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Reply to Paul Praise

Thank God for hearing your prayers and for giving you another chance to be what you are today. Your experience has given me an insight. Although, yours was in the university, but my son is still in secondary school. He is 15 years old and in SS1 because we made him repeat JSS twice. Just this afternoon, I was discussing with my husband, that I regretted that action because it did not yield any positive result. His result has not improved, rather, he is feeling too old in his present class. You cannot catch him reading, instead of reading his books, he will be writing songs. He has been made the head of junior choir in our local church and that is all that interest him. We tried to encourage him to be serious with his academics and that he has all the time to be what God says he will be in the future. I know that the grace of God is sufficient for him indeed. We are all products of his grace. According to Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 5:10, KJV “But by the grace of God, I am what I am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain…”

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