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It has been thoroughly established in the course of this lecture that God is immutable. This means that God cannot change, neither for the better nor for the worse because He is perfect and self-existent. It simply is impossible for our heavenly Father to experience change. He is always the same.
However, it also must be said, that the immutability of God concerns His character, purpose, and promise but His dealings with men or action per time with men may change. This change in His dealings or actions per time with men actually seeks to protect the immutability of His character, purposes and promises and does not contradict it. It also seeks to give mankind the opportunity to experience God as He truly is despite their own mutability. In other words, God adapts to mankind in His dealings with them in order to be unchanging and to give them the chance to experience His unchanging character, purpose and promises. Hallelujah!!! Isn’t our God just wonderful?
An examples of this glorious truth.
One of the most common or popular example of this is found in Genesis 6. Due to man’s state of wickedness, evil and sinfulness, we are told that God “repented” that He made man. This repentance led the event of the flood of Noah’s day.
We know from Scriptures, that God’s purpose for man before time began was for man to be christlike. (Romans 8:28-30, Ephesians 1:3-4, etc.). However, from God’s perspective, the state of man had become too far removed from God’s purpose for man. Therefore, in order for God’s purpose to be preserved and fulfilled, it was necessary for the change of mind and consequent flood of Noah. There are different events or outcomes that may have occurred without the flood, but God, in His wisdom, chose the flood as the best means to preserve and ultimately achieve His purpose for mankind.
Noah found grace in God’s sight. He believed God and therefore received the opportunity from God to be saved by God from the flood alongside anybody else who believed. Hence, God was able to preserve His purpose and gave mankind the chance to experience it.
It is important to mention here, that God’s action of judgement (2 Peter 2:4-6) in this event does not contradict His nature because His judgement is always just and righteous. We may not see or understand it but so nonetheless. His conversation with Abraham in Genesis 18 is a clear proof of this. Abraham, at the end of the day, soon came to know what God already knew about the people of that city, that there was none righteous save Abraham, therefore his destruction of the city was just.
It is also important to note that while this action of God was judgement, it was underpinned by His immutable love for mankind and His purpose (salvation for mankind).
Oh the incredible wisdom of our heavenly Father!!!

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