other to attract God’s favor we need to work for it.
      Man generally believe he needs to do something in other to get something ,hence he approaches God in same transactional manner.
      We attempt to interact with God the way we interact with men. This is one way we slip into legalism .
      In other not to fall into the trap of Legalism We must settle in our heart that God is not Man. His ways are not the ways of Man.

      Galatians 3:1, 3 TPT
      [1] What has happened to you foolish Galatians? Who has put you under an evil spell? Did God not open your eyes to see the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion? Was he not revealed to you as the crucified one?
      [3] Your new life began when the Holy Spirit gave you a new birth. Why then would you so foolishly turn from living in the Spirit by trying to finish by your own works?
      Scripture tells us ; not only is our new life a grace Gift but our day to day walk in this new life is also by Grace. Spiritual growth i.e discipleship is by Grace.
      We start by Grace in the Spirit of God and we ought to depend on Grace to finish.
      This tendency to want to earn God’s Favor by or engage in the Christian walk by our own effort began with the Galatian church.
      In other for us to not fall into this trap of work based Christianity we need to have a revelation of the Grace of God.
      The Gospel of Christ is the Gospel of Grace.The essence of the Gospel is Grace.
      The Gospel is the Good news concerning God’s Grace.
      The power in the Gospel as in Romans 1:16 is the Grace of God.
      It is the Grace of God that makes the Gospel Goodness.
      We must fully recognise this truth about the Gospel to avoid falling into legalism.

      Lastly a wrong perspective or a misunderstanding of the “Works” spoken about in Scripture with regards to believers,will bring about a legalistic approach to the Christian faith.
      In other not to fall into the trap of Legalism we need to have the right perspective/understanding.
      God is not against work , there are works that have a place after salvation ;
      – We have been saved unto Good works . Ephesians 2:10
      – God desires that we are also established in every good work. 2Thessolonians 2:17
      – Our work is our service and labour in the body of Christ which we will be rewarded for .1 Corinthians 3:10-15
      – The Work of the ministry which is the calling of every believer is work. Ephesians 4:11-12 ;
      In summary, we are saved to serve.
      However these service/work ;
      – Must be done in faith; which is our response to God’s Grace
      – Must be carried out by depending on God’s Grace , in the spirit and not in the flesh
      1 Corinthians 15:10
      – Must not bring about an entitlement mentality. We must never become proud and expect God’s blessings in our lives based on our service alone.
      Our inheritance was purchased by Christ not by our labour.
      We cheapen the Gospel when we seek to earn what only the blood of Jesus could provide.

      • #30863


        According to the English dictionary, legalism can he defined as;
        1. strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code.
        2. the practice of following the law very closely, especially by paying more attention to rules and details than to the intentions behind them:
        3. (Theology) the doctrine that salvation is gained through good works.
        From all of the above definitions, it can be seen that, the idea or concept of legalism is the belief that a person, through his or her own good works, can somehow merit salvation. It suggests that man has the capacity to earn God’s forgiveness, grace and favor. However, nothing can be farther from the truth.
        Legalism clearly underestimates God’s standards, overestimates man’s capacity and therefore assumes that man, in himself can meet God’s standard of righteousness and therefore earn his salvation.
        The word subtle can be defined according to the English dictionary as making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something. not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way:
        The idea here therefore is, that legalism can usually be difficult to detect, especially in our own selves.
        In Galatians 2:21, the Apostle Paul makes it clear, that legalism is the enemy of God’s grace. The notion that one can earn righteousness or salvation from God frustrates God’s grace.
        It is therefore important for the believer who will experience God’s grace in his or her life, to understand this subtlety of legalism and how to avoid this pitfall.
        1. Failure to know and be conscious of the truth that how we receive Christ is how we go on walking in Him. Galatians 2:6.
        In chapter 3 of Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia, he describes this failure as being bewitched. These believers had clearly began in the spirit by the hearing of faith, but somehow, felt the need to do more than walk by faith, to continue their walk with the Lord. The Apostle describes this as foolishness.
        2. In Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus tells a profound parable that shows us how a believer can fall into legalism without even realizing it. In this story, we find that the quarrel of the first set of employees with Jesus was based on the assumption or notion that they deserved more pay because they had done more work than the other sets of employees. Interestingly, these guys were paid what was agreed but were upset with the employer for being gracious to the others who were now getting as much as these first set of workers were getting.
        Sometimes, there are people amongst us that may experience certain works of God in their lives, that may provoke such notions in our heart. We somehow belief, that these people should not yet be having such experiences of God’s favor in their lives.
        What we may not realize however, is that such a though is rooted in legalism because the idea is that such people have not done enough to earn such favors and miracles from God.
        1. Paul’s letter to the Galatian church is very instructive in dealing with legalism. What he does is simple, yet powerful to this effect. The Apostle simply reminded this church of how they begin their walk with God. This was basically the whole point of the this letter. It was a reminder of the gospel.
        The instruction for us here was beautifully captured by C H Spurgeon when he said that “The most important daily habit we can possess is to remind ourselves of the gospel”. A clear understanding of the gospel, and a constant reminding ourselves of the same is key to avoiding the pitfall of legalism and its subtlety.
        2. From the story in Matthew 20:1-16, we also need to avoid the assumption that what we deserve is based on what we do, rather than in what Christ has done i.e. the graciousness of God. If it will be by grace, then it must be by faith, and not our own merit. If it will be grace, then it can not be by our own work.

        • #30953

          My reply to PaulPraize
          You gave a very good example using the parable in the book of Matthew. A legalistic mind is one to always judge , they tend to place a measure on what you can receive from God based on how much you have worked. Truthfully, I was guilty of this in the past but I thank God for the revelation of His Grace. Many believers are guilty of legalism, it is necessary for believers to examine there lives to be sure that they are still on track because it is possible to start off right and miss it eventually. Let God’s Word be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, let the Grace of God labor through us. A daily reminder that you are who you are only by the Grace of God.

    • #30872


      Legalism is much more subtle and serious than we can imagine. Legalism is seeking to achieve forgiveness from God and acceptance through obedience to God. In other words, a legalist is anyone ho behaves as if they can earn God’s approval and forgiveness through personal performance.
      Legalism can also be seen as a strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code of life. Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” KJV
      In Christian theology, Legalism (or Nomism) is a term, applied to the idea that “by doing good works or by obeying the law, a person earns and merits salvation This has been criticized by certain Christian tradition such as conservative Anabaptists who have said that being a disciple of Jesus means being obedient to New Testament commands such as head covering, feet washing etc, as crucial evidence that an individual has repented or has yielded to Christ”

      How Believers can slip into Legalism
      It is very easy to get prideful and start thinking legalistically and making up rules God did not give us. The following are some of the ways believers can slip subtly into legalism:
      • When one focuses only on obeying bare rules, thereby destroying the context of God;s love and redemption.
      • When you justify yourself by comparing yourself to others always.
      • Always pointing out someone else’s sin publicly
      • You read your bible to get a check mark rather than to meet with God.
      • You refuse to forgive others
      • You separate your spiritual life from your natural life.
      • You love the praise of men and reject the truth tellers who come into your life.

      How a believer can prevent falling into legalism:
      A believer should recognize legalism as an opposition to grace, Galatian 5:1 – 4: Legalism is a Yoke of bondage, this means to be under the powerless regulations of religion. We were saved through grace not by our works. Jesus Christ paid the price for our salvation. He has finished the work. We cannot add anything to it.
      We can fight legalism by doing the following:
      • Focus on the part of the bible that emphasize God’s grace. Don’t read passages that tells you to do good works out of context
      • Be conscious of the fact that, God is not the one telling you to try harder. Roman 4:3-5. Verse5: “however, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness” NIV.

      • Recognize that, your salvation is not based on your ability to perfectly keep the law, instead, it is through faith n Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the law on our behalf. Only the grace of God provides the means for us to experience forgiveness, restoration and internal transformation.

      • As a church do not focus on rules that may or may no reflect biblical truth.

    • #30873


      Legalism is much more subtle and serious than we can imagine. Legalism is seeking to achieve forgiveness from God and acceptance through obedience to God. In other words, a legalist is anyone ho behaves as if they can earn God’s approval and forgiveness through personal performance.
      Legalism can also be seen as a strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code of life. Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” KJV
      In Christian theology, Legalism (or Nomism) is a term, applied to the idea that “by doing good works or by obeying the law, a person earns and merits salvation This has been criticized by certain Christian tradition such as conservative Anabaptists who have said that being a disciple of Jesus means being obedient to New Testament commands such as head covering, feet washing etc, as crucial evidence that an individual has repented or has yielded to Christ”

      How Believers can slip into Legalism
      It is very easy to get prideful and start thinking legalistically and making up rules God did not give us. The following are some of the ways believers can slip subtly into legalism:
      • When one focuses only on obeying bare rules, thereby destroying the context of God;s love and redemption.
      • When you justify yourself by comparing yourself to others always.
      • Always pointing out someone else’s sin publicly
      • You read your bible to get a check mark rather than to meet with God.
      • You refuse to forgive others
      • You separate your spiritual life from your natural life.
      • You love the praise of men and reject the truth tellers who come into your life.

      How a believer can prevent falling into legalism:
      A believer should recognize legalism as an opposition to grace, Galatian 5:1 – 4: Legalism is a Yoke of bondage, this means to be under the powerless regulations of religion. We were saved through grace not by our works. Jesus Christ paid the price for our salvation. He has finished the work. We cannot add anything to it.
      We can fight legalism by doing the following:
      • Focus on the part of the bible that emphasize God’s grace. Don’t read passages that tells you to do good works out of context
      • Be conscious of the fact that, God is not the one telling you to try harder. Roman 4:3-5. Verse5: “however, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness” NIV.

      • Recognize that, your salvation is not based on your ability to perfectly keep the law, instead, it is through faith n Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the law on our behalf. Only the grace of God provides the means for us to experience forgiveness, restoration and internal transformation.

      • As a church do not focus on rules that may or may no reflect biblical truth.

      • #30952

        My reply to FEMI
        I Totally agree with your last point, unfortunately we have Ministers in this time and dispensation who have become so creative in the sense that they instill fear in the minds of gullible Christians through there work based teachings. It is very common in the area of giving / tithing, some would go as far as saying that God will curse and bring all sorts of calamities your way if you do not pay your tithe.That is certainly not the God I serve. This is totally wrong and you find believers giving out of fear. Do not get me wrong, giving is not a wrong practice for believers infact we are called to give and giving is works. Our works is our service and labor in the body of Christ which we will be judged and rewarded for( Hebrews 6:10), not just the works but the motive /attitude in which the work is done. These works is not for you to earn God’s goodness in any way.

    • #30878

      A discussion on the “subtlety of legalism”

      When something is said to be subtle, it means it is making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something. Therefore the subtlety of legalism is an aim to achieve something in which another (grace by faith) has achieved; of which legalism is not designed to achieve and cannot achieve. However, legalism has all the appearance that seems to suggest it can achieve the same thing.

      What therefore is the “thing” sought to be achieved by legalism of which another has achieved as found within biblical context?

      Let’s see what Paul the apostle said in Galatians 3:1-6.

      ” 1 O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?

      2 This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

      3 Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?

      4 Have you suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain?

      5 Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

      6 just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”

      1. What legalism is trying to achieve, has already been achieved by grace and can be accessed through faith. Galatians 3:5-6. Christianity is not morality but in Christianity, there are morals. The goal of Christianity is largely about a restored relationship with God ( 2 Corinthians 5:19). Now, in getting into this reality of acceptance before God, one has to be righteous. Men have come up with all sorts of ways to reach/please God, which is the birth of the religions in the world (the efforts of men). However, these efforts of men, God has discredited and termed as filthiness (Isaiah 64:6). Only one man can fix our relationship with God and make us worthy, chosen, accepted and loved in God and that is the man, Jesus Christ; through his vicarious death, burial and resurrection (identification and substitution). This therefore, is God’s provision for man to accept so that he can come into an approved and loving relationship with God.
      “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…” Romans 5:1.
      This is what is known as grace- that God has stepped forward to act on man’s behalf to give man passage into what he never deserved or could qualify for.

      A. Albeit, believers who came into this relationship with God not by anything they did but by God’s grace just like the foolish Galatians, slip often from continuing in this grace into legalism (work based mindset). So believers pray, fast for days, dress in a certain way, and give not because they are responding to grace and out of a grateful heart but to earn God’s acceptance. Once a believer has a performance based mentality, he will often be legalistic.

      He can’t be satisfied if his hand didn’t “toil” or earn what he is given to enjoy freely.

      Acts 10:11-15.
      God had prepared something and was delivering the same to Peter (which is another way of seeing the grace of God). But Peter being used to the traditions of men (how a child of God should be according to men) and who was still conscious of an identity God had left behind (being a Jew) (Galatians 3:28).
      He became adamant and the traditions handed over to him was more true to keep than what God had said at the moment.

      B. Here is another aspect in which believers slip into legalism- by keeping the traditions of men above God’s word and provision in grace ( Mark 7:8). So we hear believers say things like, ” this is how it has always been done in the church “, even when these practices don’t align with the truth after the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. So people copy traditions, hold unto doctrines and experiences of men while keeping what the word says, aside. Yet, they seek to get something in return from the same God who has made all things available by his grace.

      2. Legalism is trying to achieve what the supply of the Spirit of God started. Galatians 3:3.
      It is worthy of note that Legalism is not the counterpart of the Living Spirit of God who is the Spirit of grace. In stead the word of God is the counterpart of the Spirit and the word of God declares as the Spirit of God declares, “through grace and faith”.

      In Galatians 3:3, we see what both the Spirit and legalism seek to achieve- TO MAKE ONE PERFECT.

      The word perfect there means accomplished. It is the Greek word, “epiteleo” from epí = intensifies meaning, in the sense of meaning “fully” + teleo = to complete, bring not just to the end but to the destined goal from télos = end, goal.

      Note: télos originally meant the turning point, hinge, the culminating point at which one stage ends and another begins; later the goal, the end. It is a word that conveys the intensified meaning; to fully complete or to fully reach the intended goal in the sense of successfully completing what has been begun.

      That is to say, that having begun this new life and all it presents in Christ Jesus, our lives have been set up on a new plane that is to continue even experientially until the day of our Lord Jesus. However, much importance is placed on how we began this life and Paul is rebuking the Galatians on continuing in the Spirit unto perfection (bodily). This work began in our spirits and by the Holy Spirit. We cannot now begin to look at our flesh to arrive at perfection. We must live from inside out.

      C. Some believers think it is by how fervent in their works or “holy” in appearance they are, that makes them arrive at this perfection ignoring how they started. Did you start by keeping laws or doing things perfectly? Or by the Spirit, in your spirit which got recreated as you believed the word of grace? ( Ephesians 2:10 Amplified).

      So we see believers say they have lost their salvation once they sin and they end up having multiple conversation experiences. They never accept their worth in Christ because their works have become their standard for qualification. So they say, “no one is righteous…we are all sinners” and so on.

      2 Timothy 3:7
      “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

      They just can’t call themselves who God calls them no matter how much they hear the word because they are looking at how they have been living lately instead of the word of grace, in faith.

      As much as the practice of sin should not be condoled. For grace is no a license to sin. What was begun in the Spirit should be sustained, continued in the spirit, by the Holy Spirit and by the word ( daily renewal of the mind- Romans 12:2).

      Philippians 1:6
      “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;”


      1. Appreciate your new life as one founded by grace and to be lived out by faith. I am who God says I am no matter what! A word ruled mindset. (Ephesians 2:8).

      2. Focus on the work of the Spirit to perfect you in every way ( he will cause you to experience in full (bodily) what he started in you (spirit) ). Choose to yield to the Spirit and not your flesh. (Romans 8:14).

      3. Renew your mind through meditation by the word of God (Hebrews 4:12, Acts 20:32, Joshua 1:8).

    • #30891


      Legalism can be defined as an opposition to Grace. It is another gospel ( an attempt to add to the finished work of Christ). In other words the gospel of Christ is antithetical to legalism.
      It is when the truth of the gospel is misinterpreted. When Grace is taken away, all you have is do’s and don’ts, rules and regulations with no relationship.
      Another term for legalism is “works”.It is important to note that Our works has nothing to do with our being saved.
      Believers sometimes unconsciously tend to think that in order to attain blessings from God, we have to to work or earn it. Legalism comes off of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it is the human attempt to be good.
      To a legalist mind , everything boils down to what’s necessary, they tend to think that they have to do some kind of work to retain their salvation, salvation that they literally did nothing but to receive in faith. They find it hard to accept/ comprehend that all you have to do to receive God’s Grace is to believe ( Romans 1:16). This is because there is something selfish in man that wants to take credit and if believers are not careful they may slip into legalism ( Acts 20:24).
      How to avoid living a work-based life as a believer
      1) A believer must know when to draw the line, he/she must learn to guard and watch. Always remembering that Jesus holds you till the very end. You don’t start in the spirit and continue in the flesh. The work of God starts in the Spirit and ends in the Spirit. ( Galatians 3:1-3 , Philippians 1:6)
      2) When you walk with God as a believer,it is important to examine your life for it is possible that you started off with the right motive and somehow missed it and slipped into legalism . Do so by checking the principles that brought you into the Grace of God in the first place. You heard, you recieved the word in faith and you keep on hearing in other to grow in the Grace of God available to you . Anything else added to salvation, nullifies it because God is a jealous God and doesn’t need your help.
      3) Be sure that every self effort must be by the Grace of God.it is important for a believer to know that their help comes from God and you are who you are and have attained the height you are only by the Grace of God.
      4) Never become too proud and expect God’s blessings based on your effort/ entitlement. Your inheritance is too expensive for your works to be the purchasing price
      5) Engage God’s favour and Grace to work. For it is God’s Grace that labours through you. God judges not just the works but the motive in which the work is / was done . Men judge outwardly but God sees inwardly.

    • #30954

      Reply to Ben
      Truly having a Word ruled mindset is one antidote to legalism . In other for us not to fall into this trap of work based Christianity we need to have a revelation of the Grace of God.
      The Gospel of Christ is the Gospel of Grace.The essence of the Gospel is Grace.
      The Gospel is the Good news concerning God’s Grace.
      The power in the Gospel as in Romans 1:16 is the Grace of God.
      It is the Grace of God that makes the Gospel Goodness.
      We must fully recognise this truth about the Gospel.

      Also a wrong perspective or a misunderstanding of the “Works” spoken about in Scripture with regards to believers,will bring about a legalistic approach to the Christian faith.
      In other not to fall into the trap of Legalism we need to have the right perspective/understanding.
      God is not against work , there are works that have a place after salvation ;
      – We have been saved unto Good works . Ephesians 2:10
      – God desires that we are also established in every good work. 2Thessolonians 2:17
      – Our work is our service and labour in the body of Christ which we will be rewarded for .1 Corinthians 3:10-15
      – The Work of the ministry which is the calling of every believer is work. Ephesians 4:11-12 ;
      In summary, we are saved to serve.
      However these service/work ;
      – Must be done in faith; which is our response to God’s Grace
      – Must be carried out by depending on God’s Grace , in the spirit and not in the flesh
      1 Corinthians 15:10
      – Must not bring about an entitlement mentality. We must never become proud and expect God’s blessings in our lives based on our service alone.
      Our inheritance was purchased by Christ not by our labour.

      Finally Our salvation is by Grace through and through, our works has nothing to do with our being saved; however we struggle with this after being saved, we tend to think that in other to attract God’s favor we need to work for it.
      Man generally believe he needs to do something in other to get something ,hence he approaches God in same transactional manner.
      We attempt to interact with God the way we interact with men. This is one way we slip into legalism .
      In other not to fall into the trap of Legalism We must settle in our heart that God is not Man. His ways are not the ways of Man.

    • #30956

      My Response to Femionas.
      I would like to begin by pointing out something very important that you mentioned about the refusal to forgive as a pitfall of the subtlety of legalism.
      Indeed, this is one area where a lot of believers unsuspectingly fall into legalism.
      Basically, one’s refusal to forgive another person of a suffered wrong implies, that the other person in question is undeserving of forgiveness. The danger in taking such a stand is that, it presupposes, that we have been able to somehow, live our lives in such a way, that we have been able to at least, deserve the forgiveness of God in the places were we may have come short.
      The subtlety here is that, refusing to forgive others has put us in the position of judge, and we can therefore determine who deserves forgiveness or not, based on the gravity of the offense, or the effect of such an offense on us.
      This is why some believes would rather see a sinner or a witch for example die, than have them be forgiven. Those who pray for their enemies to die also fall into this trap. It is difficult for them to see that the same grace that has appeared unto them and saved them is also available to even their worst enemies.
      Ultimately, there seems to be the belief, that the sacrifice of Christ on the cross is not sufficient for the salvation of certain kinds of sinners.
      Lastly, on the issue of avoiding certain portions of scripture, it is my persuasion, that a proper understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ, will give us such an understanding of all of scripture, that we come to the realization, that Christ was always the plan of God, and that even the law was never intended to be a means of salvation, but to point us to Christ. Romans 3:20-24, Galatians 3:24-25.

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