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Good one sister Sarah, thank God we are in school to learn and I am learning because knowledge is progressive. But I think I’m not okay with some point here in respect of the question in Hebrew 11:39.

Jesus is the plan of all God’s promises from the genesis of Adam’s sin that led to his separation with God. What a loving father that is so mindful of us and did everything He could for we to completely (in full measure) reconnect with him and to possess all he has made available for us from the creation of man in the beginning. The purpose for the creation of man by God was abated because of the sin Adam committed which made him lost his rights and privileges and separation from God his creator. As a result Adam and everyone that came under him automatically became slave to the devil which was against God’s plan for the creation of man. Our merciful Father God in his sovereignty and love for us manifest himself in many ways starting with the Old Testament Saints (the Prophets, Priests, Kings) to lead, guide and protect his people with lots of promises spoken all channeling for man’s redemption.
Hebrews 11 made mention of the great Fathers of Faith we called Heroes of faith who spoke and prophesy the plans/promises of God to his people. They believed God and walked with God and their faith, obedience and patience brought forth miracles that speak of God’s love, His power and mightiness. But verse 11:39 says, these great heroes did not receive the promise and you concurred proving your points that they did not received because they were not in covenant with God, not redeemed and not saved. I’m not convinced with your point and that was why I did a brief explanation about Adam in the paragraph.

A promise is a Vow, an assurance and God spoken word is the true word. The great heroes of faith as stated in Hebrews 11:39 did not receive the promise physically here on earth because they were not physically alive before the manifestation. But my point here is a promise spoken is a promise received spiritually and the physical manifestation is secondary. They believed the promises of God and received it spiritually as they prophesy with a spoken word but they did not live to see and receive it physically till their cessation here on earth and while they were waiting to receiver physically their faith did not weaver or doubt the integrity of God’s spoken word till their death. Faith goes beyond receiving physically. So is of my opinion that they received. Thank you.

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