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Soton Iselobhor

Your referring to the fact that God’s desire is fellowship with man has really caught my attention and caused further meditation. The beautiful thing about the truth of God’s dynamism which makes Him relatable to His children at whatever level they may be at, should provoke a deep sense of gratitude in us.
Our God is King over everything, just, holy and righteous. All-knowing and all-powerful and ever present. This God has chosen to be a friend to us all who receive His dear Son as Lord and saviour.

He becomes anything He needs to be at any given time. Serving milk to some and meat to others. Speaking directly to some and having vessels reach some others who haven’t exercised themselves in hearing him directly. Having discipline as one of His love languages.
What a wise and perfect God He is, making all things beautiful in his time. Ecclesiastics 3:11
It is comforting to know that in the midst of the ever-changing world we live in, and in spite of our frailty and susceptibility to change, our God does not change in His perfection, His promises to us and His ultimate purpose for our lives. Isaiah 40:8.
It is even more comforting to know that if and when we His children change, whether for better or worse, He is his infinite wisdom, changes his dealings with us, tweaks the plots here and there with the sole purpose of rerouting us to His ultimate purpose.
Even when we cannot seem to comprehend or appreciate God’s dealings with us, our confidence must be in the fact that the goal post has not moved, and God is ALWAYS GOOD. Psalm 145:9

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