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As Christians how we should give and follow the lead of our generous God by identifying giving as follows:
1. Prioritizing giving
2. Giving proportionately
3. Giving sacrificially
4. Giving cheerfully
PRIORITIZING GIVING: In Proverb. 3:9 explains that we are to give our first and our best. Hence, the first fruits are the best and most desirable part of a harvest. This is what God require from us, making a conscious decision to set aside our selfish desires and focus on the love and grace of Jesus Christ. God gave us Jesus Christ to save mankind from sin that was God’s best giving his only son his first and best. Giving should be a priority.

PROPORTIONAL GIVING means that your gift is in proportion to your income.
Proportionate giving is giving Paul taught in 2 Corinthians 8:3, where he commended the Macedonians for giving according to their ability. He had earlier encouraged the Corinthians to give as they had prospered, 1st Corinthians 16:2. God owns it all and He gave us a gift that cannot be matched with Jesus.

GIVING SACRIFICIALLY is unusual, excellent, outstanding, painful, and extraordinary giving that costs you much to attract God’s attention to your life. Sacrificial giving is a demand from a higher love to know your level of life, worship, commitment, and service for him. Gen. 22:28.
Here we say giving is not also going to feel very good, there is some pain associated with it when we give sacrificially. David said No He will not give to God what will not cost him anything. 2 Samuel 24:24.

GIVING CHEERFULLY: Here God finds pleasure in the crushing of his only son, Jesus, why did He do that? He did that because He looked into the lens of eternity and saw the outcome and that is how we ought to give, which is our guideline for giving as believers. Where should we give? Is it to our local church or giving to other ministries? The answer is to give to your local church first because that’s God’s plan for advancing his church, through your tithe which is the first giving and your offering of all your income and earnings.
Now if you are the one that gives 10% or more give cheerfully, and then if you are the one that has not given before start somewhere.

So let’s give for the sake of advancing God’s kingdom, our community and around the world.

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