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- This topic has 29 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 2 months ago by
Yeodikitekon Igani.
September 28, 2023 at 3:28 pm #22642
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October 2, 2023 at 2:50 pm #22786
ParticipantIn considering what something is not, there is a need to know what that thing is actually about. Before we say what evangelism is not, let’s have an insight or at least, what evangelism means.
WHAT IS EVANGELISM? Evangelism is that conscious effort of carrying the good news (the gospel) to the unbeliever or lost soul, leading him/her to repentance towards God and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is simply to share what Jesus is to you.
To get the true picture of evangelism, let’s consider just three things evangelism is not. There are many more:
Evangelism shouldn’t be that organized evangelism by the church, sharing of flyers e.t.c.. For example, the Family Follow-up Group evangelism is organized quarterly by The Carpenter’s church. If that is the only moment you evangelize, then you would have bye pass so many other souls that God has brought your way. Evangelism should be what you do naturally, it is part of who you are, and what you do naturally as a Christian. We share the love of Christ and what He has done in our lives. Evangelism should not be what we do in isolation, it should be something we do as a lifestyle.2. EVANGELISM IS NOT CRITICISM.
Evangelism is not the time you preach church or criticize other churches or religions, the Pastor and leaders of other churches. It is not a moment to waste sharing who we are, what we do, and what we don’t do. It is the time you share the love of Jesus Christ. You talk about who Jesus is and what He has done for every one of us. There is no need to waste your time talking about your views about other church leaders or religious practice leaders. For example, why do some churches not tie their hair why do some churches wear trousers or why is it that your church allows female preachers?3. EVANGELISM IS NOT BULLYING OF FORCING PEOPLE.
There was this post I watched on social media, where a preacher or an evangelist went to preach because he had a target to meet, he went to this young man who was also facing the frustration of his life. The preacher shared his gospel as much as he could to convince the young man. The Youngman expressed his predicaments and vented some anger on the preacher. The preacher walked away. Remembering his target, he brought a gun and asked the young man to say the prayers for salvation. That is bully, it’s coercing. Evangelism is not terrorism. You don’t terrorize people you only share the LOVE OF CHRIST.-
October 4, 2023 at 3:16 pm #22833
Evangelism ought have various approaches and methods, including sharing of flyers and rather should be consistently and regularly pursued and maintained. Do not forget that it is an intentional thing which requires preparations and others. There may be plans for hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and possibly annual evangelical programmes. We should not forget that evangelism should be dynamic; taking into cognizance the developmental trend, the people concerned; so as to effectively appeal to the understandings, needs and circumstances of the prospects and thereby bring them onboard. For us, every tool of evangelism, no matter how archaic there seem should be put in use, based on the environment. They are prospects, you may not reach, but a flyer or tracts can reach him/her. Testimonies abound where a number of people have given their lives such means. So we suggest, we should not limit ourselves, as the Master can use any means to bring any onboard.
Bullying or forcing persons to accept Christ does not represent evangelism, in any form. This brings us to the position that the referenced social media example was just a phrank and does not hold water, especially in this case. The reason being that no desirous soul winning Christian, who has set out for the task for display such attitude.
Generally, we do appreciate your arguments as feasible. -
October 16, 2023 at 11:11 am #23083
Evangelism ought have various approaches and methods, including sharing of flyers and rather should be consistently and regularly pursued and maintained. Do not forget that it is an intentional thing which requires preparations and others. There may be plans for hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and possibly annual evangelical programmes. We should not forget that evangelism should be dynamic; taking into cognizance the developmental trend, the people concerned; so as to effectively appeal to the understandings, needs and circumstances of the prospects and thereby bring them onboard. For us, every tool of evangelism, no matter how archaic there seem should be put in use, based on the environment. They are prospects, you may not reach, but a flyer or tracts can reach him/her. Testimonies abound where a number of people have given their lives such means. So we suggest, we should not limit ourselves, as the Master can use any means to bring any onboard.
Bullying or forcing persons to accept Christ does not represent evangelism, in any form. This brings us to the position that the referenced social media example was just a phrank and does not hold water, especially in this case. The reason being that no desirous soul winning Christian, who has set out for the task for display such attitude.
Generally, we do appreciate your arguments as feasible. -
October 17, 2023 at 9:15 pm #23148
Amotsuka Caleb
ParticipantYou are so very correct in saying that evangelism is not criticism. A lot of times you see people criticising others in the name of evangelism. While we should not endorse sinful lifestyles, our focus is to share the message of Christ: that He is the Son of God who came to this world to die for our sins and was raised again to life by the Father and is now King of Kings and Lord of lords. Whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. Criticising peoples’ looks, dressing and appearance in the name of evangelism is counter-productive and doesn’t show the love of God. Our job is not to judge the sinner but to love them and share the gospel with them. Also, I love the fact that you said evangelism is not by force because these days, some people get angry when the people they are trying to preach to refuse to accept Christ. It sometimes becomes a shouting battle. This is totally uncalled for. While we are called to preach, we do not have the power to convict anyone, that is the job of the Holy Spirit, so if a person refuses to accept Christ, the best we can do is pray for them and keep following them up. With time, the Holy Spirit will do what only Him can do.
October 3, 2023 at 4:06 pm #22795
Participant1.Evangelism is not the marketing of the contemporary churches.
Invitation to church service and programs is not evangelism. its ok to invite people to come along to your church but this not evangelism. Evangelism is a concerted self-conscious effort to confront the unbeliever with the truth about and claims of Christ with a view to leading that unbeliever to repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus. Many contemporary churches view invitations to services as a form of modern-day evangelism. Evangelism is aimed at sharing the good news of Jesus to a dying world. Jesus gave us the great commission,” Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel”. Matthew 28:18-20{NKJV}. Mark 16:15-18{NKJV}. The book of Luke 24:47-49{NKJV} says that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. John 20:1{NKJV}, And Jesus said to them, Peace be unto you, as my father hath sent me so I send you. What changes people’s lives is the gospel, and that’s what we need to be actively sharing.
2.Evangelism does not begin from a position of authority.
Many local churches go about evangelizing to others as though those unsaved ones are less than them. They engage in evangelism with a superiority mindset and attitude. They confront and condemn the unbeliever in a negative way. We go to others because we have received and we are commissioned to go, not because of any merit or status of our own. We are to show them that there’s a better life style. The lifestyle of Jesus. We are not to condemn anyone. The bible says where sin abounds grace much more abounds Romans 5:20{NKJV}
3.Evangelism is not an opportunity for self-aggrandizement.
Jesus Christ showed us how evangelism should be done. Evangelism is not just our task. It is the very essence of the church. Jesus is the bridge between humanity and God Almighty. Evangelism runs on the core focus of Christ’s Ministry. Jesus says, I am the way, I am the truth and I am the life no man cometh unto the father but by me. (John 14:6NKJV) It is not for self-aggrandizement. Many contemporary churches go about airing on television their achievements, what they have accomplished so far in their evangelical ministry with the aim of showing off themselves, not portraying Christ whom thy claim they serve. Whatever we do the purpose must be geared towards evangelism.
October 6, 2023 at 11:22 am #22865
I believe you. Invitation to programs and church services is not evangelism. Evangelism is about leading the unbeliever to repentance. It is sharing the love of Christ and letting the unbeliever know God and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. When you have a flux of people invited to church, for example, believing that the undiluted Word is taught in that congregation, hoping the people get born again is not a bad idea. However, that is not true evangelism, as you rightly pointed out.
Evangelism is for the lost souls, and not the qualified. God does not call the qualified. According to 2 Corinthians 3:5, We are not qualified in any way for us to decide who should be evangelized to. We have no right to judge anyone—for example, a dead criminal who had killed lots of people. If the love of God is pointed at him, we have no right to deprive him of getting the gospel. As you said, No one has the right to run down an unbeliever.
Salvation is a miraculous work of God, not of any man. Hence, no man should take credit for it. No man is born an “evangelist,” nothing like I have the gift of evangelism. You evangelize based on your encounter with Jesus Christ. It’s the experience of the Love of Christ that makes the gospel. If someone gets born again in the process, it has nothing to do with your, ability or capability. -
October 26, 2023 at 10:36 pm #23341
Florence Oribhabor
ParticipantFlorence Oribhabor replies Obiamonu.
Truly, there are so many thing done by today contemporary churches that are not evangelism.
1 Invitation to church service and program is not evangelism rather, evangelism is a concerted self-conscious effort to confront the unbeliever with the truth about Christ with the view of leading that unbeliever to repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus. Many contemporary churches view invitation to service as a form of modern day evangelism. Meanwhile, evangelism aims at sharing the good news of Jesus to unbelievers. As Christians, this is the great commission giving to us according to Matthew 28:18-20
[18] And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, all authority has been giving to Me in heaven and on earth
[19] Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the name of the Holy spirit
[20] teaching them to observe all thing that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always even to the end of age, amen
2 Evangelism does not begin from a position of authority but evangelism is a command from God to believer to go into the world and preach the good news or gospel to all. many local churches go about evangelizing as though those unsaved ones are less than them. They engage in evangelism with a superior mindset and attitude. They confront and condemn the unbelievers in a negative way instead of preaching the message of salvation, which is the message of love(John3:16) for God so loved the world that he have his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. -
October 26, 2023 at 11:52 pm #23343
Florence Oribhabor
ParticipantFlorence Oribhabor replies Obiamonu
Truly, there are so many things done by today ‘s contemporary churches that are not evangelism.
1. Invitation to church service and programs is not evangelism, rather, Evangelism is a concerted self-conscious effort to confront the unbeliever with the truth about Christ with the view to leading that unbeliever to repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus. Many contemporary churches view invitations to services as a form of modern-day evangelism. Meanwhile, Evangelism is aimed at sharing the good news of Jesus to unbelievers. As Christians, this is the great commission. Jesus gave us the great commission given to us according to Matthew
Matthew 28:18-20
[18]And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
[19]Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
[20]teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.2. Evangelism does not begin from a position of authority. But evangelism is a command from our God to believer to go into the world and preach the good news or gospel to all .
Many local churches go about evangelizing to others as though those unsaved ones are less than them. They engage in evangelism with a superior mindset and attitude. They confront and condemn the unbeliever in a negative way instead of preaching the message of salvation, which is the message of love . John 3:16
[16]For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -
January 7, 2024 at 7:27 pm #24774
Yeodikitekon Igani
ParticipantI can relate with the thoughts expressed concerning the truth that evangelism should not be conducted from a place of superiority.
When a believer sets out to condemn an unbeliever because of their lifestyle choices, they express a lack of understanding of the truth that what we see on the outside is only a reflection and overflow of what exists on the inside ( Jer. 17:9).
An unbeliever is expected to typically conduct his/herself in a way that is reflective of their depraved mind and unregenerate spirit (Eph. 2: 2-3). If a believer chooses to focus on their works and declares them unfit for the good news of Christ, again such a person denies the transformative power of the Holy Spirit (Phil. 2: 13). For it is the Holy Spirit who convicts man of his wrong doings ( Jn. 16:8), and brings him into repentance, which creates an avenue for such a person to be transformed by the renewal of their mind ( Rom. 12 :2).
So, a believer who chooses to condemn an unbeliever misses an opportunity to present the free gift of salvation to such a person ( Rom. 10 :14), as this is the most potent remedy to their misconduct. The transformative work of the Holy Spirit on their mind is guaranteed to produce fruits of ethical living, powered and sustained by the power of God.
October 4, 2023 at 2:32 pm #22828
Truly, one way to determine what a thing is, is to know what it is not. In the same vein, one way to know what a thing is not, is to know what it is.
Evangelism has been explained, defined and treated in various fora as the spreading of the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ for the sake of bringing unbelievers to repentance. We do know that this task is the duty and the nature of the Church.
This Jesus Christ came and showed all Christians to emulate. In many versions of the Bible Jesus emphasized and re-emphasized evangelism as the core of His mission (Matt 9:10-13; Matt 15:24; Matt 4: 23) and has mandated or rather commanded all Christians (Matt 28:18-20), to the task of evangelism as a mandatory command.
Evangelism is a love gift or love letter from the Lord. Every Christian is expected to show genuine commitment in bringing this to the doorsteps of every unbeliever, as exemplified by the Lord Jesus Christ; going from place to place with His disciples seeking for the lost souls. The essence of the church is evangelism; hence should be measured not by sitting capacity but by soul winning capacity.
Evangelism as formally defined is concerted, self-conscious effort to confront the unbeliever with the truth about and claims of Christ with a view to leading that unbeliever into repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This definition shows readiness based on preparations and other attributes, which will positively enhance the success of the exercise.
However, evangelism seems not to achieve it purposes because of various reasons which are not limited to: condemnation messages, segregation or class designation, unplanned, unintentional, unwillingness by the church/Christians to obey the command, ambiguous messages instead of the love message etc.
Generally, as earlier mentioned for effective or true evangelism to take place, certain procedure ought to apply:
1. Intentional
Evangelism is the Goodnews of the Gospel and for you to be the carrier as commanded by the Master, it must come from the heart willingly. Prayerful preparations and other necessary tools will be deployed prior to the time. Because, you know you are on a mission with command, your commitment should not be in doubt and of course, the Master will crown your efforts with success.
2. Message Content
Because you are aware that everyone including yourself have sinned and come short of the glory of God, yours will just be to present the love of God message to the prospect, without any room for condemnation. The message should be simple and straight to the point. Statements; like, your own sins is much not arise; knowing that grace abounds. Evangelism requires love and due care for one another. It is an encouragement boat to the promised land; which brings the unbeliever to the point of asking which way forward.
3. All Christians Responsibility
In most Churches and places, evangelism is only left for the evangelists, evangelism team and few willing members of the church. In the line with the Master’s command, evangelism is compulsory for all Christians. Hence, it is necessary for every Christian to make up his/her mind to embrace it with all amount of seriousness. It has to be a deliberate action for all of us in the Kingdom, because it is the kingdom business and the Master has so commanded that if we love Him, we should we should obey (John 14:15).
Evangelism is another name for the Great Commission by the Master (Matt 28:18-20) and can be efficiently carried out and achieved by deploying the five elements of command, timing, message, location and target; with the instrumentality of genuine holding of the tenets of the gospel. Fundamentally, evangelism is the essence and nature of the Church and every Christian. Therefore, we are obliged to comply, if truly we belong to the Vineyard of the Lord. -
October 4, 2023 at 2:44 pm #22831
ParticipantName: Owhondah Ugochi Benedicta
Course Title: Evangelism and Follow-up
Course Code: EF-108-LC
Anchor: Rev Joe Uwareme
Explain at least three(3) things being done by today’s contemporary church that are not true evangelism.1) Marketing of the local church:
Evangelism is not limited to a ministry, local church or evangelist. No church is designed for evangelism in a particular area. Evangelism should be a collective effort of believer’s and not a means of marketing a local church. According to Rev Joe Uwareme, Evangelism is a concerted self-conscious effort to confront the unbelievers with the truth about claims of Christ with the view of leading them to repentance and not an opportunity to tell them about your local church and it’s practices. They have the right to choose a local church for themselves. You can only make suggestions but that is all. Therefore when approaching an unbeliever, the primary focus should be spreading the good news and not marketing the local church. If questions are asked about the local church they can be answered but the discussion should be centered around the Love of Christ.
2) Bullying, Coercion or convincing people to believe :
This is not evangelism. Some churches go around with their members shouting “Repent or die” Using death as a means of coercing people to accept the Gospel even if they don’t want to at that moment. That’s trying to do the work of the Holy spirit. As a believer, you should be confident in who you are but still give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to do his job which is conviction. You don’t coerce people to believe the good news, you pray for them to accept the message you’re bringing to them. Like 1cor 3:6 Says “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase
3) A means of Condemning unbelievers:
Self-righteousness has been a set back to the body of Christ. Some believer’s and local churches see themselves as holy and see others as filthy and therefore go around saying “Repent or Die” in the name of “Evangelism’. As believer’s we know that evangelism is reaching people with the “Good news” and not “the poison” The emphasis in evangelism should be the love of God from John 3:16 and how God reconciled the world unto Himself. Because Christ came for the sinners according to “Matthew 9:13 where Jesus said “For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance”. Leading people to repentance jas to do with confronting them and not Condemning them.
4) Critique of other religions, other churches and other church leaders:
“Evangelism” is now used as a means of creating division in the body of Christ. Believer’s in ministries go around with megaphones speaking ill of preachers and other churches, making evangelism seem like a competition instead of a privilege given to every believer. Evangelism is our heavenly mandate and is targeted at unbelievers and not believer’s in the wrong. You pray for those who you feel are using wrong methods but so not criticize the body of Christ.
5) An activity instead of a way of life:
Evangelism is not just the task of the church but the very nature of the church. This should be taught in every local church. Evangelism is the individual and yet collective responsibility of every believer.
Some contemporary churches make evangelism an activity by limiting their members to certain days of the week where they can move around for evangelism instead of making them know that you evangelize everyday. Either by the actions you take, by the things you say and the places you find yourself. Asides walking up to people and telling them the good news. You should live the good news. As believer’s we should always know that opportunities abound around us to spread the Gospel everyday.-
October 19, 2023 at 10:35 am #23169
You have done so well with the meaning and explanations of Evangelism. From my opinion observation, you have deviated from the question asked. You were asked to give “three points of what evangelism is not.”
Your introduction is fantastic and on point. Of a truth, Evangelism is the Good News of the gospel, it is a command, and every Christian ought to be prepared and willing to carry it out if they truly love the Lord, John 14:15,21 15. “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” 21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me….”
Being intentional, the content of the message to be Evangelized, and the responsibility of every believer are all the truths about evangelism. But the instructor says what Evangelism is not. I suggest you revisit and look deeply at the topic and discuss “what Evangelism is not.” -
December 12, 2023 at 1:17 pm #23869
ParticipantReply to Benny4real
I agree with you that there are some of the reasons why some churches have not been successful in soul wining (Evangelism).1. A means of condemning unbelievers: self-righteousness has been a set back to the body of Christ where some believers see themselves as holy and others as sinners. Therefore telling them to repent or you go to hell fire. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance Matt 9:13 do not emphasis on the magnitude of their sins rather draw close to them so as not to destroy the ability of drawing to Christ.
2. Evangelism does not begin from the position of authority.
3. Evangelism is not an opportunity for self-aggrandizement in that it’s the mandate of Christ to the church go ye to the world and preach the gospel but not the other way round where some contemporary churches will use that as a medium to advertise their achievements on air missing the core message of saving the lost souls. In all our focus should gear towards the heart of the father which is evangelism.
October 5, 2023 at 6:10 am #22844
ParticipantName: Owhondah Ugochi Benedicta
Course Title: Evangelism and Follow-up
Course Code: EF-108-LC
Anchor: Rev Joe Uwareme
Explain at least three(3) things being done by today’s contemporary church that are not true evangelism.1) Marketing of the local church:
Evangelism is not limited to a ministry, local church or evangelist. No church is designed for evangelism in a particular area. Evangelism should be a collective effort of believer’s and not a means of marketing a local church. According to Rev Joe Uwareme, Evangelism is a concerted self-conscious effort to confront the unbelievers with the truth about claims of Christ with the view of leading them to repentance and not an opportunity to tell them about your local church and it’s practices. They have the right to choose a local church for themselves. You can only make suggestions but that is all. Therefore when approaching an unbeliever, the primary focus should be spreading the good news and not marketing the local church. If questions are asked about the local church they can be answered but the discussion should be centered around the Love of Christ.
2) Bullying, Coercion or convincing people to believe :
This is not evangelism. Some churches go around with their members shouting “Repent or die” Using death as a means of coercing people to accept the Gospel even if they don’t want to at that moment. That’s trying to do the work of the Holy spirit. As a believer, you should be confident in who you are but still give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to do his job which is conviction. You don’t coerce people to believe the good news, you pray for them to accept the message you’re bringing to them. Like 1cor 3:6 Says “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase
3) A means of Condemning unbelievers:
Self-righteousness has been a set back to the body of Christ. Some believer’s and local churches see themselves as holy and see others as filthy and therefore go around saying “Repent or Die” in the name of “Evangelism’. As believer’s we know that evangelism is reaching people with the “Good news” and not “the poison” The emphasis in evangelism should be the love of God from John 3:16 and how God reconciled the world unto Himself. Because Christ came for the sinners according to “Matthew 9:13 where Jesus said “For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance”. Leading people to repentance jas to do with confronting them and not Condemning them.
4) Critique of other religions, other churches and other church leaders:
“Evangelism” is now used as a means of creating division in the body of Christ. Believer’s in ministries go around with megaphones speaking ill of preachers and other churches, making evangelism seem like a competition instead of a privilege given to every believer. Evangelism is our heavenly mandate and is targeted at unbelievers and not believer’s in the wrong. You pray for those who you feel are using wrong methods but so not criticize the body of Christ.
5) An activity instead of a way of life:
Evangelism is not just the task of the church but the very nature of the church. This should be taught in every local church. Evangelism is the individual and yet collective responsibility of every believer.
Some contemporary churches make evangelism an activity by limiting their members to certain days of the week where they can move around for evangelism instead of making them know that you evangelize everyday. Either by the actions you take, by the things you say and the places you find yourself. Asides walking up to people and telling them the good news. You should live the good news. As believer’s we should always know that opportunities abound around us to spread the Gospel everyday.-
October 11, 2023 at 4:07 am #22930
ParticipantREPLY to Owhondah Ugochi Benedicta
I believe some churches, doctrines and religion has caused a lot of harm to spreading the gospel. On some cases, they most time trying to get more members to their churches. They replace church evangelism and doctrines of their churches to minister to unbeliever imposing these doctrines and believe to sinners.
These have many effects: many times the person been preached to will goes on the defense barely listening to the gospel. In most cases evangelism now becomes a session of agreement and defense of church doctrine and beliefs. because of constant bullying and coercion, the unbeliever will accept Christ not because he understands the gospels, but to avoid the consequences of their sin or to avoid the constant coercion.
I believe that changes can be made when we go back and rediscover that the purpose or true evangelism is a message for sinners to return back to God and keep religion out from the gospel and be like Paul (1 Corinth 9:19-23), who became all things to all men that the gospel might be preached, and like Jesus, who was compassionate and associated with both Jews and Gentles and people who the society reject and they (the churches)looked out for ways to minister Christ to everyone -
October 18, 2023 at 1:58 pm #23162
ParticipantIt seems I may have misunderstood the question but your response may have clarified it.
I agree with you that evangelism is not a means to market the church. Some believers go out for evangelism and their target is to bring other believers to attend their local assembly not minding that the believer is already committed to their own local assembly. This is not a sign of brotherly love and it is definitely not the purpose of evangelism.
As you have also pointed out, some “evangelists” use the gospel to threaten people hoping they would repent at the scare of death. The unbeliever is already dead spiritually. It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance (Romans 2:4) not threats and emotional blackmail.
Evangelism has to be a lifestyle and not an event. Proverbs 11:30 describes this as wisdom. While the church may organise special days for group evangelism, each individual should recognise that it is wisdom to intentionally reconcile men to God on a regular basis.
The gospel is good news and must be presented in this way. If it condemns the sinner rather than their sin, it is not good news. If it convicts the sinner of their sin and brings them to the knowledge of their need for life, then the job has been done.
October 6, 2023 at 9:02 am #22859
Participant1.Evangelism is not the marketing of the contemporary churches.
Invitation to church service and programs is not evangelism. its ok to invite people to come along to your church but this not evangelism. Evangelism is a concerted self-conscious effort to confront the unbeliever with the truth about and claims of Christ with a view to leading that unbeliever to repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus. Many contemporary churches view invitations to services as a form of modern-day evangelism. Evangelism is aimed at sharing the good news of Jesus to a dying world. Jesus gave us the great commission,” Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel”. Matthew 28:18-20{NKJV}. Mark 16:15-18{NKJV}. The book of Luke 24:47-49{NKJV} says that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. John 20:1{NKJV}, And Jesus said to them, Peace be unto you, as my father hath sent me so I send you. What changes people’s lives is the gospel, and that’s what we need to be actively sharing.2.Evangelism does not begin from a position of authority.
Many local churches go about evangelizing to others as though those unsaved ones are less than them. They engage in evangelism with a superiority mindset and attitude. They confront and condemn the unbeliever in a negative way. We go to others because we have received and we are commissioned to go, not because of any merit or status of our own. We are to show them that there’s a better life style. The lifestyle of Jesus. We are not to condemn anyone. The bible says where sin abounds grace much more abounds Romans 5:20{NKJV}
3.Evangelism is not an opportunity for self-aggrandizement.
Jesus Christ showed us how evangelism should be done. Evangelism is not just our task. It is the very essence of the church. Jesus is the bridge between humanity and God Almighty. Evangelism runs on the core focus of Christ’s Ministry. Jesus says, I am the way, I am the truth and I am the life no man cometh unto the father but by me. (John 14:6NKJV) It is not for self-aggrandizement. Many contemporary churches go about airing on television their achievements, what they have accomplished so far in their evangelical ministry with the aim of showing off themselves, not portraying Christ whom thy claim they serve. Whatever we do the purpose must be geared towards evangelism. -
October 6, 2023 at 11:26 am #22866
I believe you. Invitation to programs and church services is not evangelism. Evangelism is about leading the unbeliever to repentance. It is sharing the love of Christ and letting the unbeliever know God and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. When you have a flux of people invited to church, for example, believing that the undiluted Word is taught in that congregation, hoping the people get born again is not a bad idea. However, that is not true evangelism, as you rightly pointed out.
Evangelism is for the lost souls, and not the qualified. God does not call the qualified. According to 2 Corinthians 3:5, We are not qualified in any way for us to decide who should be evangelized to. We have no right to judge anyone—for example, a dead criminal who had killed lots of people. If the love of God is pointed at him, we have no right to deprive him of getting the gospel. As you said, No one has the right to run down an unbeliever.
Salvation is a miraculous work of God, not of any man. Hence, no man should take credit for it. No man is born an “evangelist,” nothing like I have the gift of evangelism. You evangelize based on your encounter with Jesus Christ. It’s the experience of the Love of Christ that makes the gospel. If someone gets born again in the process, it has nothing to do with your, ability or capability. -
October 10, 2023 at 9:36 am #22919
GROUP DICUSSION 1: One way to determine what a thing is, is to know what it is not.Are there things done by today’s contemporary church that are not evangelism? In your post state and explain at least 3 things being done today in the name of evangelism that is not true envagelism.What is true evangelism?: It means to preach the gospel, which is the goodnews about Jesus Chirst, also God’s power to save all who believe in it. It is the way we can fulfil Chirst’s call to be his witness (Acts 1.8).
Therefore, True evanagelism is a true presentation of the saving message of the gospel that comes exclusively through Jesus Christ. Anything other than this is not biblical evangelism.
Jesus been our perfect example of a true envagelist, in John 4: 1- 26 we saw some of these in his ministry;
a. He was passionate, he cared for the lost.
b. He crossed boundaries of false religion restriction.
c. He connected with people on personal level . EtcBelow are some things done by today’s contemporary churches that are not evangelism:
1. lack of spiritual sensistivity; not letting the Holy Spirit lead.
2. False /church doctrine.
3. Condemnation
4. Wrong Target.1. Lack of spiritual sensitivity; not letting the holy Spirt lead:
When we speak the Word of God to people, we’re speaking to their spirit man and exposing their innermost thoughts and desires, we need to let God direct us and put into our mouth the right words to say at the particular time, where to go, and to whom to minister to , so even our carefully laid out plans and speech can be change if we are submitted to the leading of the holy Spirt (Luke 12 :12).There are at least 3 ways of describing the unseen work of the Holy Spirit in salvation:
A. He convicts the sinner, making his lost condition real to him. (John 16:8)
B. He enables the sinner to understand and accept the Gospel of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:4)
C. He regenerates the sinner’s heart (John 3:5 ).2, False /church doctrine:
These are false gospels – heresies – that lead people away from the truth. They are lies that please man, but displease God. They are perversions of the gospel that change the message of God’s justice, grace, and glory into a message of man’s vindication, rewards, and happiness, and it tends to diminish and distort the authentic nature of the goodnews Chirst gave to us.
A believer will only speak what word he already know (Romans 10 :15} , false doctrines subtly infect the spiritual life of a person and are capable of leading to a person’s spiritual destruction. Therefore, if a believer goes out for evangelism armed with false doctrines those are what he spreads to unbelievers which makes it impossible to win that soul ( Matt 15 :14 ) blind leading the blind .
The Christian life is not meant to bring people into a life of spiritual bondage but instead when you are in Christ you are set free from bondage and you have liberty in Christ. Salvation is a free gift received by grace through faith in Christ alone and not by our own works or human effort (Galatians 2:21).3. Condemnation /Judgemental evangelism :
Christian groups are making this error in the way they conduct their envangelism by listing all the sins the unbelievers has made and the right punshment they are to face, also telling people they are meant to speak the gospel to that they are worthy of God’s judgment and condemning them which put him in a defensive mood and will not allow the word to get through to him (Matt 7 1-5), it was the opposite of what Jesus did with the Samaritan woman whom he showed love.
Telling someone that God is going to punish sinners is not evangelism, until we have offered Christ and his death on the cross as the only way to avoid this punishment, we have not shared the goodnews.-
January 5, 2024 at 1:06 pm #24642
Nelson Kenn
Participant@ Ezeonugo, you nailed it.
I keep on telling people that Christianity is a standard way of life which Christ displayed to us from His birth to resurrection. Jesus’s way of life being our perfect example of true evangelism, just as you listed, He was passionate, he cared for the lost, He crossed boundaries of false religion restriction, He healed the sick, yolks were broken, burden lifted and many who believed were set free, He connected with people on personal level. Etc
He kept on doing good which is the good news no condemnation attached, like how Jesus saved the woman caught in adultery (John 8:11) which is true evangelism.
False and church doctrine will never set anyone free that is why is never part of His ways of life.
The life Jesus lived is our culture so that when we put them into practice it brings souls to Christ, heal the sick and set the captives free. It is a magnetic force when put to action through evangelism a lot of good things happen to people.
Spiritual sensitivity; not letting the Holy Spirit lead, relying on one’s capabilities is not good in evangelism because it hinders the flow of the Holy spirit through one.
October 13, 2023 at 5:47 am #23003
ParticipantREPLY to Ezeonugo
These points you highlighted are key points because they are part of the many reasons why churches have not been successful when it comes to Evangelism and Follow Up. I believe that bible believing churches should teach their members what evangelism is not because ignorance may be a reason but it is not an excuse.
In your second point, you said the Christian life is not meant to bring people into a life of spiritual bondage but you are set free from bondage and you have liberty in Christ. Indeed, as believers we are broken lose from bondage. This bondage is in the spirit but not just the spirit, but also Bondage in our minds, I believe a lot of Christians and churches are still in bondage because their minds haven’t been opened yet to sincere truth of the word of God. They are supposed to be free by grace but they are bound by religion and false doctrines.
Condemnation is also a major set-back to true evangelism because it creates a Holier than thou mindset. Where the believer or church in question sees himself/herself/themselves as being too “righteous” and others as being too filthy. They forget that we are saved by grace and not by works that any man should boast. Our righteousness is not of ourselves but purely by the grace and gift of Jesus Christ. When they know this and also know that evangelism is the heartbeat of the Father God, then it becomes easier. -
October 14, 2023 at 1:13 am #23055
Florence Oribhabor
ParticipantFlorence Oribhabor replied Obiamonu
Truly, there are so many things done by today ‘s contemporary churches
Evangelism is not the marketing of the contemporary churchesthat is not evangelism.Invitation to church service and programs is not evangelism. Evangelism is a concerted self-conscious effort to confront the unbeliever with the truth about and claims of Christ with a view to leading that unbeliever to repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus. Many contemporary churches view invitations to services as a form of modern-day evangelism. Evangelism is aimed at sharing the good news of Jesus to a dying world. Jesus gave us the great commission,” Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel”. Matthew
Matthew 28:18-20
[18]And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
[19]Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
[20]teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
Mark 16:15-18{NKJV}. The book of Luke 24:47-49{NKJV} says that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations. John 20:1{NKJV}, And Jesus said to them, Peace be unto you, as my father hath sent me so I send you. What changes people’s lives is the gospel, and that’s what we need to be actively sharing.2. Evangelism does not begin from a position of authority. But evangelism is a command from our God to believer to go into the world and preach the gospel to all
Many local churches go about evangelizing to others as though those unsaved ones are less than them. They engage in evangelism with a superior mindset and attitude. They confront and condemn the unbeliever in a negative way instead of preaching the message of salvation, which is the message of love . John 3:16
[16]For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. -
October 17, 2023 at 8:51 pm #23146
Amotsuka Caleb
ParticipantTrue evangelism like we have learned from our course is sharing the good news about Jesus Christ with those who are unsaved with the aim of inviting them to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour so they can become New Creations in Christ and disciples of Jesus Christ. However, a lot of activities are done by the church today in the name of evangelism which are not true evangelism because they do not present the message of the gospel of Christ to the sinner which is a pre-requisite for salvation. People must hear the gospel and then believe the gospel but if the gospel is not preached then there is nothing to believe. Romans 10:13-14 says “For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?
Below are a few things that are commonly done today in the name of evangelism but they are not true evangelism.
1. Charitable works like feeding the hungry, giving free treatment to the sick, giving clothes to the poor and even providing educational scholarships to people are very great things to do as Christians and are avenues to share the love of Christ with the world but are not in themselves true evangelism. These kinds of charitable works can be used as channels to enable true evangelism, but they are not in themselves evangelism if we do not use these opportunities to share the gospel of Christ with the beneficiaries of the charitable works. Most times Christians engage in these charitable works as philanthropists, but God didn’t call the church to be a philanthropic organization but a light to a dark world. The light that we are shines through the preaching of the gospel and teaching of the word of God. 1 Corinthians 1:21 says that “it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe”. Without the message being preached, all charitable works are just philanthropy and have no power to save anyone.
2. Inviting people to Church: while this may be very closely tied to evangelism, it is not in itself evangelism. It is possible to invite people to church and they don’t get the gospel of Christ preached to them. In a lot of cases, some “Christians” are fixed on making people members of their church rather than focusing on making people members of the body of Christ. The end goal of true evangelism is making sinners members of the body of Christ and not just members of our church or denomination. This is not to say that inviting people to church is wrong as in many cases, people who are invited to a church where the undiluted word of God is taught eventually get the gospel preached to them and can receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. The difference between just inviting people to church and true evangelism is that the focus of the former is just to increase church attendance while the focus of the latter is to increase the number of disciples for the kingdom of God.
3. Preaching about morality: some Christians leave the preaching of the gospel during acts of evangelism and go about condemning peoples’ behaviours and actions. They tell people they can’t keep wearing artificial hair, make-up, trousers, and several other items or else they will go to hell. While it is good to teach modesty, modesty in looks will not make anyone a member of the family of God and so such messages are just a waste of time. Such Christians are focusing on the fruits rather than on the roots which is the unregenerated human spirit. Telling an unbeliever to try and live a holy life is like trying to make a dog walk on his 2 feet always. He may achieve it temporarily but because it is not his nature to do so, he will eventually go down on all fours. Evangelism must be focused on getting people to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ so they can be made new creations in Christ. It is only then that any preaching of holiness is relevant because the power to live holy is now present in them.-
October 18, 2023 at 4:14 pm #23166
ParticipantI agree with you Caleb, when you say evangelism is not charitable works, but it can be used to enhance the spreading and sharing of the gospel. The bible mentions that Jesus fed the five thousand with 5 loaves and 2 fish. Mark 6:30-44{NKJV}, Matthew 14:13-21{NKJV}. It says that Jesus was moved with compassion for them, He taught and fed them. Jesus is an example of what evangelism should be like. We can say that evangelism should focus on the preaching, announcing or otherwise communicating the gospel, our salvation.
I remember when my campus fellowship took us all on an evangelical mission to one of the villages in Abakaliki, Ebonyi state, I wondered how we were going to be able to communicate effectively with the villagers who were mostly illiterates. Our leader then asked us to offer acts of service to the villagers. We went to farm with them, washed their clothes, swept, and kept their compounds neat and clean. By the time we launched out to preach the word of God, and invited them for our crusade, they all came out to hear what we had to say. Many of them gave their lives to Jesus Christ. We recorded a huge success.
Your third point notes that many churches attribute holiness to mode of dressing.
Jesus is our righteousness.1 Corinthians 1:30{NKJV} we do not become righteous by the things we do or don’t do; the bible says that our own righteousness is like filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6
October 18, 2023 at 1:17 pm #23157
ParticipantThis question has been a bit challenging for me to tackle because I believe that believers have been gifted to reach a diverse group of people and what may be seen as an uncommon method, can still lead to the conversion of souls. However, here are a few methods that may be unpopular and are cautioned against by scriptures.
1. Clubbing/ wild partying: Some believers misinterpret the scriptures that tell us that Jesus was found in the company of sinners (Mark 2:15, Luke 5:32) and also the verse where Apostle Paul said he was all things to all men (1Corinthians 9:22) and so they begin to attend wild parties as a method of evangelism. Some even go as far as dressing or speaking like the unbelievers that they are trying to save, just to blend in and “fight the battle” from within.
While there are believers who have been genuinely called to minister specially to people who may have had exceptional or extreme experiences, we are cautioned in Galatians 6:1&2 to be careful as we try to pull others up. Jesus did not have to become like the tax collectors before he could reach them. We cannot rescue people from a pit by jumping in ourselves.
2. Being unequally yoked with an unbeliever: Some singles use the institution of marriage as an evangelistic programme. They convince themselves that they can be married to a “good unbeliever” and gradually win them over. 2 Corinthians 6:14 admonishes us to avoid being yoked with unbelievers. Again, this is a bit thought provoking because even as I write this, I am aware that this has “worked” for some people by the mercy of God but what I am considering even harder is the question of believers being yoked to unbelievers in a business relationship. To balance this, I will say that individuals should examine their own hearts and intents. Have you been called like the Prophet Hosea to endure a difficult relationship or is that action borne out of desperation?
3. “Morning Cry”: I am not sure there are any scriptures that speak in support or against this but personally I have always wondered about this method evangelism. I have wondered at it for quite a few reasons. Firstly, I’m not sure it is scriptural. Secondly, the security and safety of the preacher since they would have to be out in the streets almost at the break of day and thirdly, will the full message be gotten? Because many times the preacher is moving about while preaching and even passers by will not hear the full message. I just find this method of evangelism ineffective. -
October 21, 2023 at 4:46 am #23191
ParticipantEvangelism is not a skill or a role reserved for the chosen few. Every believer is called to always be ready to give a reason for the hope within them, with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). Every believer is called to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20).
But why?
The answer is love. Love, for Jesus and others, is the reason to share Jesus. Think about it like this: What is the greatest thing that has ever happened to you? If the answer is knowing Christ personally, what then is the greatest thing you could do for someone else? Introduce them to Jesus.
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness …. I Peter 3 vs 152,IT is alarming these days to see people go with the title “THE EVANGELIST ” and all they do is go to market place,enter transport services or just go about prophecing, conducting deliverance for people,after which they begin to call for seed sowing and begin to raise funds… that is evangelism..
Evangelism revolves around spreading God’s truth to others. Evangelists speak God’s word to other people. An evangelist is there to help people understand the Bible and who Jesus is and to help many come to Christ in faith. If one has an evangelist calling for spreading the “Good News” and leading people to Christ with the help of God. It is not a title for fund raising..
An evangelist is someone who proclaims good news; in other words, a preacher of the gospel or a missionary. The office of evangelist will be needed until the church reaches the maturity of Christ Himself (Ephesians 4:13). Good news is meant to be shared. And we have the best news of all—Jesus died and rose again and saves all who will call on Him (Romans 10:9–13).Evangelism Is Not to Critique Other Religions, Other Churches or Other Church Leaders.
Evangelism is not to critique other religions, or other churches and their leaders. We don’t waste time sharing what we are not, but instead, spend our time sharing who Jesus is and what he has done for each and every one of us. Don’t waste the precious time that you have to talk about the King with talking instead about your views of other people and religions.
Some even go as far as condemning what they Wear e.g trousers, wigs,make up and sleeves cloths and emphazing on hell fire 🔥 if they don’t change… these are examples of bad evangelist practices.. failure to share the goodnews, distorting people, teaching false messages and presenting the good news of salvation as a mere opinion. -
November 5, 2023 at 3:03 pm #23507
Florence Oribhabor
True Evangelism is the spreading of the Christian gospel by preaching or personal witness about Jesus’ death and resurrection, which is the good news.
False evangelism
False gospel comes in disguised in christians – surrounding language,but they are built on false doctrines rather than true realities outline in the scriptures
The false gospel, which emphasis is on the success,happiness, comfort, and fulfilment of lust
There are so many practises in contemporary churches. These practices are not in consonance with what Christ preached and stood for.Some of these practices to mention, but a few include:I) materialism
II) the craze for prophecies and miracles
III) church commercialisation.
The above has taken centre stage in most churches today. Wealth and wealthy people are glorified ,idolized, and deified, while the rest of the congregation are encouraged to tap from their wealth anointing. New cars, new jobs , new political appointments, and all sorts of earthly desires are now the focal points of the sermons of many pastors. The gospel of the death and resurrection of Christ through which we are set free from
[05/11, 15:54] De – Flosun Enterprise: desires of the flesh and all forms of sin no longer mean much to them as they have all had it swept under the carpet. People now see going to church as a mere Sunday ritual. They go, and they come back spiritually the same as no sermon of any spiritual impact and significance is preached. Zero transformational and soul winning messages.The true gospel emphasises the need for genuine repentance while the false gospel sees repentance as merely changing of one’s mind. Matthew 3:8
Therefore, bear fruits worthy of repentance, giving a mental accent to the fact that God sees you as pure.CRAZE FOR PROPHESIES AND MIRACLES
Many so-called pastors and prophets superintending over churches now go the extra mile to acquire powers so as to perform miracles to hoodwink their gullible followers. Some native doctors have modernised their shrines , naming them ministries so it can sound appealing to the unsuspecting worshipers. So many have been deceived, ripped off, and victimized by these fraudsters. Any pastor that does not lay emphasis on Christ and the kingdom of God is far from evangelism and is only being used as a tool in the hand of the devil to send people to hell.
The true gospel leads the believers to ask what can I do for God? Not what God will do for me
Colossians 3:1-3
If then you were raised with Christ, by seeking those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the
[05/11, 15:56] De – Flosun Enterprise: right hand of God
[2]Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
[3]For you died, and your life is hidden in Christ in God.
The above refers to the manipulation of the church,its services (spiritual and emotional), with the implied intentions to exploit members for economic and financial gain. Many contemporary churches are guilty of this. I know of a neighbour who stopped going to church because of the emotional black mail he experienced from the pastor of the church. The enterpreneurs have devised many crafty and ungodly ways of hoodwinking their members. Jesus frowned at all these bizarre practices when he was on earth. The true gospel focuses on the resurrection, whereas the false gospel emphasises the success,happiness, comfort, and fulfilment of lust.
1 Corinthians 2:2
For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. -
January 5, 2024 at 11:08 am #24554
Nelson Kenn
1. Criticism: Some churches or leaders of churches spend time criticizing other churches during evangelism by sharing what they are not, what they can do instead of spending time sharing who Jesus is and what He has done for each of us.
2. Marketing of churches: People spend so much time these days marketing their churches or their leaders instead of preaching the gospel of Christ. The glorify what their man of God has done and can do instead of what Christ has done and can do for us. Projecting their churches leaders instead of Jesus Christ who the head of the churches. Inviting people to church is not wrong but it is not evangelism cos evangelism is all about sharing good news of what God has through Jesus.
3. Technique: Most churches use different techniques which are not supported by the scripture as a means of evangelism. Every church and organisation will have their own technique, and although I strongly recommend that you should support and get involved in the technique of your local church (if it is sound and biblical), remember that this is only one way in which to communicate the precious, unchangeable, good news of Christ.
4. Forcing/bullying or coercing people: Evangelism is not by forcing or bullying people into accepting the gospel or by trying to coerce anyone into becoming a Christian. “Do you know that if you die today you will go to hell and burn forever?” It is not your role to convince people; that role belongs to the Holy Spirit. Although we need to be ready to give the reason for our faith, the Holy Spirit is the one who convinces, and He is very good at doing that! Our role is to present and proclaim Christ to the world, everything else is the work of the Holy Spirit.
5. Complication: A lot of people/ churches has done a lot of things manipulations in the name of evangelism making it look complicated “there somebody trying to kill you or blocking your future unless you do so and so you will not be saved from them” Evangelism is not complicated, it is simply to share with the world the life that you have found in Jesus.
The blind man, the demon-possessed man of Gadarene, and the Samaritan women carried out evangelism in the New Testament by sharing their experience with Jesus of the little the know about him. -
January 7, 2024 at 6:35 pm #24771
Yeodikitekon Igani
ParticipantEvangelism means gospel, which is good news from a loving God to a lost world. It is a concerted self-conscious effort to confront the unbeliever with the truth and claims of Christ, with a view to leading that unbeliever into repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
These statements establish 3 significant truths which are that,
1) The subject of true evangelism is Christ.
2) The object is the unbeliever.
3) The objective is to lead them into repentance and acceptance of the free gift of salvation.However, this great commission which Jesus gave the Church (Matt. 28: 18 -20) has been corrupted in several ways in recent times, and we can say so because, emphasis on the gospel message is often missing in some of these evangelism attempts. Sadly such attempts are designed to attract more members to the Churches that practice such.
Some of these activities include
1) Love Outreaches
The purpose of a love outreach is to create an avenue where the host extends support to any community of his/her choosing by presenting them with free gifts. As a tool for evangelism however, this can serve as an opportunity to spread the love of God and the good news of Christ.
Sadly, some Churches have corrupted the essence of such outreaches, and have been found to place greater emphasis on their kind gestures and the items being presented, as opposed to the gospel of Christ. They use social media as a platform to broadcast their good works to the general public, so as to attract the admiration of viewers and consequently more people to their meetings, with little or no care about their salvation or maturation.
2) Personal Evangelism
As the name suggests, this happens when a believer reaches out to an unbeliever to share the good news of Christ, one on one. As with every other form of true evangelism, the focus ought to be the good news of Christ and the free gift of salvation. However, we find that in recent times people are more concerned about spreading the gospel of their denomination, than the truth of God’s word. They use it as a tool to preach the superiority of their local assembly over others, with a view to convince their audience to join their church, and not necessarily the body of Christ.
3) Bus Evangelism.
This is a strategic provision made by Churches to ease the transportation needs of their members, converts and guests, attending their service meetings.
It is however very likely that these buses will not pick up the same set of people every single time. Thus, a Church that is Evangelism minded will use this as a means of preaching Christ to the passengers on board their buses, at every given opportunity.
Sadly, some Churches now consider this as a competition to pick up the most people when they gather at bus stations in places like campuses. Their focus is on the number of people they can convey to their meetings, and not necessarily the number of lives they can impact.
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