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Conviction of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.

Conviction refers to the state of being convinced and confident that something is true; it means a strong persuasion or belief. Conviction stands opposed to doubt and skepticism. (BIBLE.ORG)

Conviction also means to persuade to a belief, consent, or course of action. According to this definition is only the Holy Spirit that can convince or persuade one to a true belief system in Christ Jesus. Man’s conviction will be effortless couple with many struggles without achieving a lasting result.
According to Acts of the Apostles Chapter Two, Peter preached with Boldness after the Holy Spirit had come upon him and about 3,000 people were added to the Church.

“So let everyone in Israel know for certain that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, to be both Lord and Messiah!” Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.” Then Peter continued preaching for a long time, strongly urging all his listeners, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!” Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.
Acts of the Apostles 2:36‭-‬41 NLT.
“the Holy Spirit does the conviction as the people believed what Peter was saying”.

Three things to Prove;
1. It proves that God is a Spirit dwelling in Human body. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit enable individual to have access to GOD, communicate with God one on one without passing through anyone and have God’s abilities to perform Miracles as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:11, 1Corinthians 3:16, 2Corinthians 6:16, Ezekiel 36;27, John 4:24, John 14:26

2. The Holy Spirit gets the unbeliever saved by receiving Jesus Christ as her savior and Lord. He Convict the world of sin. John 16:8

3. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to understand the scriptures (to discern between Right and Wrong Doctrine), reveals to the believer what to do and enabled the believer to operate effectively in its office/place of assignment here on earth. 2 Timothy 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21.

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