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The convictive power of the Holy spirit plays a very important role in salvation. Even after the word is preached, confessions are made, the holy spirit aligns, admonishes, rebukes and convince us to renew our minds continually.There’s a level of purity and a level of holiness that goes far deeper in your heart than what anyone will ever see. That is what God’s wanting to get to on a regular basis, not just writing the law in a book or stone inscription but to reach way down deep into your heart to constantly refine it and purify it. That’s what keeps you real with Him.

But what I find the most amazing is that the Holy Spirit convicts everyone, even those who are not believers.
You might be a faith-skeptic or even completely disinterested in all things God; yet, the Holy Spirit has somehow led you

*Conviction is an Opportunity for Growth:
When the Holy Spirit convicts you of something wrong, it means God wants you to make it right. When we acknowledge our shortfalls before God.
Many interesting turn of events happened around the time Jesus was arrested and crucified. Let’s consider the cases of these two disciples – Peter and Judas. Both erred around the time of Jesus’ arrest. Judas betrayed Jesus, Peter denied Jesus three times. Both Peter and Judas were convicted (compare Luke 22:60-62 and Matthew 27:3-5). However, Peter embraced his conviction, got restored, and later became the pillar in the early church. Judas did not embrace his conviction and went on to commit suicide. It is clear who each of these disciples listened to.

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