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Soton Iselobhor

A true understanding of God’s love can profoundly impact a person’s life, offering a sense of purpose, security, and assurance. John 3:16 summarizes the intensity and purpose of God’s love without which, no one would be saved. Despite the varying expressions of God’s love as shown in the scriptures, there is still a tendency for people to lack true understanding of God’s love. I strongly believe that one main cause of this misunderstanding is that some people have not renewed their minds to accept what they cannot understand. They therefore equate God’s love with the love they express with friends.
Friendship love on the other hand is the love shared among friends. The Greek word “Phileo” is used to describe this kind of love in scripture.
Below are three key aspects of God’s love and how it differs from friendship love.
1. God’s love is unconditional.
God’s love is absolutely free. What this means is that there were no conditions God saw in us when he set his love upon us. God’s love is not based on our actions or worthiness. It is given freely and consistently, regardless of our failures or shortcomings.
Friendship love on the other hand is not free. As the name implies, it is love by friends for friends. It is not love between two parties in enmity. This presupposes that in friendship love, the parties must be doing something to qualify for that love. There must be an attraction or condition upon which that love is being expressed.
Romans 5:8 Tells us that God demonstrated His love in the sacrifice of Jesus while we were still sinners. Or worse still, while we were enemies of God.
Friendship love often depends on mutual interests and support. If one party fails to reciprocate, the relationship may suffer. In contrast, God’s love remains steadfast regardless of our actions.

2. God’s love is Sacrificial
God’s love is characterized by sacrifice. John 3:16 tells us that he sacrificed His only Son for the salvation of humanity, illustrating the depth of His commitment. The demonstration of God’s love came with a high price such that no man can ever express.
Friendship love might have some element of sacrifice in its expression, but none can compare to that of God’s love. No wonder John 13:15 declares boldly that no man has a greater love than that of Jesus, in that he laid his own life for us.
3. God’s love is eternal and infinite.
In Psalm 136, the psalmist invites us to give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. The Bible also tells us that God is love. 1 John 4:8. It is therefore logical to conclude that if God is eternal and is forever then His love is also eternal and infinite.
On the other hand, human friendships are limited by time and circumstances. They can change or fade. Human beings are subject to time and therefore love expressed by man ceases to exist once that man dies. God’s love, however, is eternal and unchanging.
Secondly, while friendship love can only be expressed on an intimate and personal level, God’s love is universal, encompassing all of humanity. It invites everyone into a relationship with Him, transcending personal connections.
In conclusion, understanding God’s love can reshape our identity, provide hope, and foster resilience. While friendship love is valuable and enriching, God’s love stands apart in its unconditional, sacrificial, transformative and eternal nature. This deeper understanding can lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

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