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REPLY to Owhondah Ugochi Benedicta
I believe some churches, doctrines and religion has caused a lot of harm to spreading the gospel. On some cases, they most time trying to get more members to their churches. They replace church evangelism and doctrines of their churches to minister to unbeliever imposing these doctrines and believe to sinners.
These have many effects: many times the person been preached to will goes on the defense barely listening to the gospel. In most cases evangelism now becomes a session of agreement and defense of church doctrine and beliefs. because of constant bullying and coercion, the unbeliever will accept Christ not because he understands the gospels, but to avoid the consequences of their sin or to avoid the constant coercion.
I believe that changes can be made when we go back and rediscover that the purpose or true evangelism is a message for sinners to return back to God and keep religion out from the gospel and be like Paul (1 Corinth 9:19-23), who became all things to all men that the gospel might be preached, and like Jesus, who was compassionate and associated with both Jews and Gentles and people who the society reject and they (the churches)looked out for ways to minister Christ to everyone

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